

Author Topic: NEW BUILDS  (Read 7974 times)

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Offline CS-ACI-

« on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 03:08:16 AM »

OK, I have just read the "Post your hardware" thread, all of it, now drinking even more Red Bull. I want to build a new rig and it will be awesome ( except the cables, I am always messy ), but have not done so for a while so instead of hi-jacking the other thread started this one for NEW BUILDS. I want too use this for discussing the pros' and cons and the real differences.

Points from that thread.

Intel vs. AMD, they were always around the same sort of speed and power. Each tried to get the market by "adding" something that normally either did not work or no one wanted. BUT for me there was a difference that was important, "cooking" times. AMD's pushed to hard cooked instantly where Intel took there time so you could shut down, I have always used BIOS to protect CPU's from over cooking.

On board vs Dedicated sound. I like dedicated sound cards for two reasons. 1 - they take some of the load from the CPU, however little it all helps. 2 - On board is OK if you are using standard speakers/head phones, but if like me you like 5.1 or 7.1 or some of the other benefits then you need dedicated sound.

PSU's, I noticed that most of the systems had 450-600W psu's. My last system started with 750W which cooked in 3 months so I went for 1,200W.

GPU's, I have used both nVidia and ATi and have no real preference. My choice is normally based on getting the most stable for the build.

RAM, just a nightmare.

Hard Drives, now this is where my systems tend to get over complicated. Without even touching on RAID configurations, I have 3 drives. "C" systems drives, yes systems. The machine will have to boot into a minimum of 3 separate O/S's. Linux, Windows ( latest ), Windows ( most stable ). So "C" is partitioned into 5 or 6 drives. "D" software, all software is installed to the second physical hard drive. Lastly "E" where all the media, documents and other projects goes. The reason for this is simple, well sort off. I write software and have to test it cross platform.

Now, for my new build. I am going ass about face with this build, found a new monitor that will make development easier, but it is huge. May also have a second monitor too, not sure if it will be the same or not. I know it is odd to start with a monitor, but why not.

Now for everyone to pass comment, good, bad or just ugly. I won't be building for a while, but I do need to research the hell out of it first.


Offline Alex

« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 03:18:58 AM »
This is my quick advice.

Intel CPU. For gaming it's not even a competition anymore between AMD and Intel, Intel wins easily. Get the latest i5 or i7, you can't go wrong.

GPUs is a bit more tricky. The race is a lot tighter but Nvidia has an edge for one reason. AMD's best cards' prices have gone through the roof. Apparently AMD GPUs are amazing for litecoin mining so everyone is buying them up and the prices have increased dramatically. If you want a beast GPU, look no further than the GTX 780.

Ram is easy and it's dirt cheap right now. I'd recommend 8gb of 1600 DDR3 ram. You can go over 8 if you want, but it won't be needed for gaming.

1200 watts is way overkill unless you're triple SLIing GPUs. 650-700 watt PSU of a reputable brand is perfect. I run my system off a 500 watt Corsair PSU with a Phenom II X6 GPU and a Radeon HD 7950 and it works.

What's your budget though? I can't suggest actual parts until I know a budget. Will you need Windows? Or do you already have it? Mouse? keyboard?
« Last Edit: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 03:40:06 AM by KiLLaMaN »

Offline CS-ACI-

« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 04:38:39 AM »

Budget, yeap I should of mentioned that. My last system was in the 5K range and that is for all hardware and O/S's, so it is not so much of a budget. That is also very flexible but will be kept sensible.

I would like a pair of 780's or what ever is about when I build, but I also have to think about space and other boards.

Also, as this does effect what is available, I am now in the UK not the USA. Some thing are not available in the UK same as the USA.

Just a few other basics that might be important.

Case, big, black, nice clear side, lights blue.

It goes without saying, but will just in case, must be OC'ble, even if I don't. I tend too under clock a little for better stability and longer life.

My last system had 2 extra panels on the front, one for the Creative Labs sound card, I/O's and knobs and a second with fan control over rides, nice digital display with temps.

