« on: Sunday, April 28, 2024, 10:15:17 AM »
Tommy, this isn't the first time you have raised objections to other players that is unfounded in reality.
You need to come to the realization that as good as you may feel you may play there will always be those that play better than you. This also goes in life in general. You may not like the manner in which they play but that does not mean they are cheating. Now weather they are using advantage play is up for debate such as rapid fire shooting, etc. He and others out there have either some type of rapid fire bind (I allows thought that assist would detect that but it seems it still allows it) or some hardware mouse rapid fire, or he is really good at hitting that fire button, lol. I know I cannot manually hit fire button that consistently fast but then again there may be peps that can.
As for the actual video I watched it and didn't see anything wrong.
The first round he saw you as he peeked real quick around the stone. Simple as that. And you where hiding in a logical spot to look.
The second round you flat out missed him. He didn't see you as he was turned the other way. At that point you gave up your location up and did nothing to either move so logically he flashed you and killed you. He did say you got him red though.
As for the third round quite frankly your teammate gave you up. I heard him come up the left side of you and around and killed you teammate. He then went back to his side OBJ so he scanned the map, he knew you were probably back at spawn somewhere, sounded like he flash the sniper room with the second floor, didn't find you there and then went to your obj didn't find you and with all the information he gathered from above, deduced that you were probably below. Some times it is just a matter of knowing the most likely spots where people will go by process of elimination.
I will say that jump and then shoot shit is gay but again its part of the game, deal with it.