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Feedback & Suggestions / Re: [Website] Homepage News Bug
« on: Friday, October 24, 2014, 15:05:10 PM »
You're admin, just nip a few thousand for a new computer from the Assist donation pot and nobody will notice.

Is that why you forgot to give me Assist's Paypal info? You must be scared shitless that others find out how little money we've got left in it, eh? :)

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: [Website] Homepage News Bug
« on: Friday, October 24, 2014, 15:01:40 PM »
Bingo. Come on Dan, move into the 21st century for monitor sizes.

My bank account is currently accepting all kinds of money transfers.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: [Website] Homepage News Bug
« on: Friday, October 24, 2014, 09:58:08 AM »
Another thing;

The website seems to be loading the mobile-version even though I'm loading it from my computer. I've tried refreshing the window, clear cache, various browser sizes, etc. I didn't notice this yesterday...did Jared tinkered around too much, perhaps? :)

AA Support / Re: Tracking problems
« on: Friday, October 24, 2014, 09:48:48 AM »
I'll explain this in Portuguese so brazil-based people understand what's going on accurately.


Essencialmente, como dever?o ter notado, o Battletracker est? inactivo. Tal traz como consequ?ncias uma incapacidade de continuar a recolher os dados de forma eficaz e actual, como at? ent?o.

N?s, os 'Developers', estamos a tentar o nosso melhor para arranjar uma solu??o (tempor?rio ou definitiva) para que possamos continuar a subsidiar recolha de dados neste jogo -- contudo, por mais que o desejo, esfor?o e dedica??o existam em abund?ncia da nossa parte, o simples facto ? que criar um tracker que consiga reunir os vossos dados actuais + os dados j? guardados no Battletracker ? dif?cil e envolve inclusive ac??es cuja legalidade pode ser posta em causa por Homer (Administrador do Battletracker) se ele assim o desejar.

Como tal, gostaria de pedir a vossa paci?ncia e aten??o. O esfor?o e dedica??o para solucionar este problema existe da nossa parte -- ter?o s? que acreditar em n?s e tentar n?o ser afectados pelo estado actual do tracker.

P.S:. Por favor passem esta informa??o ? restante comunidade PT/BR.


P.S.S:. Essentially explained them we're doing our very best to get this whole tracker situation sorted and en-track. Meanwhile, I've noticed our forum doesn't seem to handle accents? SMF originally does hence my rather surprised reaction.

Media & Art / Re: One Music A Day!
« on: Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 20:26:23 PM »
The old never tires...oh, the classics.

Shadez Of Brooklyn - Change

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: [Website] Homepage News Bug
« on: Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 20:21:03 PM »
You're right Dan, it is a resolution issue. At 1920x1080, there is no wrapping.

That explains it then. Cheerios!

Feedback & Suggestions / [Website] Homepage News Bug
« on: Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 20:06:35 PM »
As you'll notice, whenever a news/article title exceeds a certain limit (probably set within the code itself) the title will overlap the rest of the column's content. It isn't that big of a deal but it is there -- this may also be an issue with low resolution computers such as the one I'm currently using.

Figured it was worth reporting any way. The grey boxes are only there as a mean to make it easy to understand what the issue is. Normally it won't show those grey boxes and will instead have the white text set for title eat away a few parts of the rest of the text within the content area.

Image below.

Background Checks / Re: .neXus[bey0nd]
« on: Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 16:50:39 PM »
neXus is an ex-comp player -- to a certain degree, that explains the frustration some may be dealing with.

On the 'walking with no sound' -- I've heard it to be possible. Not sure how it's done exactly but I think it's something along the lines of:

1. Double-click 'W'.
2. Initiate Sprint-mode.
3. Stop as soon as you start running.
4. Double-click 'W' again.

Anyhow -- this goes beyond the point. The point is, nexus is a legit player.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 13:15:19 PM »
yeahh if you really need to spam do it short
no 1 realy reading you fucking esseys

No one forced you to read. Plus, it isn't spam. It's a contribution, just like others have done before, to the subject at hand. Whether people put the effort to read it or not is a different concern. I'd rather they would but they might not.

On the other hand though, you've just posted seven times on a row.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 11:52:08 AM »
Adaptability seems to be the most stressing issue all-around, be it old-players struggling to adapt to a new tactical approach to the map or new-players not getting in tune with the game flow. However lacking as both sides may be it is important to make a distinction between old/pro/comp players and new-players; where the former should have acquired the knowledge & know-how to analyse and prioritise map-mapping and tactical diversity whereas the latter will undoubtedly feel its lack thereof.