Have not decided about cooling yet, options are 1 - standard fans, 2 - CPU liquid cooled the rest standard fans, 3 - everything liquid cooled.

Have also run one system with 2 PSU's. 1 was for the mother board and the other for the mechanical devices ( fans and drives ).


Offline [SWISS]Merlin

« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 06:34:30 AM »
on windows, take the 64 bit version. otherwise no more then 3.4 gb of ram can be used.

Offline Alex

« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 13:55:33 PM »

Budget, yeap I should of mentioned that. My last system was in the 5K range and that is for all hardware and O/S's, so it is not so much of a budget. That is also very flexible but will be kept sensible.

I would like a pair of 780's or what ever is about when I build, but I also have to think about space and other boards.

Also, as this does effect what is available, I am now in the UK not the USA. Some thing are not available in the UK same as the USA.

Just a few other basics that might be important.

Case, big, black, nice clear side, lights blue.

It goes without saying, but will just in case, must be OC'ble, even if I don't. I tend too under clock a little for better stability and longer life.

My last system had 2 extra panels on the front, one for the Creative Labs sound card, I/O's and knobs and a second with fan control over rides, nice digital display with temps.

Have not decided about cooling yet, options are 1 - standard fans, 2 - CPU liquid cooled the rest standard fans, 3 - everything liquid cooled.

Have also run one system with 2 PSU's. 1 was for the mother board and the other for the mechanical devices ( fans and drives ).


5K? Holy hell you can build one badass computer for that. :P

PC hardware changes all the time, but pretty much you'll just be looking at the latest Intel CPUs and Nvidia GPUS (unless AMD ever gets the price down on their GPUs). All of the high end Intel CPUs are normally very overclockable (the K models) but it would b ebest to look into that as I don't normally follow the overclocking scene.

I wholly recommend EVGA for Nvidia GPUs. Best customer service I've ever dealt with next to Amazon.
Have you ever SLI'd GPU before? They cna be a headache I hear. Games may not support SLI all that well and stuttering can occur. However, you can max any game with a single GTX 780 Ti alone so you wouldn't have to worry about that.

Like I said, any high end Intel CPU would be good. Their top CPUs are 6 cores, but cost over $1,000.

Motherboards are a bit trickier to pick the best one. It all comes down to preferences. I've only used Gigabyte mobos and they've served me well. I've heard EVGA and Asrock makes good mobos too but I haven't really looked into them much.

Without a budget you can probably go for 16gb of 1600 ram. You can get faster ram, but there really ins't much point in doing it.

What exactly is your PC going to be used for? If it's just gaming you could probably scale back a ton of uneeded stuff. Why spend more money than you need, right?
« Last Edit: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 14:00:04 PM by KiLLaMaN »

Offline Possessed

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« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 15:28:32 PM »
« Last Edit: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 15:30:30 PM by Possessed »
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline CS-ACI-

« Reply #6 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 16:15:55 PM »

Generally if you are building a PC for gaming, it can handle anything else.

The problem is normally with the amount of hardware you can cram onto or connect too a mother board.

When I build a PC it has to be all seeing and all dancing, it will be used for gaming, programming, graphics, sound and video editing. The number of input and output devices can be an issue, had to use a network to run external hard drives in the past.

When working, I use 2 screens normally but I am hoping that the only one will be needed with the one I listed above. I am mildly concerned that the screen will have problems with games, either with or without the screen splitting software. If the screen works perfectly only one screen needed, if it screws with games then I will need a second monitor at a standard ratio. Then I would need to work out if I can use 1 or 2 graphics cards.


