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Messages - Dialects

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Feedback & Suggestions / Re: [Website] Homepage News Bug
« on: Sunday, November 02, 2014, 12:42:46 PM »

lol @ those internet shortcuts to your BT profile


LOL at Chrome's private mode.

Teddy's so used to check his teen porn that he forgot how to use Chrome without private mode, I guess.

News / Re: Enjoy raiding? Double points on raid maps for a week!
« on: Saturday, November 01, 2014, 15:46:08 PM »
Lord-of-War brought to our attention there's no servers on the maps of the week.

I'll go change the official servers to host the three different maps :)

General Chat / Re: Mrs.Judge Cant play the game again =(
« on: Friday, October 31, 2014, 08:51:28 AM »
Any updates on this?
Alguma novidade?

News / Re: Enjoy raiding? Double points on raid maps for a week!
« on: Friday, October 31, 2014, 07:24:53 AM »
I like raiding teddy's spotlight :)

Jokes aside, good set of maps. Hope this'll get some activity going.

General Chat / Re: Mrs.Judge Cant play the game again =(
« on: Thursday, October 30, 2014, 15:54:07 PM »
Ol? Joana,

N?o ?s a primeira pessoa a ter problemas com essa placa gr?fica. Essencialmente o problema est? no facto de que a tua placa gr?fica ? fraca para as necessidades do jogo o que faz com que, no caso de estares com outras aplica??es abertas no computador e/ou existam aplica??es a correr em modo background (activas enquanto processo), faz com que a placa n?o consiga corresponder ao exigido.

O que te sugiro ? o seguinte:

1. 'Downloada' o DirectX 9c (adiciona suporte para as placas da mesma s?ria da tua)

2. Faz download (outra vez!) das drives mais recentes da nVidia. Se usares o Windows Vista/7, ? este:

4. Faz restart ao computador.

3. Fecha o m?ximo de aplica??es que tenhas a correr (internet, browsers, skype, etc).

4. Vai aos settings do Assist -> Video -> e coloca os gr?ficos no "Lowest" assim como a resolu??o.

5. Tenta juntar-te a um servidor. Depois diz-me como correu.

Espero que ajude,

General Chat / Re: Mrs.Judge Cant play the game again =(
« on: Thursday, October 30, 2014, 15:08:23 PM »
See that, teddy, see? My Portuguese-esq translating skills will come in hand...told you!

I'll switch to Portuguese since he/she is Portuguese. I won't be translating every single thing unless I hit a wall and need support/help from others to figure out what the issue might be.

EDIT: Spanky, you really need to fix the forum. What happened to the accents and whatnot. SMF should support those by default.

(O nosso forum parece ter um problema com acentos de momento. Tenta entender/ler como se tivesse os acentos!)

Talvez seja melhor falarmos em Portugues; tanto a explicao como a ajuda beneficiam! Ora entao, diz-me, o que se passa exactamente? Mencionaste que e um problema nas drives...porque o computador/Assist te disseram isso atraves de uma mensagem de erro ou porque achas que podera ser dai que advem o problema?

Bem, seja o problema qual for e importante (e necessario ate!) que me digas pelo menos que sistema operativo usas e qual e o set-up do teu computador, com enfase na placa grafica.

Ate ja,

General Chat / Re: Mrs.Judge Cant play the game again =(
« on: Thursday, October 30, 2014, 14:43:28 PM »
Can you provide more details, such as:

What operating system are you on?
Do you get any errors. If yes, can you paste the error code line?
What are the specs of your computer?

Otherwise it'll be hard to help you out.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: [Website] Homepage News Bug
« on: Sunday, October 26, 2014, 17:05:27 PM »
Like I said, I've done that already.

Jared told me the site automatically re-adjusts to the low-resolution theme if the computer/browser doesn't meet the min. requirements for the standard/high-resolution one.