It is then natural to conclude the degree of appetence for this game isn't quite universal and unanimous. Regardless of how good/badly a player performs, truth is, some will stand a higher chance where others will fall short. Some will have a full understanding of a map where others will barely get a draft of Ext/Helipad on SF Hospital --or any other map, for that matter-- and so on so forth.

Still, albeit this being common sense and knowledge to all who've contributed [positively or negatively] to this thread, no one's intent and care seems to be on understanding the depth of the above raised subject but rather on how the map shouldn't be untouched/how the map should stay true to the original/how this change gives advantage to players lacking in skill/how this change reveals old-player's inability to re-adapt/etc.

I'm not saying the points brought up so far aren't or shouldn't be acknowledged and of relevance; I'm just saying we should take a step back and look at the full picture for a little while. For instance, it is a fact that removing the G/203 will break the map's current balance --emphasis on the current-- though we'd all fall short for ignorance if we couldn't in the same fashion validate that balance is mostly a matter of choice-making. Most people choose to rush Helipad --often times ignoring by a great margin the existence and utility of Garage. Is Escort suffering too much at the hands of Ambush-Helipad-Rushers? Simple. Rush Garage, time your flashes, combine two/three-man teamwork, play effusive and repent solid gameplay. Even if this doesn't succeed in its entirety, it'll surely give Ambush more to think about so they'll know better than to blindly rush.

The old players I know, those that went from being new-comers to full-fledged competitive players [regardless of whether or not they were active within the competitive scene] would love the thrill of being confronted with newness, the ability to truly have their brains exceed in choice-making. It is important we don't forget --consciously-- that this is what kept AA alive over the years. It wasn't SF Hospital, Bridge, Urban or Pipeline. It was the fact that you had more people defying habits, you had more people re-routing their tactical approach to a certain map...and that made you think more, made you calculate more, made you interact more. That's the beauty in it all.

No other FPS that I've played ever offered me such a profound tactical element as AA has. I am of the opinion our efforts, as a community, should be precisely akin to the revival of the thrill in AA mores than the infamous yet understandable desire to keep AA as it was although the aforementioned is nearly impossible. Things have changed, times have changed, we should too.

Apologies for the long read.
My two scents. Inoffensive, too.


Support / Re: I'm Pit, I like to rage
« on: Wednesday, September 24, 2014, 23:41:30 PM »
Only Spanky has both the power and audacity to change a supposedly innocent thread title to a mockery party of the utmost level.

News / Re: Using mouse macros in 25Assist is now detected.
« on: Sunday, September 14, 2014, 12:47:08 PM »
Perhaps you guys are rolling slightly off-topic? Keep the thread clean and much as possible anyway --- please.

News / Re: Using mouse macros in 25Assist is now detected.
« on: Friday, September 12, 2014, 17:39:25 PM »
Just to clarify this whole mouse software/macro presets argument;

When you buy a mouse you're essentially buying a 'naked' piece of hardware. Most of the advanced mouses companies offer their own respective applications/software so that you can further enhance the usability and adaptability of the mouse to your liking --from changing mouse sensitivity on both X and Y angles, pressing sensibility, mouse having 5 or so buttons available to your needs.

Once you change these settings, they'll become an integral part of how your mouse works thus rendering them definitive changes. So far as I am aware the aforementioned is allowed and will not get you banned per say. I emphasise: Permanent mouse tweaks such as the one above should be tolerable.

In essence; having expensive mouses that come with a uber-software will not get you banned. Tweaking your mouse settings, saving them, opening AA and playing won't get you banned either. However, setting up macro actions, two-step tweak settings, key bindings and the likes will. It's as simple as that. No matter how hard you look at it, the only way you'll get yourself a ban is if you try too hard to tweak your mouse to adapt the lack of skill you may suffer from -- if you're smart enough to do that then you're smart enough to know that you're not being banned because of your mouse but because of your conscious actions.

Drama & Spam / Re: Happy birthday, Spanky!
« on: Monday, August 11, 2014, 13:34:29 PM »
Ganja's even more late....just saying.

Drama & Spam / Re: Happy birthday, Spanky!
« on: Monday, August 11, 2014, 00:05:11 AM »
Thanks for all you've been and done, Nate.

Have a good day and stay away from AA :)

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