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Messages - LEEFFM

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Feedback & Suggestions / Re: RPG is not fun in Hospital take it out Wake up Assist
« on: Friday, December 30, 2016, 14:39:22 PM »
lol my work here is done  :style: XD

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: RPG is not fun in Hospital take it out Wake up Assist
« on: Friday, December 30, 2016, 14:20:28 PM »
They aren't define as "config", I removed this, thats why adding the vars to the .ini don't work. :)

haha ok, so simply put if server admins want to beable to change bantime in the ini the variables have to be made configurable.

So anyone who want to beable to do this has to ask Possessed to make the variables configurable again :P

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: RPG is not fun in Hospital take it out Wake up Assist
« on: Friday, December 30, 2016, 13:54:21 PM »
They were configurable values, I turned them into fixed values(by DefaultProp.) and left only the Ping feature configurable. So you cannot change these values by adding lines to the .ini, "only" recompiling the whole mod.

Actually ini should beable to override variables in the Default Properties as long as they are defined as "var config" i have done it with my version of the UltimateMod!/

i havent used my ultimatemod in awhile but i thought i tested that before and it worked but i could be mistaken.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: RPG is not fun in Hospital take it out Wake up Assist
« on: Friday, December 30, 2016, 13:40:35 PM »
I left only the Ping feature configurable, with the DropShot/Anti-Spam additions these might be the only ones working: Unless ELiZ changed all them back.

So what your saying is to beable to edit the Variables for changing the ban time in the ini file you would just have to add "config" after variable?

In that case if you would make those variables configurable again it should be as easy as editing them in the ini file as i posted above.

I assume since you made it so they were not configurable that you added the value for those variables in the default properties? if so i would recommend leaving the variables in the default properties and making the variables configurable, the ini file should override the default properties. So you could leave the variable out of the ini and the variable values would default to what you have in the default properties and if server admin wanted to change it they would just have to add the variables to the ini.

Server Support / Re: Need Help using Assist Server
« on: Friday, December 30, 2016, 13:03:09 PM »
Did you use the Assist Server Manager to setup your server?

Login to your router and Forward Ports 1716-1718.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: RPG is not fun in Hospital take it out Wake up Assist
« on: Friday, December 30, 2016, 12:53:27 PM »
It seems to be working very well and the amount of warnings cant definitely be reduced, five is just perfect - like in any other violation warning. How about the punkbuster ban time, is there any way to change it from one hour to 5 or 15 minutes for example, or is it another hard coded value?

i have found some variable's in HackHunter v3.5 im not sure if assist removed these variables or not in the version they are using but in this version these variable are set to be used through an ini file.

Code Snippet From U.uc in HackHunter.u:
Code: [Select]
var config int spawnprotectiontime;
var config int banminute;
var config int banhour;
var config int banday;
var config int banweek;

var config int maxwarnings;

function KickBan(string reason, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI)
local string BanStringname;
local string BanStringip;
local PlayerController PC;

Log("Banned Name="$ PRI.PlayerName $" Reason="$ reason,'Hack Hunter');
hackhunterlog("Banned Name="$PRI.PlayerName$" Reason="$reason);

BanStringname = PRI.PlayerName;
    BanStringip = PlayerController(PRI.GetController()).GetPlayerNetworkAddress();
    BanStringip = Mid(BanStringip,0,InStr(BanStringip,":"));

foreach DynamicActors(class'PlayerController', PC)
HumanController(PC).NotifyAdminMessage(PRI.PlayerName$" is banned! Reason: "$reason);

if(myprivatebanid != "")


function Dowarning(string reason, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI)
local PlayerController PC;
local int nr;

nr = Getplayer(PRI);

if (nr == -1)
PlayerDataiwarning[nr] += 1;

Log("warning Name="$ PRI.PlayerName $" Reason="$ reason,'Hack Hunter');
hackhunterlog("warning Name="$PRI.PlayerName$" Reason="$reason);

foreach DynamicActors(class'PlayerController', PC)
HumanController(PC).NotifyAdminMessage(PRI.PlayerName$" recieved a warning. Reason: "$reason);

if(PRI.PlayerName ~= PC.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName)
HumanController(PC).NotifyAdminMessage("You got a warning ("$PlayerDataiwarning[nr]$"). Reason: "$reason);

if ( PlayerDataiwarning[nr] >= maxwarnings)
KickBan(reason, PRI);
PlayerDataiwarning[nr] = 0;

So you could try something like this in the HackHunter.ini:
Code: [Select]
Under: [HackHunter.U]
Add: banminute=5
Add: banhour=0
Add: maxwarnings=3


I am not sure if this will work or not as im not sure what Assist changed in their version of the HackHunter.u but its worth a try.

General Chat / Re: When OpFor invade your empty server (AKA LEEFFM's AI Mod)
« on: Monday, December 26, 2016, 15:32:49 PM »
Actually they have animations if you spawn them using a command i added "summonmercenary", but the ones placed in the map editor dont seem to have/use animations.

I think i need to make the path node network better because bots seem to work best in the middle building where you could see 4 of them wandering, after killing those i can spawn more using "summonmercenary" and they start wandering/patroling but if i use "summonmercenary" in other places like around the 2 spawn areas for example they just stand there and cant find a path to the movetarget whis is set to be a random pathnode in the pathnode network but if they see an enemy they are supposed to follow/shoot but the path to the enemy cannot be found and i get errors in the log file say pawn accessed none still working out the issues, i put thoose issues to the side as im now trying to get them to spawn at the beginning of the match to play in place of human players untill human players join the game.

