


Would you like to be able to play as OPFOR?


Author Topic: Let OPFOR be OPFOR  (Read 7595 times)

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Offline rifkenhausen

« on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 13:30:34 PM »
Hello there, (for the lazy ones, just jump down to last sentence)

Let me first start by a little bit of introduction: I am a newly registered user of the Assist tool and I must say I am quite impressed by it, and by the state the game is in now (because of it). I was so impressed by it that I actually advertised it on FPS forums along with small videos of America's Army unique features and gameplay.

The thing I was looking forward to mostly was the fact that it is released from the hands of the US Army, and into the hands of true gamers. Thanks to the Army(or, should I say, the tax payers) we have a good game today, but there were also some things that annoyed me once I first tried it in December of 2003.

One of those things is that you always got to see yourself as American soldier, and you always saw your enemy as the OPFOR. This brought up some interesting questions like: If I pick up their AK47, does it still have fire power of M16 but in full auto?

Anyways, to cut the story short: Is it possible for "new developers" to make it so we can finally play as OPFOR, starting off with their weapons, shooting into Army personal?

Offline Koden

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« Reply #1 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 13:54:55 PM »
Hmmm yes as a matter of facts it's possible to set an Opfor looking uniform for friendlies and yourself, and a US army one for the enemy. I just say, as a matter of facts, because the actual practical purpose to use a reversed uniform scheme might be, well, questionable under some points of view. Obviously the main point point would have to be rieducating so many players that have kept playing the game for years with a "correct" uniform scheme (simply, loads of ROE).
« Last Edit: Friday, March 30, 2012, 13:57:50 PM by Koden »

Offline Alex

« Reply #2 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 13:58:06 PM »
I think that would be a useless feature and something that won't enhance the game at all. We could make it to where you have opfor guns and skins, but that would be too time consuming for such a useless feature.  This game has been around for a long time and people are used to the way it is. Don't fix what isn't broken.
« Last Edit: Friday, March 30, 2012, 13:59:37 PM by KiLLaMaN »

Offline rifkenhausen

« Reply #3 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:19:53 PM »
I think that would be a useless feature and something that won't enhance the game at all. We could make it to where you have opfor guns and skins, but that would be too time consuming for such a useless feature.  This game has been around for a long time and people are used to the way it is. Don't fix what isn't broken.

While this game has America's Army's name, they ditched the support for this game long before they shut down the auth servers. I was thinking it is time to shape the game to our liking now, because without changes people might lose interest.

First step towards this would be to have an option to select the side with preferred weaponry. How often do you get to use SVD sniper rifle now? I feel it's a shame that so many good weapons are going to waste.

I am confident that that this change would bring a lot of more new players in, than it would take out, and this matters very much.

Think about it: You hear that you can finally play as OPFOR in this AA, would you install the game again, just for the curiosity?

Offline Alex

« Reply #4 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:20:57 PM »
While this game has America's Army's name, they ditched the support for this game long before they shut down the auth servers. I was thinking it is time to shape the game to our liking now, because without changes people might lose interest.

First step towards this would be to have an option to select the side with preferred weaponry. How often do you get to use SVD sniper rifle now? I feel it's a shame that so many good weapons are going to waste.

I am confident that that this change would bring a lot of more new players in, than it would take out, and this matters very much.

Think about it: You hear that you can finally play as OPFOR in this AA, would you install the game again, just for the curiosity?
No, as a matter of fact, I would probably quit the game because they didn't accurately balance the weapons. The AK is way better than the m16. Not to mention it's not our game to fuck with. Sure we could change all that, but I don't feel like altering a game someone else made. It's the same way with artwork. You don't edit someone else's artwork without their permission. The army never gave us permission to change their game. We could give teams Opfor weapons and skins, but everything else abnout the team would still be American, like the voices.

Thinking about ti some more, I din't think we could make 2 separate teams, opfor and US army. No matter what you do the enemy will have opfor skins or U.S. skins permanently. I don't think there is a way to alter them based on what team you're on as that is not how the game was made. We can't edit the game code.
« Last Edit: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:24:44 PM by KiLLaMaN »

Offline rifkenhausen

« Reply #5 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:30:04 PM »
The AK is way better than the m16.
I am pretty sure that M16 is better on long distance maps. And I don't think it would be so big of a balance problem since I regularly take out those AR's in CQB with M16, and they are more powerful thank AK.

