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Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #15 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 01:01:21 AM »
Who's to say that drugs are bad? Isn't too much of any one thing bad? It's not that I don't like myself when I'm not high, either - I can't really explain it to someone who hasn't really tried any drugs. I think it's more along the lines of what you were saying; "my views on life have changed but not because of the drugs." I disagree with the last part - the change may have been caused indirectly by the drugs, but you can ultimately trace it back to drug use.

Offline Alex

Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #16 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 01:35:05 AM »
You don't know how to explain it because it really isn't explainable, which leads me to believe your new view on life is not the result of drug use in any way. If I wanted to, I could trace a lot of personality changes back to useless things. I started listening to rock and metal in the 9 grade, so therefore my high school is what changed my perspective on music. Of course that's not true, I just happened to be there when my perspective changed. It sounds like you're trying to defend a bad habit by combining it with a good situation.

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Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #17 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 01:45:36 AM »
Maturity has a lot to do with it as well. I think I'm a pinch older than all of you and I've seen crazy amounts of change in myself in the last 4-5 years. I'm a lot more comfortable with myself and who I am now that I've refined and finalized my views on things and figured out what I enjoy doing. That's all part of being happier and more positive about yourself.
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Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #18 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 09:21:23 AM »
You don't know how to explain it because it really isn't explainable, which leads me to believe your new view on life is not the result of drug use in any way. If I wanted to, I could trace a lot of personality changes back to useless things. I started listening to rock and metal in the 9 grade, so therefore my high school is what changed my perspective on music. Of course that's not true, I just happened to be there when my perspective changed. It sounds like you're trying to defend a bad habit by combining it with a good situation.
Then I guess there's no convincing either of us.

Offline Dialects

Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #19 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 09:53:04 AM »
I agree with Skrewy on a few aspects, although I'd just like to add something to the conversation.

Drugs can indeed be life-changing. Essentially, drugs make you reach different parts of your brain you wouldn't normally reach. These parts aren't accessed on a routine which in other words means they've not yet been established directional links to the conscious part of our brain --by not doing so, they open a new precedent. Suddenly, the value and importance you give to conscious facts you become aware of in life is rendered non-effecting to this newly accessed parts of your brain. This explains why sometimes a single trip can completely change the way you perceive A or B or even the way you think of yourself. It is because you have no way to measure value and affluence of said access established within your brain that you can judge.

Metaphorically, it'd be like dropping a cow from midair into a field with around 900+ and no one --not even the dogs-- would realize that's a cow and not a dog. They may know it's not a dog but they do not know that it isn't a dog either...thus, they're left with simply accepting it.

On the account of drugs, I'm on a hiatus. I'm 23 and have had huge fun with them. Mushrooms, Acids, Coke, Bloom and variables, Weed, MDs, you name it. It's been a good roll and it has indeed helped me reach a few perspectives I'd of not reached (at that given time and under those given circumstances of my life) otherwise.

P.S:. Yes, you can experience the "kick" drugs give you through meditation alone. In order to do that, you need to start training your brain on the unconscious level, though. A good way to start is giving 10min of your waking-up time out. In those 10min, force yourself to remember what is it that you dreamt and write it down or record it somewhere. Start decoding the native language of your dreams, of your creative creations. Once you've grasped how your brains projects, take a few steps back and relate to that language whilst meditating. After that, patience my dearest, patience you must have and patiently you shall remain.
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George S. Patton

Offline [Nifty]-mister

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Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #20 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 10:04:17 AM »
It is not convincing either person...

 drugs are just bad...

  I have a very old friend of mine that was a bad father, scammer, hit his wife and kids, and never worried about their lives only himself, till he quitted doing drugs, hes been clean for about 12-13 years now. and he is a complete different person. now don't come here and try to convince me drugs are good or they altered your percepcion of things cos drugs just screw things up in your head.

  the first way of fixing any problems with yourself and others is juts accepting you got one.!
BlueBlaster: Dann called him a vertically-​challenged nigger.

Offline (sic)

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Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #21 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 10:26:23 AM »
I agree with Skrewy on a few aspects, although I'd just like to add something to the conversation.

Drugs can indeed be life-changing. Essentially, drugs make you reach different parts of your brain you wouldn't normally reach. These parts aren't accessed on a routine which in other words means they've not yet been established directional links to the conscious part of our brain --by not doing so, they open a new precedent. Suddenly, the value and importance you give to conscious facts you become aware of in life is rendered non-effecting to this newly accessed parts of your brain. This explains why sometimes a single trip can completely change the way you perceive A or B or even the way you think of yourself. It is because you have no way to measure value and affluence of said access established within your brain that you can judge.

Metaphorically, it'd be like dropping a cow from midair into a field with around 900+ and no one --not even the dogs-- would realize that's a cow and not a dog. They may know it's not a dog but they do not know that it isn't a dog either...thus, they're left with simply accepting it.

On the account of drugs, I'm on a hiatus. I'm 23 and have had huge fun with them. Mushrooms, Acids, Coke, Bloom and variables, Weed, MDs, you name it. It's been a good roll and it has indeed helped me reach a few perspectives I'd of not reached (at that given time and under those given circumstances of my life) otherwise.