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« Reply #7 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 16:20:54 PM » AMD Setup lol :D

24" Screen FULL HD, 1ms
Full ATX tower
Asus Sabertooth R 2.0 good mobo, allow over/underclocks (supports PCI 3.0?)
2 way Crossfire, 2 Radeon 290 (same performance as 290X, less buggy)
Creative Audigy Soundcard.
Blue-ray Writter.
A Mechanical keyboard.
16 gb of RAM 1866, (4x4gb)
1000w PSU, 80 Plus Gold
OCZ 256 GB SSD, 1TB WD raptor 10.000 RPM
I didn't found a FAN Controller.
Base Total:   EUR 2143.47
« Last Edit: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 16:35:53 PM by Possessed »
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline Alex

« Reply #8 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 18:30:05 PM » AMD Setup lol :D

24" Screen FULL HD, 1ms
Full ATX tower
Asus Sabertooth R 2.0 good mobo, allow over/underclocks (supports PCI 3.0?)
2 way Crossfire, 2 Radeon 290 (same performance as 290X, less buggy)
Creative Audigy Soundcard.
Blue-ray Writter.
A Mechanical keyboard.
16 gb of RAM 1866, (4x4gb)
1000w PSU, 80 Plus Gold
OCZ 256 GB SSD, 1TB WD raptor 10.000 RPM
I didn't found a FAN Controller.
Base Total:   EUR 2143.47
If he has the money to spend, going AMD for CPU is a joke. Yes, the 8350 is a damn good CPU for its price and can run any game, but it's still not really comparable to a newer i5, much less an i7 for gaming.
Note the 9590 is better than the 8350. Also note the 9590's ridiculously high clock and power consumption.
In other words, the i7 4770 pretty much beats the 9590 in every way and draws much less power and produces much less heat at a lower clock.  Also keep in mind that the 9590 is AMD's best offering, while the 4770K is not Intel's best CPU.


Generally if you are building a PC for gaming, it can handle anything else.
This is simply not true. Intel has a HUGE advantage over AMD in the gaming department. However, AMD CPUs still beat out Intel CPUs occasionally when it comes to other programs due to more cores and different design. Of course this is keeping in mind comparative price ranges. I would go look up some benchmark comparisons that use more than just games.

There is something you might want to keep in mind though. The new consoles both have AMD CPUs in them. Whether this will affect how games are made for PC as well has yet to be seen.

« Last Edit: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 19:22:58 PM by KiLLaMaN »

Offline -NicK.!

« Reply #9 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 18:39:09 PM » AMD Setup lol :D

24" Screen FULL HD, 1ms
Full ATX tower
Asus Sabertooth R 2.0 good mobo, allow over/underclocks (supports PCI 3.0?)
2 way Crossfire, 2 Radeon 290 (same performance as 290X, less buggy)
Creative Audigy Soundcard.
Blue-ray Writter.
A Mechanical keyboard.
16 gb of RAM 1866, (4x4gb)
1000w PSU, 80 Plus Gold
OCZ 256 GB SSD, 1TB WD raptor 10.000 RPM
I didn't found a FAN Controller.
Base Total:   EUR 2143.47
Why would you crossfire 290's when one 290 would last you for a while? Also, AMD GPU prices are inflated due to bitcoin mining so nvidia is the way to go. He should get a 780 or 780 ti since he has the money.

Offline Koden

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« Reply #10 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 19:01:53 PM »
Personally if i were to get a new build from scratch i would spend more on a screen and sound system, pc parts age but a good screen and quality headphones or speakers can last for quite a long time and they make a difference in everyday use.

Offline CS-ACI-

« Reply #11 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 21:08:10 PM »

KiLLaMaN, when I was in the US newwegg was my supplier of choice, but they can't or wont send stuff over the pond, and their non US options are not good.

Possessed, that site is pretty cool as a starting place.

This is not what I will end up with, but it is in the right region, and BTW what a fucking guess on the price. I put this together quickly, I have not checked sizes, space, power requirements or exact colors, I like black with blue, and I know some of the products don't match that.

I also noticed the absence of some stuff, I miss my G15, I did not see and TV/video cards. Some of the choices are because I have used the "older" versions, but will check out all options before spending that sort of cash.

