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Messages - Mr_Gunman-GB

Pages: [1] 2 3
Clans, Matches & Scrims / Re: Clanwar Tournament Server
« on: Sunday, September 29, 2024, 08:21:53 AM »
Cool work, lync! I was with you on your server the other day, super smooth.  :style:

Best regards,


General Chat / Re: Content for instagram marketing
« on: Friday, August 30, 2024, 17:43:46 PM »
You could potentially get something from the massively popular youtube channel:

You probably don't want to copy the entire videos, but you might be able to get snippets and/or stills and post a link to the video.

There's some great videos on the Assist channel, it's a shame that it isn't updated. Do you know if Spanky can still access the Assist YT channel? It would be a super thing to spam around everywhere to help promote Assist! Scrolling down, I see a 10 year old video for how to download Assist . Obviously a little out of date, but an updated video would be a big help for new players.

Scrolling to the bottom of the channel, I also saw a video titled 'Punching/Fisting on America's Army Version 1'. I must apologise, my childish sense of humour got the better of me... :P

Best regards,


General Chat / Re: Content for instagram marketing
« on: Friday, August 30, 2024, 17:27:48 PM »
Nice work promoting the game.  :style: I don't do Insta, so can't help on that, unfortunately. If you want some more videos I also have a few things on my channel I recently recorded the AA soundtrack and put that up, it's so nostalgic it hurts. lol.

Best regards,


General Chat / Re: Instagram
« on: Thursday, July 25, 2024, 17:29:06 PM »
Great stuff, I've just followed the Instagram page. Looks like it's already gaining a bit of a following!  :style:
I would join the WhatsApp group, too. But I'm still living as if it were 20 years ago and don't have a smartphone. :oops: :cool: lol

Best regards,


General Chat / Re: HOSPITAL
« on: Thursday, February 01, 2024, 07:36:03 AM »

AA Support / Re: Name and Clan Tag
« on: Wednesday, November 22, 2023, 15:18:10 PM »
Greetings, Deactivator,

Welcome back to the game.  :)
You can change your in-game username using this link:


Best regards,


Support / Re: No SF Weapons For Some Players.
« on: Friday, November 10, 2023, 17:53:29 PM »
Another one, Skorymor. Honor 11.  :up:

Many thanks,


Support / Re: No SF Weapons For Some Players.
« on: Sunday, August 06, 2023, 10:29:57 AM »
Another guy joined us last night, without being able to have an SF weapon.

Mr.Own. Honor 11.  :up:

Many thanks,


Support / Re: Player Registration.
« on: Sunday, July 09, 2023, 20:42:39 PM »
Bart fixed it, many thanks indeed.  :style:


Support / Player Registration.
« on: Sunday, July 09, 2023, 08:47:15 AM »
Hi Admin team,

I was contacted by a guy who says that they're having problems registering. Apparently he was playing until last year and wants to get back in the game, but he's forgotten his password. He's just made two new accounts called 'phshbone' and 'bill_mcgirth' as he wasn't getting any return emails through the 'Forgotten Password' link.
Hope you can fix him up. :up:

Many thanks,


News / Re: [BETA] Gaining honor and honor claims
« on: Tuesday, May 16, 2023, 12:44:52 PM »
This is really tremendous news!

I think Hellboy should get a big high five for building all of this, as well as building a great server which has been awesome for everyone.

It's amazing that we now have the honor re-instated, thanks to Hellboy's steadfast dedication.

Keep up the good work!!!  :style:

Best regards,


Support / Re: No SF Weapons For Some Players.
« on: Thursday, December 22, 2022, 21:39:33 PM »
Hi Assist Admins,

There's a guy who has just started playing again after several years away. He's called 762InU and is a 12 honor. As his honor is below 15, he is unable to have SF weapons. If you could put his honor up, that would be great.  :)

Many thanks,


Feedback & Suggestions / Re: hello all...
« on: Friday, October 07, 2022, 07:26:13 AM »
Unfortunately, there’s been a ton load of bitching in the chat box for the past few months. There hasn’t been any let up in the bitching, it’s just constant every day, and because of this a lot of people just don’t bother playing anymore.

We had around 15 on the Barnyard yesterday, it’s not bad, but it wasn’t so long ago when it was almost guaranteed to have at least 20-22 players on a Barnyard night.

I really would strongly recommend to the Assist admins to remove the chat box completely. All this bitching really isn’t good for the game, if people want to express their views, then they can make a forum post.

Best regards,


Support / Re: Quick one.
« on: Sunday, September 18, 2022, 08:58:06 AM »
When I saw ‘Quick one’ I thought I was going to get lucky. :D Oh well...  :oops: :rofl:

Best regards,


General Chat / Re: Joe131 - Assist Admins, Please Respond
« on: Thursday, August 18, 2022, 20:27:52 PM »
Hellooooo, any admins care to ban this punk? Or can they not be bothered about all our concerns???

Pages: [1] 2 3

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