P.S:. Yes, you can experience the "kick" drugs give you through meditation alone. In order to do that, you need to start training your brain on the unconscious level, though. A good way to start is giving 10min of your waking-up time out. In those 10min, force yourself to remember what is it that you dreamt and write it down or record it somewhere. Start decoding the native language of your dreams, of your creative creations. Once you've grasped how your brains projects, take a few steps back and relate to that language whilst meditating. After that, patience my dearest, patience you must have and patiently you shall remain.

Yeah I have to say that LSD was the most life changing event of my life thus far. It just makes you look at the human life and cycle from a third person view. To me, human life just seemed so shallow and pedantic. I took a shower and I thought about my whole life and all of my relationships. I came to conclusions I never would have when I was sober. I am a very lazy and laid back person when I'm sober, so I can be pretty irresponsible. When I was in that shower, though, I swear, it was the most powerful moment. I was almost brought to tears because I kept looking at my life and asking myself "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!" I almost quit smoking weed forever because of that. I didn't stop smoking, but I'm much better off after that trip.

After watching a movie called Waking Life (which is amazing... I recommend this to everyone), I've been trying to remember and record my dreams in the morning but sometimes I just can't do it - I've been having trouble waking up lately. Anyways, I've really been hoping to lucid dream sometime. I've heard you can unlock timeless secrets in your head. I like to meditate now, but usually that just consists of 10 minutes of just clearing my head of anything and everything.

Mister, it's hard to hear that about your friend. However, realize that drugs affect everyone differently - everyone's body works differently so the way drugs work in your system is different. This means that people who may be naturally predisposed to anger (even if they're perfectly normal when they're sober) tend to be more angry and aggressive on a drug where they can't control their limbs (loss of motor skill) or are confused and they don't like it. I've known some people who've smoked weed once, and hated it. I'm not trying to push it on everyone. I'm just saying that it's been a positive experience in my life.

Offline Dialects

Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #22 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 12:23:00 PM »
It is not convincing either person...

 drugs are just bad...

  I have a very old friend of mine that was a bad father, scammer, hit his wife and kids, and never worried about their lives only himself, till he quitted doing drugs, hes been clean for about 12-13 years now. and he is a complete different person. now don't come here and try to convince me drugs are good or they altered your percepcion of things cos drugs just screw things up in your head.

  the first way of fixing any problems with yourself and others is juts accepting you got one.!

Post-Modern Consumerism is just bad. Alcohol is just bad. Diplomacy based on a highest end of a structured hierarchy is bad. Pretty soon, you will find out most of what our world is today is composed of 'bad' things, badly executed and badly controlled with a tremendous leap of information. The point being?

The point is that drugs, just like any other thing in our world, will always resume unhealthy is no information, control and right execution are had. I speak of experience --nearly 60% of my family has been addicted to alcohol, 80% have been addicted to some kind of drug and presently 50% still are. I've seen them at their worst just as I have at their best --with or without the effect of drugs. Some people change for better. Others for worse. For as much as our human consensus would love to pick on these specific cases and ground a general pattern to them, it just isn't doable.

I've drugged myself. I have posted as much in this community whilst in the effect of drugs as I have without. Coherence has never been issue, most certainly. My ideals have remained developing and healthy --That is because I very much like to control my liking to drugs, because I have read about each and every drug I've taken...because I'm aware and have myself that way. Most importantly, because I don't drug so I can escape into a fantasied world of my own --I'm not running away from anything, just having fun and enjoying the treats drugs may bring forth.

Your friend may have been unluck. Or your friend may have not been as responsible as I am. Don't take offense to any of what I am saying. Just be clear that drugs aren't the issue; the issue is how we, humans, behave with them and why we take them for. Just like any other thing in life. It all depends on how we deal with them.
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George S. Patton

Offline [Nifty]-mister

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Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #23 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 12:49:17 PM »
First thing that comes to my mind in regards to your post Danny boy is the words "control" over "Drugs".

   As someone to is married to a drug therapist, let me tell you sometyhing that i have learnt over listeing to her talk and talk about drugs.

   There is no such things as control over drugs. it is an adiction...  there are people that are adicted to it, there are people with lesser levels of adictions than others, and i am not talking about  illegal subtances alone, (alcohol, tabaco, Video games, you name it), there is also not responsable use of drugs man...

   I myself am adicted to tabaco, i do smoke and i know cigarrets are bad for my health and the health of others around me, but there are things like self aware wich i do agree with you Danny, becoming self aweare of these things give you a centain feel of self control while the real feel is that drugs controll you either that you have less level of adiction than other. I can catalogate myself as an adict but the real strugle is when you realize what you are doing and beging a journey to change.

  Hope you can understand me i feel like i am losing the hability to write in english.
BlueBlaster: Dann called him a vertically-​challenged nigger.

