Assist Maplist
From AAO25, the home of 25Assist for America's Army
This page refers to all the maps that are currently in 25Assist (version 8.18).
There is a total of 72 maps currently in the game. That includes 33 original AA2.5 maps, 23 costum made mAAp maps, 8 maps converted from AA2.8.5 and 8 maps converted from AA3.
Here is the full list of the file names of each map: Map Names
There is an additional 14 training maps.
- 1 Training Maps (offline)
- 2 Infantry Training
- 3 172nd Sep. Infantry BDE
- 4 10th Mountain Division
- 5 82nd Airborne
- 6 Ranger School
- 7 75th Ranger Regiment
- 8 Special Forces
- 9 SF Exclusive
- 10 [mAAp] Aim Maps
- 11 [mAAp] CQB Maps
- 12 [mAAp] Outdoor Maps
- 13 [mAAp] Renovated Maps
- 14 [mAAp] SF Maps
- 15 [mAAp] City Maps
- 16 [285] Maps
- 17 [AA3] Maps
Training Maps (offline)
- Basic training
- Basic Rifle Marksmanship
- Obstacle Course
- US Weapons
- Mout (Shoot House)
- Airborne School
- 250' Jump Tower
- Live Jump
- Medic Training
- Airway Management
- Control Bleeding
- Treat Schock
- Field Training
- Sniper Training
- M-24
- M-82
- Special Forces Training
- SF E and E