

Author Topic: ww roof  (Read 7863 times)

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Re: ww roof
« Reply #30 on: Tuesday, March 05, 2013, 05:39:49 AM »
Mothagoose, i appreciate it that you were at least trying to do something about this ww glitch. I can tell that there is indeed a glitch/bug where enemy players/bodies become invisible when they make a crouch action after climbing up the ladder. I've played several hours as Sniper on Escort and i think that it has to do something with the boxes (or are it vents? anyways thos objects standing in front of the ladder). The bug appeared mostly when players crouched to the left or right (but also between the boxes) of these boxes. I sometimes even manged to make blind shots and could thus kill an enemy player whithout seeing him. But that were lucky shots which i placed left, right or between the boxes. Wickid, these players are not crying like babies, it's a bug which gives unfair advantage, because you are not visible around these boxes as ambush. Maybe there is even a technique of going invisible, bc i couldn't reproduce the glitch while being on ww as ambush sniper. If you really want to investigate in this bug, you will need two players who test it, one on third floor escort building and one on ww roof.


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