Offline Alex

Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #24 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 13:00:15 PM »
I think people over analyse drugs, I smoke therefore I philosophize. the debate of 'drugs are bad' isnt a debate. Medically they are bad, sure there are things worse then weed, but it is bad.
The one cigarette smoker who lives to 80 smoking daily will tell u smoking isnt an issue, the other 200 dead will say, nothing cos they are dead.
if you want to explain the effects it has on the mental state as being 'good or bad' is just as silly, as its relative, some people dont feel like altering there mental state, some do...

if I dont like a type of art, debating wont help... I just dont like it. be a good stoner and dont try to debate how good weed is to people, they have to find out for themselves if they are fans or not.
thats my opinion, arguing wether weed is good and bad is boring and endless, our time is best spent abusing no swearing server rules and photoshop nate into sexually awkward images.

I was at the hospital with mummy about 2 years ago doing tests on my lungs, when they found out I was working at just under half of what I should be ontop of my risk of asthma attacks the doctor told me that I shouldnt smoke weed but eat it.... she could prob have worded it better but I have doctors opinion that I should eat weed, if only I could have gotten a prescription. just a funny event, mum found it funny, having a doctor say its ok to eat weed as long as I dont smoke it...
Holy shit. Did skrewy just make a well thought out post? :O

Offline Dialects

Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #25 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 13:21:48 PM »
Indeed Mister, an addiction is an addiction.

Being aware, however, plays a significant role in keeping this addiction at bay.

For instance, with coke:
- Never go a night without doing all the drug you bought. Why? Because by sleeping, waking up and sniffing another line, you'll be giving your body a cycle, one which you do not want to follow up.
- Have an interval of at least 15min between each line you sniff. That'll give your body's bloodstream time to complete a cycle. Preferreably, you should give about 30-45min before you do a second line.
- Make sure you've eaten before you take on the drugs. Also make sure you keep yourself hydrated. It's easy to forget how faster everything is going on on your body once you've taken these drugs. Again, awareness.

This is how you control yourself. Be being aware and responsible. That's all control is: A sum of awareness and resonsability.
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George S. Patton

Offline Spanky

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Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #26 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 14:46:26 PM »
I'm out.
It's like shaving your pubes to make your junk look bigger.
Might look bigger, but it aint.....

Offline Alex

Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #27 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 14:48:58 PM »
This is how you control yourself. Be being aware and responsible. That's all control is: A sum of awareness and resonsability.

I could argue that doing drugs, especially dangerous ones like coke, is irresponsible to begin with. Sure you can control how much you do or how you do it, but ultimately you cannot control what happens while you're on the drugs nor does anything productive come out of doing a drug like coke. I understand you can control the negative effects of drugs, but you cannot get rid of them.

Offline Dialects

Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #28 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 15:08:52 PM »
I understand you can control the negative effects of drugs, but you cannot get rid of them.

This is your only correct statement. The rest, well...this is a masses type of thing. I'm not arguing that drugs should be legal, nor that they are cool --neither the opposite. I'm simply opening information that is pretty much kept private for those who do take drugs. Most of the times, they simply have no clue what they are dealing with and act irresponsibly all together. No figures they end up in hospitals.

I may be a wee too liberal for most of people's taste here. I am completely responsible, though. I do not depend on drugs. I do not smoke weed (I seem not to like anymore!) and I am nothing near an alcoholic. I do smoke a medium of 5 cigarrettes a day, though.

I solely wish this conversation had been kept on even grounds; without this abruptly patronizing way of talking you (people that have not taken drugs) all seem to taken a liking to. It is as if you were implying direct superiority over those that do take drugs. There's simply no ground-fundaments to prove against or otherwise. We're all pathetic human beings anyhow.
« Last Edit: Friday, February 17, 2012, 15:12:06 PM by MIKAWE »
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George S. Patton

Offline Archeh

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Re: What are you interested in?
« Reply #29 on: Friday, February 17, 2012, 15:15:59 PM »
Responsible drug use exists, Killa. I can't prove it to you, but I'm sure you could show me plenty of examples that show otherwise. MDMA helped one of my best friends come out of the closet to me and the third guy in our group of BFFs and I am so happy for him to have finally had the comfort in his own body and mind to tell us he was gay. And on his uttering of those two little words I had the most euphoric rush I've ever felt, knowing that he trusts me enough as a friend to tell me the one thing he's held to himself all his life. We had a long conversation about sexuality and interests and while I would normally feel uncomfortable, that is not possible while rolling with friends.

On mushrooms I saw that I am not a shitty person, I'm actually a really fucking great person. I LOVE myself. I used to cut myself, I used to starve myself, I purposely failed Spanish last year for pity and attention. No more, I'm gonna be fucking great. I'm gonna be happy. And I am :)

On acid I realized that I respect my father. He's been through a lot, his life isn't all that great or exciting, but he deserves my respect.

Basically drugs have helped me to grow up and mature really quickly. I'm not an whining bitch anymore :)

Oh and tobacco's a hell of a buzz for me still cuz I use it so rarely. I've only been drunk three times in my life and try to avoid alcohol more so than the less dangerous drugs like acid or mushrooms.

Weed is a fun time in the right situation, but I've only smoked once since Super Bowl Sunday after it being a daily habit for over a year. My marijuana dependence (NOT addiction) has faded and I'm very happy about that.
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