From AAO25, the home of 25Assist for America's Army
This page is about the map District imported from AA2.8.5.
- Situation
Intelligence reports that a terrorist cell is moving against targets in a friendly city, in an effort to retrieve sensitive information on the local infrastructure and enable a larger offensive.
- Mission
Squad must secure Objectives ALPHA and BRAVO to protect allied assets and prevent enemy from gathering intelligence.
- General instructions
- Enemy Forces: Terrorist squads armed with small arms and hand-held munitions.
- Friendly Forces: One squad from the [squad name, company, etc.].
- Terrain: Downtown urban office and residential streets. Terrain includes two one-lane roads bisecting a main two-lane road, likely filled with parked or derelict civilian vehicles, and alleyways behind and around buildings. The local structures are comprised of various 1 – 4 story apartments, small businesses, and office buildings.
- ROE: Rules of Engagement published 12MAY05 are in effect. Use necessary force against positively identified enemy combatants only. Minimize damage to local infrastructure. Be advised civilian non-combatants may be present in contested area.
- Situation
Intelligence reports that a terrorist cell is moving against targets in a friendly city, in an effort to retrieve sensitive information on the local infrastructure and enable a larger offensive.
- Mission
Squad must secure Objectives ALPHA and BRAVO to protect allied assets and prevent enemy from gathering intelligence.
- General instructions
- Enemy forces: Terrorist squads armed with small arms and hand-held munitions.
- Friendly Forces: One squad from the [squad name, company, etc.].
- Terrain: Downtown urban office and residential streets. Terrain includes two one-lane roads bisecting a main two-lane road, likely filled with parked or derelict civilian vehicles, and alleyways behind and around buildings. The local structures are comprised of various 1 – 4 story apartments, small businesses, and office buildings.
- ROE: Rules of Engagement published 12MAY05 are in effect. Use necessary force against positively identified enemy combatants only. Minimize damage to local infrastructure. Be advised civilian non-combatants may be present in contested area.