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Offline DeaD_EyE

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Symlinks, not write permissions..
« on: Friday, June 07, 2013, 14:16:25 PM »
Hi, I'm an newbie in serveradministration for aa25.

Some of our customers want to host a aa2.5 server. A big problem for me :-(

My Question:

- is there a posibillity to check the version number of the installed server (e.g. network protocol)?
- is there an api to get the current version?
- is there a standalone updater for serverfiles?

The storry behind it:

My problem is, that I've written an updatescript for all of our servers. The scrtipt is searching for games which are distributed from valve over the steam-api for changed version numbers. If a masterserver is outdated, the update is queued. In the next part my script will update our servers. After this the script deploy changed files via rsync over more than 30 hosts.

So, this is the valve world....

We have some other games which need manual updates, Copy files on the imageserver and nothing more. The script runs every 10 minutes, so the manually changed files are deployed also after max 10 minutes.

After I've installed a aa25 server, I've seen that the server itself downloads many things. Good for you, bad for us.

The feature with slave-master server installation is first security and second to save trarffic. It's difference when every customer loads with his single installation for itself updates or if the imageserver deploys the updates in our datacenter to every host. Customer servers can not change thier own files, because they are using the symlinked files from another user.

I've two solutions for this, if there is not another way.

1. Copy all files local from the master to the customer as a single installation (customer useraccount has write permissions to his server)
2. Symlink all files and give the server not write permissions. So I've to start the server manually on the imagesever, which deploys the files, after a mandatory update. I HATE IT DO DO THIS

So, maybe you have an advice for me, how I can manage this.

Offline OICURMT2!

Re: Symlinks, not write permissions..
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, June 08, 2013, 02:07:36 AM »

Your script should still work.  25Assist does not update files until they need to be updated.

Modify you script to check for updated file under the armyops installation directory and then issue the rsync when something is updated.

Alternatively, you could troll through the log file for the update.  Message format follows:

Code: [Select]
LATEST v7.22
I AM v7.22
CHECKING AA Server Installation
Valid AA 2.5 Server Found
Checking AA2.5Assist Server Files
AA25 Files OK OK
PB Client VERIFIED c2243 a1371
PunkBuster Server OK
Checking BD map pack
BD map pack OK
Checking mAAp map pack
mAAp map pack OK
Checking for updated Antipoke.u
New version of Antipoke found
====== ASSIST SERVER MANAGER - Shutdown Complete ======
Downloading Antipoke Update...
Installing, Please Wait...
====== ASSIST SERVER MANAGER - Starting Server ======
Checking for updated aa-pbsv.cfg
New version of aa-pbsv.cfg found
====== ASSIST SERVER MANAGER - Shutdown Complete ======
Downloading aa-pbsv.cfg Update...
Installing, Please Wait...
====== ASSIST SERVER MANAGER - Starting Server ======
Game Port OK
Query Port OK
====== ASSIST SERVER MANAGER - Port Test Successful ======
====== ASSIST SERVER MANAGER - Starting Server ======
====== ASSIST SERVER MANAGER - Loading AA Server ======
Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Encryption key located and validated.

Oh, I See You Are Empty Too !

Offline ELiZ

Re: Symlinks, not write permissions..
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, June 08, 2013, 07:08:48 AM »
Any 25Assist update can trigger the replacement of ANY file within the Game Directory.


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