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Messages - !The_Engineer!

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What about the error when creating a server " An exception of class NilObjectException was not handled. The application must shut down."?

This happens to me when clicking on "Create a New Server" then after all the files have been downloaded but not extracted. The zipped files are all there but not extracted.

General Chat / Re: Advantage of some players on game
« on: Sunday, October 06, 2024, 10:07:49 AM »
You have a few choices. Play on the maps that are being played with the people who are playing at the time or don't play at all.

The other alternative is start you own server and play maps that only you want and only allow players who fit into what you feel is "normal players". I think this option is pretty sad but that would be your right as admin and server owner.

But to come here and complain about others playing abilities because they don't fit into what you think is normal is unreasonable.

General Chat / Re: Advantage of some players on game
« on: Sunday, October 06, 2024, 09:47:18 AM »
What are you suggesting? They are cheating? They are simply a better player than you. What is the problem?

You seem to have issues with just about everything from map choices to people playing abilities from the moment you login. It is getting rather tiring already.

Just accept that as good as you may think you are as a player there are always people better than you.

Enough already.

General Chat / Re: internet
« on: Tuesday, October 01, 2024, 10:50:06 AM »
Great, glad you got it working!

General Chat / Re: internet
« on: Tuesday, October 01, 2024, 10:36:16 AM »
Not that it matters much but curious which driver did you use, the link or the one you already had?

General Chat / Re: internet
« on: Tuesday, October 01, 2024, 10:22:48 AM »
You said you did not have the network controller in your device manager but it is there but you uninstalled the driver most likely.

Please try reinstalling the driver

General Chat / Re: internet
« on: Tuesday, October 01, 2024, 08:13:03 AM »
And by the way as a service tech I run into this with people all the time. They want to spend hours / days + travel time on an issue to diag equipment and in the end they could have just replaced the part that I told them and problem solved. So now they are out all the time invested and they still had to spend the money.

General Chat / Re: internet
« on: Tuesday, October 01, 2024, 08:03:18 AM »
I was going to ask him for all his MB info as you stated but I decided that it just wasn't worth the effort when they are so cheap. If my AA XP machine controller failed or some strange reason disappeared and I could not get it back I certainly would not reimage the computer it in hopes that it comes back I would have just run down to Microcenter (less than 5 minutes from me) and got a new card. Time is money and $20 bucks isn't worth the time to figure it out.

And if you goto Microcenter you can bring it back, no questions asked if it doesn't work.

General Chat / Re: internet
« on: Tuesday, October 01, 2024, 07:45:30 AM »
No offense taken.

I don't think his Win7 machine would even be able to run Win11. He has this Win7 machine because he wants to use it for AA. He already has a Win10 machine.

We all could go back and forth trying to understand why the network adapter is missing and how to fix it but like I said it is probably easier to just get one and he will be back playing his favorite game on a non WiFi connection in a jiff the way he always has.

I would assume $20 is in his budget especially for a game he loves.

Sometimes the cheapest way is not always the best way.

General Chat / Re: internet
« on: Tuesday, October 01, 2024, 07:24:08 AM »
@lync. He specifically stated that he does not want to use Win10/11. I actually use a WinXP machine to play AA. That is all I use it for. There is nothing wrong with him using Win7 for AA so as long as that is all he is using it for.

General Chat / Re: internet
« on: Tuesday, October 01, 2024, 06:55:35 AM »
When you right click on network adapters in the device manager and select scan for hardware changes nothing additional comes up? Can you post a screenshot?

In any case it may be easier to just go out an get a network adapter for under $20 bucks. They are really cheap and pop it in a empty slot. I assume you have at least one empty PCI slot in that win 7 machine.

If your machine has an empty PCIe slot then you can use this one

Or if you want to get real simple you could go the USB route

I would go with the PCIe option if you have that slot available in your computer.

General Chat / Re: internet
« on: Monday, September 30, 2024, 22:20:25 PM »
Are you saying you deleted the network connection or disabled it?
Go to your device manager
Go to network adapters and what do you show?

With all do respect, I think you need a better sound card / headphones then.

I assume your guys were playing a while before you actually started recording so he had some what of a history on your game play and how you would react to certain situations. In that round your teammate was clearly heard to the right of you as I listened to the video. That was clear even without watching the SAI. If I heard it then most likely he heard it as he came around the left side. Typically players tend to stick close together as they have a "feeling of safety" that someone else is covering there back. He can deduce that you were probably close by. Then he went all the way back to his side got the OBJ and came all the way back without even a shot at him so by deductive reasoning he can infer that you were somewhere back at your spawn area. From the sound available from your viewpoint he went to various places and finally found you in one of the most common places on that side peps go to hide. Again, simple connecting the dots. Noting special about it. He just decided that if you were there he was going to make it a jump shot.

For what it is worth it was kind of cruel how it ended but again that is the game.

As for rapid firing binds and / or hardware rapid fire mouse hardware: I would prefer peps play using what they are given physically rather than rely on these things but I leave it up to Assist admins to determine what is allowed and not allowed.

Tommy, this isn't the first time you have raised objections to other players that is unfounded in reality.

You need to come to the realization that as good as you may feel you may play there will always be those that play better than you. This also goes in life in general. You may not like the manner in which they play but that does not mean they are cheating. Now weather they are using advantage play is up for debate such as rapid fire shooting, etc. He and others out there have either some type of rapid fire bind (I allows thought that assist would detect that but it seems it still allows it) or some hardware mouse rapid fire, or he is really good at hitting that fire button, lol. I know I cannot manually hit fire button that consistently fast but then again there may be peps that can.

As for the actual video I watched it and didn't see anything wrong.

The first round he saw you as he peeked real quick around the stone. Simple as that. And you where hiding in a logical spot to look.

The second round you flat out missed him. He didn't see you as he was turned the other way.  At that point you gave up your location up and did nothing to either move so logically he flashed you and killed you. He did say you got him red though.

As for the third round quite frankly your teammate gave you up. I heard him come up the left side of you and around and killed you teammate. He then went back to his side OBJ so he scanned the map, he knew you were probably back at spawn somewhere, sounded like he flash the sniper room with the second floor, didn't find you there and then went to your obj didn't find you and with all the information he gathered from above, deduced that you were probably below. Some times it is just a matter of knowing the most likely spots where people will go by process of elimination.

I will say that jump and then shoot shit is gay but again its part of the game, deal with it.

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