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Messages - ~=W!CK!D=~

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General Chat / Re: Convert Shotguns from 285 to 25Assist
« on: Monday, May 27, 2024, 20:10:45 PM »
There is a "shotgun" force class but in reality it's just a mos with cursor.

if i'm not mistaken Swiss Merlin had his poolday server set with shotguns, was fun running around with shotgun lol


Just to inform you, that Chavez is banned for at least 2 weeks from full assist for ghosting with 2nd acc
What he did was use a laptop or something at the pc next to him. I confirmed it was played from the same IP. He then either moved with his own account or the other, ghosting for one of them. Usually he used his 2nd acc as a free kill to ensure that he can then ghost for his 1st account.

To verify, I joined a few games to really see if this was happening.

His 2nd account was:

Both accounts are now banned. As you see in the match history of work force, it is also already quite suspicious how one always dies a lot and exactly those sessions he has a very high fragrate.

I consider this case closed. He didn't use any 3d party programs, but doing this in general is sad, doing it on this small playerbase is pathetic.

Are you serious Bart?? You give that pos Chavez a 2-week ban?? Then again I'm not surprised………………..

He may not of cheated using a kiddie cheat, but anyway you look at it, He used another account to pad his stats and for unfair advantage against other players, that alone he should lose that account for good...............

If he wants to continue to play let him play with his other account he was using.. Take away his padded account. only right thing to do

I would never play such a mouse which is overpriced just for an unfair advantage. That's wasting money.
I'd rather go for a mouse with precision and good grip and good durability.

you may not but many do, point is unfair advantage can be done and not be caught by your anticheat
.. remember are good buddy pit23 lol, yous never caught him nor your anticheat caught him... just ban him from game

you can't say theres is no kiddie undected cheat for this game. pretty god dam sad and pathedic if people really need a cheat on a 20 year old game lol..  , I can prove you wrong but I would'nt lower myself to these lowlifes

I don't know if this dude is using or not can give 2 shits, but in spector mode he's funny as shit watching his game play after every kill he stops for 2 sec or so, maybe toggle on and toggle off who knows lol..
regarding sound i agree sound makes a big difference, but if a player isn't moving and not making a sound explain how this guys runs directly to his target every round?? lol  so i see why tommy suspects him

btw by him making a video of him playing means nothing lol,

thx god MW3 is a great game lol

I never liked the players who play for fr and camp.
I've been playing without sound for 20 years, just for fun

Me as well I don't use sound when i play, too annoying,,,,

I agree with Engineer.
Fast shooting is detected indeed. We can see the average shots/second and based on that know if it's humanly possible. Temporary bans occur for these.

sadly I disagree with you,  maybe you should purchase bloody v7 mouse and see the advantages it has lol you b suprized, but you can't ban players for using a nice mouse
can turn your burst fire gun into auto mode click of a key

Not saying he's using a cheat, exploting maps most definetly just like rollos does on urban, but assist doesn't ban for exploits.

this dude chavez probably can hear a fart from 2 miles away sound makes a big differene, though i like the last 1 killed him at the last 4 seconds jump headshot lol

just another player that plays solely for frag rate on a 20 year old game roflmfao..

Support / Re: Ban me from Assist
« on: Saturday, March 04, 2023, 21:08:25 PM »
Why would you shut down your servers because of some needle dick's????

Who are they to tell you to change your name of server.....

Bring them back up

General Chat / Re: Joe131 - Assist Admins, Please Respond
« on: Sunday, September 04, 2022, 01:42:14 AM »
Not sticking up for this dude joe, what he stated was wrong, but in the end it's only words, can't take away freedom of speech.......

You guys are the 1 feeding into him, very easy to ignore him....

Assist Banning him from game would be totally wrong....

Should be up to server owner's to stop him playing on there server's

I forgot the commands to banmask ip's 
Pb_banmask +ip i think

Then again LGC yous aren't to easy to get along with in your server, it's pretty much your way or you get muted or kicked
I mean geez we're all adults and can't swear in a old ass game or taught other player's, call them noobs or bitches or whatever without getting threaten being kicked or muted...

I kinda of understand dude joe probably got tired of all rhe shit that happens on your servers

But far as the cancer shit uncalled, but again only words..

Yes having cancer sucks i lost family over cancer but that's life....

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 00:09:55 AM »
just have a spare ssd hard drive with windows 7, easy ass fix why are all yous going crazy over a simple ass fix lmfao

General Chat / Re: America's Army 2 Remake - Army Ops in development
« on: Tuesday, February 22, 2022, 00:08:06 AM »
Cool to see that Army Ops comes out on 5Th May while AA:PG will die  :cry:
Good Job  :up:

where the hell you been nappy???

i haven't seen u on aapg??

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 00:40:53 AM »
Windows 10 has Windows Firewall and Windows Defender antivir

funny on 1 hard ssd drive i have windows 10 not 1 problem with pb kicking lol,, then again been awhile since i played

also nice to have a free ssd with windows 7 on it lol

General Chat / Re: Assist admini
« on: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 13:05:58 PM »
alkos just start playing aapg regularly, you'll forget about the 203 lol

The Lounge / Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« on: Sunday, March 15, 2020, 19:56:41 PM »
1. Those issues aren't some "fake news". It's a real issue.
3. Most of the European countries are closing their borders. Italy, France and Spain started, Germany will follow soon.
2. The Fed just lowered the borrowing base rate to zero, and launched 700 billions spending on a quantitative easing program. On a Sunday evening.

yea heard mexico wants to close there borders as well, guess we won't need that wall built, not saying this isn't a real issue but its being blown out of proportion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
closing dam restaurants and bars in Illinois, wait for the kaos to begin not from the virus but from the people that are going to be going insane from all this

The Lounge / Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« on: Sunday, March 15, 2020, 16:56:10 PM »
You guys are really over exaggerating this virus, I'm willing to bet yous are the same ones running to stores stocking up on toilet paper lol

Best way to deal with this turn off the news and radios,  nothing but fake news as my good friend TRUMP would say lol

The Lounge / Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« on: Friday, March 13, 2020, 16:37:54 PM »
Thx the fucking idiots media blowing this out of proportion,  so fucking what you have a fucking virus, more people died with the flu then this bullshit

If you have then you have it big fucking deal, u die from it then guess what it was your time to go

Fucking pathetic people

Support / Re: Wheres my account lmao
« on: Saturday, January 18, 2020, 21:03:09 PM »
Passreset not working for me, eventho i remember my password but it wont let me log in with informations given.

Rip. :)

Somehow that password reset link doesnt work at all. When i press Submit and wait like 5 seconds i end up to frontpage
Same shit was happening to me so your not alone lol, anyhow after doing it 4 times my password was finally excepted...  good luck,

Try this, this is from teddy
You could try to open the link in an incognito tab to make sure nothing's cached by your browser.

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