What I don't understand is why it keeps bouncing back and forth from one to another although I haven't changed either the screen resolution nor the browser's size (both height and width).

It's a mystery.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: [Website] Homepage News Bug
« on: Sunday, October 26, 2014, 12:59:51 PM »
And it's gone back to mobile version! I give up.

General Chat / Re: BanggSolo
« on: Sunday, October 26, 2014, 08:41:12 AM »
Welcome back!

Are you Banggsolo from way back when Ancients were still alive?

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: [Website] Homepage News Bug
« on: Saturday, October 25, 2014, 10:56:04 AM »
If you were in fact talking about the Mobile first site that Jared was working on:
Then all you would have had to do was change the theme number from 10 to 9.

Na-ha. That wasn't it.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: [Website] Homepage News Bug
« on: Saturday, October 25, 2014, 08:25:18 AM »
It's fixed. Don't ask how, I wouldn't know.

For further reference, if any of you ever come across this issue, here's what I did:
- Stare at the browser for close to 60min.
- Finally give up, go do something else.
- Go to bed, sleep tight, don't think about it.
- Wake up next morning.
- Calmly turn your computer on, just as you would on any other day.
- Open your browser up, type 'a', let the browse fill-in the rest of the web address for you.
- Load the website. Look at it. Look again.

You can thank me later.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Another change for Hospital
« on: Saturday, October 25, 2014, 08:16:18 AM »
VIP having a smoke grenade, depending on the level of team-work of Escort, could either have a significant impact or not have any at all. An extra smoke grenade at the hands of a skilled player with a tactical mindset + a solid teamwork effort from Escort and added communication could really turn the tables around. If say, for instance, a VIP were to smoke near Garage Entrance/Corridor and rush towards the Surgery Room, he'd be able to:

1. Hide Escort Movement
    - To a certain extent; sound gives away some of this.

2. Report OPFOR Movement
    - If you stand right next to a wall and look at either side while a smoke's out you'll be able to bypass the smoke's sound and prioritise other significant sound such as footsteps, which gives plenty of OPFOR's positioning away)

3. Solidify A Perimeter
    - It may not sound like much but if you think it'll come to realise the only reason Garage Entrance/Ambush Rushing still stands a chance is mostly due to;
1) The time it takes Escort to get to the VIP and the effectively badly covered routes these are forced to take to reach VIP before Escort does.
2) Visibility is already scarce for Ambush as they need the right placement and flash usage to enter Hospital without suffering too many if any loss at all; by adding the smoke into the equation, you'll essentially almost neutralize visibility to an extent where rushing Garages renders almost entirely ineffective.

The end result? Heli-camp all the way...a rather poor dynamic gameplay for such a rich map. This may sound like slightly too big of an exaggeration --and to a certain, it is. Its an hypothetical elation based on the account of skilled and communicative team-work all around. If the generic consensus is that people mostly concern only about themselves and ride along with the vignanimous rambo-style-ness then I suppose a smoke or two won't itch too much!

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Winter Uniforms on Winter maps
« on: Saturday, October 25, 2014, 07:39:05 AM »
If you voted for the old, then why did you even start the vote?
Are you addicted to starting votes on

It's called giving the community a chance to express itself -- not all people are regular visitors of the forum such as yourself :)

Support / Re: Do you play for the game ore the points
« on: Saturday, October 25, 2014, 07:36:20 AM »
Friendship and interactivity is what pushes me to play this game. It hasn't always been this way in the past though as time moves on --and age sums up-- the performing factor of this game becomes less and less appealing. Still, however little of significance as points may hold they still play a crucial part in this game, perhaps moreso than we'd like to accept at times.

What I suggest is; try and be of help to your team, help either eliminate the OPFOR or secure OBJ. If you do this points will eventually come your way...and you won't have noticed how well/bad you played. If you can keep away from frustration and expectation then you'll be sure to exceed in both your pre-emptive tactical approach as well as degree of concentration!

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