Only interesting thing missing from the copy and paste was this "Estimated Wattage: 848W" , hence I am giving way more power than it needs, I always over engineer.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks

CPU:  Intel Core i7-3960X Extreme Edition 3.3GHz 6-Core Processor  (?753.21 @ Amazon UK)
CPU Cooler:  Cooler Master Seidon 240M 86.2 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler  (?81.99 @ Amazon UK)
Motherboard:  EVGA 150-SE-E789-KR EATX LGA2011 Motherboard  (?297.58 @ Amazon UK)
Memory:  Corsair Dominator Platinum 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR3-2400 Memory  (?424.99 @ Amazon UK)
Storage:  Samsung EVO 1TB 2.5" Solid State Disk  (?389.00 @ Amazon UK)
Storage:  Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  (?54.98 @ Aria PC)
Storage:  Seagate Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive  (?54.98 @ Aria PC)
Video Card:  EVGA GeForce GTX Titan Black 6GB Video Card (2-Way SLI)  (?791.74 @
Video Card:  EVGA GeForce GTX Titan Black 6GB Video Card (2-Way SLI)  (?791.74 @
Sound Card:  Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy Rx 24-bit 192 KHz Sound Card  (?44.35 @ CCL Computers)
Wireless Network Adapter:  Asus PCE-AC68 802.11a/b/g/n/ac PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter  (?69.47 @
Case:  Cooler Master HAF X ATX Full Tower Case  (?129.95 @
Case Fan:  Cooler Master R4-L4S-10AB-GP 60.9 CFM 140mm  Fan  (?33.26 @ Amazon UK)
Power Supply:  Enermax Platimax 1500W 80+ Platinum Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply  (?298.98 @
Optical Drive:  Sony 5280S-CB-PLUS DVD/CD Writer  (?38.00 @ Amazon UK)
Optical Drive:  Pioneer BDR-209DBK Blu-Ray/DVD/CD Writer  (?54.27 @ Amazon UK)
Operating System:  Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (OEM) (64-bit)  (?135.20 @ CCL Computers)
Monitor:  LG 29EA73-P 60Hz 29.0" Monitor  (?343.31 @ CCL Computers)
Keyboard:  Logitech G110 Wired Standard Keyboard  (?175.29 @ Amazon UK)
Mouse:  Razer Taipan Wired Laser Mouse  (?72.71 @ CCL Computers)
Headphones:  Sennheiser PC333D 7.1 Channel Headset  (?109.99 @
Total: ?5144.99
(Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available.)
(Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-03-06 01:55 GMT+0000)


Offline Alex

« Reply #12 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 21:16:46 PM »
I realized you couldn't use newegg. It was just to show you my recommended GPU. However, you're ambitions for a PC are much larger than I thought. Bordering on the absurd.

You're going to  SLI Titans? That's a bit extreme.
32 GB of ram? What's the point?
Are you just spending money to spend money?  Sorry, I just can't fathom spending that much money when you'll get the same experience from a machine a fraction of the price. :P One thing is for sure, you wouldn't have to worry about an upgrade for an extremely long time.

Also, if you want the best sound (since you seem to be going for the best of everything else) you don't want a creative soundcard. An external DAC and a good pair of headphones (not a headset) is what you should get.
« Last Edit: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 21:46:25 PM by KiLLaMaN »

Offline Possessed

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« Reply #13 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 21:46:10 PM »
with 2 titans you can run games in 1440P resolution O.o, pick the i7-4690K (not sure lol), not much performance gain, but this is the lastest one.

remind me of the PC Gamer "LPC"
« Last Edit: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 21:59:48 PM by Possessed »
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline CS-ACI-

« Reply #14 on: Wednesday, March 05, 2014, 22:32:42 PM »
You're going to  SLI Titans? That's a bit extreme.
No, four would be extreme. Looking at 2 because of screen size and the possibility of two screens.
32 GB of ram? What's the point?
you wouldn't have to worry about an upgrade for an extremely long time.
Yes and no. If standards don't change then the machine is good for 10 years. If standards change like the jump from DX9 to DX10 then some components would need to be.
Also, if you want the best sound (since you seem to be going for the best of everything else) you don't want a creative soundcard. An external DAC and a good pair of headphones (not a headset) is what you should get.
I am trying to avoid anything external, the headset is a compromise but one I am happy with.

Also, if you look carefully, not everything on that list is the best or the fastest or the most expensive.



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