The America’s Army 2.5 Assist Event Calendar: http://events.pamclan.comClick here to see the latest addition to this topic without leaving this website.( I’m hoping that the assist admins can provide me with an subdomain forward like or )Just copy/past these lines in your reply in order to get your event published:[b]Event Title:[/b]
[b]Event Date & Time ( EST ): [/b]
[b]Description: [/b]
[b]Contact E-Mail ( optional ):[/b]
[b]Images you want to display ( maximum 4 ):[/b]
An example. This reply:
Event Title: AA3 Ranch
Event Date & Time ( EST ): 20h EST
Description: This evening, the _PAM_ clan will put their server on AA3 Ranch in order to play this map. Join at 20h ( EST ) in order to play this map. Only 1/7 rounds will be forceclassed. Our Teamspeak IP is .
Contact E-Mail ( optional ): [email protected]Images you want to display ( maximum 4 ): this:
This can become a succes, but only if there are a few clans or players who are willing to give it a shot.
I’m sure that all of us are happy that we are still able to play AA 2.5 thanks to the Assist team.
But I’m also sure that many of you are unsatisfied with the amount of players left in this game and the little choise of active maps in this game. If you like Bridge, Pipeline or SF Hospital, then you have no problem. But if you want to play some other maps, like Swamp Raid, Radio Tower or any other map, then you have only 2 options. Join one of the few existing clans and beg them to play that map with you, or join an empty server and wait for players to join.
You have to keep in mind that not all players are in contact with eachother. There are many days that people say “Oh, I love that map” or “Oh, sorry I missed that” when they see that I played a map they like the day before. But they were not online at that time, or were already playing on one of the Top 3 maps because all other servers were empty.
Vanoke noticed this problem a long time ago. That’s why he introduced “Big Clan Day” a while back. A weekly event with many participating clans in order to make sure that you’ll be able to play with lots of oter players on 4 ( less popular ) maps. And every week, it’s a succes. Why? Because players know it's going to happen, and they can see a detailled announcement every week.
So, at Sunday evening. No problem, from 20h to 23h EST, you’ll be able to experience some gameplay that you can not experience during the week. But what about the other 165 hours in the week?
At first, I thaught about introducing a smaller weekly event. For example, “Small Clan Day” with only 1 or 2 maps at Friday-evening. But then I would only copy an existing idea, and it would still not solve the problem for the rest of the week.
My second idea was to start a forum topic, just asking for players to announce when they are willing to play a certain map or a scrim. But this will become a total mess. Between all the quotes and replies, it will be impossible to keep track of upcoming events. If someone announces that they will play Extraction next week on Thursday, will you remember that a week later?
That’s why I’m introducing this event calendar.
The idea behind is very simple. I want this to be the place to be to check for upcoming events. Do you want to play a less popular map? Do you want to host a scrim? Then simply reply in this topic, and the event will get published.
This way, all you need to do is browse to and check if there are events you are willing to participate in. Maybe you see a map that you’ve wanted to play for a long time. Maybe you see an upcoming scrim and you want to participate without joining a clan.
Why can't I just post an event myself on the calendar?
- To avoid abuse.
- To keep players active on these forums.
- So that I can filter ( spelling errors ), add missing info and so that I can add meta-data so that it can be find by the site search-engine.
How long should I wait for players to join?
You have to wait at least 15 minutes. So don't announce an event on a certain map and leave after 5 minutes. Wait at least 15 minutes for players to join. Read your facebook, watch some youtube, etc... If I notice that certain players do not follow this rule, their events will no longer get published.
What about the time-slots?
A weekly event only announces the start-time. ( for example: 20h EST ) Your event can last as long as you want, but in order to make sure that multiple players or clans can host events on the same day, you can not reserve multiple hours. At least not for a weekly event. The only exeption is "Big Clan Day" because this is a weekly event that has been running for a long time, before the event calander was launched.
For a one-time event you can reserve up to 3 hours. ( for example: 20h-23h EST ) But as soon as you host the same one-time event every week, it no longer becomes a one-time event but a weekly event. This results in a post with only the start-time. ( for example: 20h EST )
Should I reply in this topic every week for a weekly event?
No you do not, but it would be smart to do so. You would only be advertising for the event.
If you reply with a weekly event, it will get added for the upcoming 4 weeks. So there is no need to reply in this topic for those weeks. If you do not re-announce the event after the 4rd week, your event will no longer be published because then I assume it's discontinued. I do this to make sure the calander is not full with events that are no longer running.
If I announce an event, should I be there myself?
No. But you have to make sure that at least one participating player will join the event.
Do I have to be in a clan in order to get my event published?
No. That's the beauty of it. If you and a few friend(s) know that you're planning on scrimming Mountain Pass next Friday, you're free to reply in this topic and it will be published as an event. And if everything goes well, you and your friend will not have to play alone.