At this point the Bots have a default state named Busy which checks to see if the pawn has a weapon and if it does not it gives the pawn a weapon, then it tells the bot to go to state MPatorl (a state for of course patrolling the pathnode network) in that state it picks a random pathnode attempt to find  a path to it and then moves to the first pathnode towards the Destination pathnode.

While the bot is in state Mpatrol if he sees a player he will set the player as his movetarget and enemy, then he will go to state Follow where the Destionation is the player that was seen, the bot wil try to find a path to the enemy then it will move toward the first pathnode towards the enemy and will shoot at the enemy player.

When the Enemy the bot saw dies the bot will stop shooting and go back to state busy to start the process over again.

General Chat / Re: When OpFor invade your empty server (AKA LEEFFM's AI Mod)
« on: Sunday, December 25, 2016, 15:21:10 PM »
I have setup Pathnodes on Urban Assault and renamed it to UrbanAI for testing purposes. the pathfinding itself is done by using native functions from Controller.uc

Code Snippet from Controller.uc
Code: [Select]
native(517) final function Actor FindPathToward(actor anActor, optional bool bWeightDetours);

native(502) final latent function MoveToward(actor NewTarget, optional Actor ViewFocus, optional float DestinationOffset, optional bool bUseStrafing, optional bool bShouldWalk);

General Chat / Re: When OpFor invade your empty server (AKA LEEFFM's AI Mod)
« on: Sunday, December 25, 2016, 14:32:14 PM »
Thanks!, i have now made it so my AIController now has a PlayerReplicationInfo class and i have set the Playername to Assist_bot, now they shoot at eachother as they are not assigned to any team so i see deathmessages that say "Assist_Bot was shot by Assist_bot, and when they kil me ".neXus[LEEFFM] was shot by Assist_bot"

this addition will not be included in the video.

General Chat / When OpFor invade your empty server (AKA LEEFFM's AI Mod)
« on: Sunday, December 25, 2016, 13:36:37 PM »
Ive been working more on the AI Mod, the AI now uses some Path finding to patrol the PathNode network i have setup while patrolling if they see a player they will follow you using path finding so if you run from one building to the next they will attempt to follow you even if they cant see you anymore and they will shoot at you, they are really accurate and will fire full-auto at you.

the reason when the AI kill you the deathmessage says "YourPlayerName has been shot by someone" is because in class AGP_DeathMessage if the controller whether it be a HumanController or a AIController doesnt have a PlayerReplicationInfo Class (in this case its the AIController that doesnt have a PlayerReplicationInfo class).

Code Snippet from AGP_DeathMessage.uc:
Code: [Select]
var localized string KilledString, SomeoneString;

static function string GetString(
optional int Switch,
optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1,
optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2,
optional Object OptionalObject,
optional string ExtraText
local string KillerName, VictimName;

if (Class<DamageType>(OptionalObject) == None){
return "";

if (RelatedPRI_2 == None)
VictimName = Default.SomeoneString;
VictimName = RelatedPRI_2.PlayerName;

if ( Switch == 1 )
// suicide
return class'GameInfo'.Static.ParseKillMessage(
Class<DamageType>(OptionalObject).Static.SuicideMessage(RelatedPRI_2) );

if (RelatedPRI_1 == None)
KillerName = Default.SomeoneString;
KillerName = RelatedPRI_1.PlayerName;

return class'GameInfo'.Static.ParseKillMessage(
Class<DamageType>(OptionalObject).Static.DeathMessage(RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2) );

     KilledString="was killed by"

Spanky will be posting a new video to show the AI's new behavior.

Games & Programming / Re: RespawnMod v1.2 [Release]
« on: Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 22:37:00 PM »
***Download and Source Code have been updated***

Games & Programming / RespawnMod v1.2 [Release]
« on: Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 01:17:12 AM »
Some Bugs Fixed!
Mod and Source Code Released!
***Please Check Main Post***

Games & Programming / Re: RespawnMod [ServerMod]
« on: Friday, November 25, 2016, 14:14:15 PM »
***UPDATE Check First Post!!***

General Chat / Re: When OpFor invade your empty server (AKA LEEFFM's AI Mod)
« on: Tuesday, August 30, 2016, 00:45:42 AM »
Thanks! :), spanky should be uploading another video i added a state to the controller that should allow it to navigate the PathNodes now, meaning they chase you better now :P

my knowledge of C++ is very limited more limited then UnrealScript at this point, i could probably still write a Hello World program (console program)  thats about it lol

General Chat / Re: When OpFor invade your empty server
« on: Sunday, August 28, 2016, 21:28:23 PM »
the AI you see in the video are Mercenary's i created a new file extended from NPC_Soldier and added code from a tutorial i found online for the NailCrow, im currently trying to fiqure out how to make them navigate the PathNodes i have placed in the map, the main problem is i have to write a controller for it and i really dont know as much about unrealscript as i should for this project, its really just a learning process for me i was interested in the AI i wanted online bots that acted like human players so im learning as much as i can about it by messing around with the code, currently i can get the AI to chase me. im only now trying to write a controller for it.

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