we are going closer to solve this problem i guess.
it is not a problem from evenbalance nor from 25assist. it seems to me like the starting sequence of windows and punkbuster A and B process are the cause of the kick (for sure you must have the correct 2 programs like they are listed in the link above for download).
before you start 25assist, look at your taskmanager. you will find the process PnkBstrA.exe, but no PnkBstrB.exe yet. then you start 25assist and, only when selected a server to join, the process PnkBstrB.exe will start and you will see it also as a process next to PnkBstrA.exe.
i did start today assist, joined a server and - get kicked. then i rebooted the computer and - strange, but this will be the reason tha it works after reboot - you will find PnkBstrB.exe as a running process, but no PnkBstrA.exe like it should be. so if you start 25assist again, the PnkBstrA.exe will also starting up and PnkBstrB.exe is already running (because windows 10 is restarting processes automaticaly after a crash and a reboot).
the conclution for me is that those 2 processes do not start correctly on our computer, why i do not know yet. it could be of using a high end computer which is maybe to fast for our old lady aao, or the process PnkBbstrB.exe should startup in windows7 mode (compatibility mode). this i don't know yet but i will find it, almost promised
there are many options to the solution - starting options of processes and services.
until then, after a kick, restart computer and you should be fine to play without a kick againi am using an 8 core intel processor and 32 GB RAM, Nvidia GForce 1070Ti graphic card and SSD disc:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz 3.60 GHz