We can't edit the game code
How about an automatic class forcing on the round start to switch skins and every weapon with its opposite analogue one? M16 for AK, M24 for Mosin, etc... On some servers this is done automatically, but everyone gets the same weapon.
« Last Edit: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:33:12 PM by rifkenhausen »

Offline Koden

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« Reply #6 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:33:04 PM »

Thinking about ti some more, I din't think we could make 2 separate teams, opfor and US army. No matter what you do the enemy will have opfor skins or U.S. skins permanently. I don't think there is a way to alter them based on what team you're on as that is not how the game was made. We can't edit the game code.

Nope. Think of the way it is now, you see the enemy as Opfor and Friendlies as US ones, yep? Heres why:

*wrong statement*

« Last Edit: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:46:07 PM by Koden »

Offline rifkenhausen

« Reply #7 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:34:45 PM »
It's just a skin coupled with a mesh, nothing else.

I don't understand quite well. Can this be implemented or not?
« Last Edit: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:38:19 PM by rifkenhausen »

Offline Alex

« Reply #8 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:35:18 PM »
Nope. Think of the way it is now, you see the enemy as Opfor and Friendlies as US ones, yep? Heres why:

It's just a skin coupled with a mesh, nothing else.

Yeah, I didn't think they had an opfor skin choice for both teams. Even still, it's a useless change that wouldn't add anything to the game.

Offline Alex

« Reply #9 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:38:10 PM »
So this can't be changed? Looking from that "editor", couldn't you just swap some variables?
No, there is only 1 option for enemy skins, that mean that regardless of what team you're on, you will see that skin on the enemy. If they had it for each team it would be doable.

Offline Koden

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« Reply #10 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:42:24 PM »
No, there is only 1 option for enemy skins, that mean that regardless of what team you're on, you will see that skin on the enemy. If they had it for each team it would be doable.

Of course you can still switch to reverse the Opfor and US uniforms, to have the former for Friendlies and the latter for the Opfor. I thought he was just asking to play as an Opfor, did he? Otherwise, there's no way as you say in fact.

Offline rifkenhausen

« Reply #11 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:43:37 PM »
Nah, I did not want to play reverse. I wanted 2 teams to always be different, kind of like the normal games are.

I had the idea after seeing the "bug" many times on first round, upon joining on server. Your own team had opfor mesh/skin, so I thought this was doable.

But just for the heck of it: Is it possible to reverse this on client side if it's only cosmetic?

Offline guily6669

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« Reply #12 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:43:46 PM »
I agree in this being useless...

What's the point of; instead of seeing a ally skin, we would see a terrorist skin or so?

Anyway about the guns, if you would like to have foes guns, it can be made by editing a map and have an edited map with different weapon slots...

But instead of loosing time in this, I would prefer having more new custom guns to forceclass, that would be better waste of good time, like an MP5 SD special forces!

ps: I prefer a million times the way it is at the moment, if you kill an enemy you can pick his gun as a trophy, they have higher damage, but also have a real bad recoil that would make noobs used to the M16 to not like the game. (Even though I usually pick foes guns, I prefer having them after killing than at the begining).
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« Last Edit: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:47:51 PM by guily6669 »

Offline rifkenhausen

« Reply #13 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:47:36 PM »
I agree in this being useless...

What's the point of; instead of seeing a ally skin, we would see a terrorist skin or so?

No, I meant the ability to chose team - play as OPFOR against US or vice versa.

Offline guily6669

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« Reply #14 on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 14:53:06 PM »
No, I meant the ability to chose team - play as OPFOR against US or vice versa.
Still dont see the point of changing ASSAULT and DEFENCE to USA and TERRORIST or any other crap...

I mean, the games is america's army, I'm not even from US and I can't say I like US that much, but I still prefer the game like this where your teammates always look allies in most maps.

Terrorists and counter-terrorists are in the crap CS 4 kids. However, having a terrorist and counter-terrorist mod without touching in the original game, but just as a server mod, I wouldn't mind. Now changing the game would kinda kill it a bit.

ps: And also USA would get M16 single and burst while you would get the AK which kills better. It would require too many changes to make it that way...
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