Map Names

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Used when you want to use the file name to start a specific map:

Map Name File Name Category Number of slots
[AA3] Airfield AA3_AirField AA3 34
[AA3] Alley AA3_Alley AA3 34
[AA3] Bridge AA3_Bridge AA3 34
[AA3] Impact AA3_Impact AA3 34
[AA3] Pipeline AA3_Pipeline AA3 34
[AA3] Ranch AA3_Ranch AA3 26
[AA3] Shantytown AA3_Shantytown AA3 34
[AA3] Stronghold AA3_Stronghold AA3 34
Border Border 172nd Sep. Infantry BDE 32
Bridge Crossing Bridge 172nd Sep. Infantry BDE 26
Bridge SE Bridge_SE 172nd Sep. Infantry BDE 26
Dusk Dusk 75th Ranger Regiment 26
FLS Assault FLS 82nd Airborne 20 (14 Assault + 6 Defence)
Headquarters Raid HQ_Raid 10th Mountain Division 18
Insurgent Camp Insurgent_Camp 10th Mountain Division 32
JRTC Farm Raid JRTC_Farm 82nd Airborne 26
Mountain Ambush Mountain_Ambush Ranger School 26
Mountain Pass Mountain_Pass 172nd Sep. Infantry BDE 26
Mountain Pass SE Mountain_Pass_SE 172nd Sep. Infantry BDE 26
MOUT McKenna MOUT_McKenna Infantry Training 24
[mAAp] Aztec MP_Aztec [mAAp] CQB 32
[mAAp] Berg MP_Berg [mAAp] Outdoor 32
[mAAp] Breakout MP_Breakout [mAAp] CQB 32
[mAAp] Bridge Construction MP_Bridge_Construction [mAAp] Renovated 26
[mAAp] Bunker Crisis MP_Bunker_Crisis [mAAp] Outdoor 26
[mAAp] City Block MP_City_Block [mAAp] City 34
[mAAp] Forest MP_Forest [mAAp] Outdoor 26
[mAAp] Glass Kill House MP_Glass_Kill_House [mAAp] Aim 26
[mAAp] Ice MP_Ice [mAAp] Outdoor 32
[mAAp] Monkey Island MP_Monkey_Island [mAAp] Outdoor 26
[mAAp] PBall MP_PBall [mAAp] Aim 20
[mAAp] Petrol MP_Petrol [mAAp] City 34
[mAAp] Pipeline MP_Pipeline [mAAp] Renovated 34
[mAAp] Pool Day MP_Pool_Day [mAAp] CBQ 10
[mAAp] Rooftop MP_Rooftop [mAAp] CBQ 24
[mAAp] Residence MP_Residence [mAAp] CBQ 26
[mAAp] SF Contingency MP_SF_Contingency [mAAp] SF 32
[mAAp] SF Office Assault MP_SF_Office_Assault [mAAp] SF 32
[mAAp] Shipment MP_Shipment [mAAp] CBQ 32
[mAAp] Square MP_Square [mAAp] City 32
Steamroller MP_Steamroller [285] 26
[mAAp] Teh Yeti's Lair MP_TehYetisLair [mAAp] Aim 20
[mAAp] Urban Assault SE MP_Urban_Assault_SE [mAAp] Renovated 26
[mAAp] UT04 MP_UT04 [mAAp] Aim 14
Pipeline Pipeline 172nd Sep. Infantry BDE 34
Pipeline SF Pipeline_SF SF Exclusive 26
Radio Tower Radio_Tower 75th Ranger Regiment 26
River Basin River_Basin 10th Mountain Division 26
SF Arctic SFarctic Special Forces 26
SF Blizzard SFblizzard SF Exclusive 26
SF Courtyard SFCourtyard Special Forces 26
SF CSAR SFcsar Special Forces 26
SF Dockside SFDockside SF Exclusive 34
SF Extraction SFextraction Special Forces 26
SF Hospital SFhospital Special Forces 32
SF Oasis SFoasis Special Forces 26
SF PCR SFPCR Special Forces 26
SF Recon SFrecon Special Forces 26
SF Sandstorm SFsandstorm Special Forces 24
SF Taiga SFtaiga Special Forces 26
SF Village SFvillage Special Forces 26
SF Water Treatment SFWaterTreatment SF Exclusive 26
Swamp Raid Swamp_Raid Ranger School 18
Collapsed Tunnel Tunnel 10th Mountain Division 16
Urban Assault Urban_Assault 172nd Sep. Infantry BDE 26
Weapons Cache Weapons_Cache 75th Ranger Regiment 26
Weapons Cache SE Weapons_Cache_SE 75th Ranger Regiment 26
Woodland Outpost Woodland_Outpost 75th Ranger Regiment 26
Canyon MP_Canyon [285] 26
District MP_District [285] 32
ESL Dusk MP_ESLDusk [285] 26
Interdiction MP_Interdiction [285] 26
SMU GH RiverVillage MP_RiverVillage [285] 26
Rummage MP_Rummage [285] 26
SMU GH SFFloodgate MP_SF_Floodgate [285] 32
SMU GH SFOldTown MP_SF_OldTown [285] 26
SMU GH SFRefinery MP_SF_Refinery [285] 26