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Need Ideas
« on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 20:56:17 PM »
What would improve this site? What would draw more users? What's needed?
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Offline Archeh

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Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, February 21, 2010, 22:05:04 PM »
Personally, I'm satisfied with the close-knit community we've established here. But at the same time, HeadShot definitely has room to grow. I've invited a few people that I see being good fits for what we have here, but none have taken the time to register. I think that's the best way to guarantee results though (and keep the douchers out :p) as opposed to a broader advertisement.
Hi I'm Archeh I like too have fun online playing shoot-'em-up video games

Offline Dialects

Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #2 on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 09:47:10 AM »
We need to get rid of Cotton. That's a first.

I think HsC! suffers from a lack of focus. In other words, the fact that we cover so much (Hardware, Software, Games, Art, etc), makes it all the less surprising that people end not feeling comfortable in joining, in a way. Just like when I register in Art forums; I expect them to be associated with art only ----and that is what truly makes me join. In which case, the community and its level of maturity/interest is --most of the times-- compromised. It's a safe bet. I'm going for something I know I'll fit into, somehow.

In here, I believe we lack this; this "key attraction". Discussions about Hardware are often dismantled with performance comparison; Software depends mostly on opinions and personal preferences; Art is always a good subject to discuss, but needs more people to interact with it; Life Awareness, such as Pollution, is mostly source-dependable and inaccurate as well. Everything is very much like opinion-dependent. In a way, that makes any and all discussion seemingly pointless.

I still think HsC! should turn to be about game industry and production. Modders, game coders, 3D modelers, etc ----This is what I would like to see HsC! achieving in a long-term compromise.

First step is; Banning Cotton.
« Last Edit: Monday, February 22, 2010, 09:49:53 AM by Dann »
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George S. Patton

Offline Alex

Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #3 on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 11:58:04 AM »
We need to get rid of Cotton. That's a first.

I think HsC! suffers from a lack of focus. In other words, the fact that we cover so much (Hardware, Software, Games, Art, etc), makes it all the less surprising that people end not feeling comfortable in joining, in a way. Just like when I register in Art forums; I expect them to be associated with art only ----and that is what truly makes me join. In which case, the community and its level of maturity/interest is --most of the times-- compromised. It's a safe bet. I'm going for something I know I'll fit into, somehow.

In here, I believe we lack this; this "key attraction". Discussions about Hardware are often dismantled with performance comparison; Software depends mostly on opinions and personal preferences; Art is always a good subject to discuss, but needs more people to interact with it; Life Awareness, such as Pollution, is mostly source-dependable and inaccurate as well. Everything is very much like opinion-dependent. In a way, that makes any and all discussion seemingly pointless.

I still think HsC! should turn to be about game industry and production. Modders, game coders, 3D modelers, etc ----This is what I would like to see HsC! achieving in a long-term compromise.

First step is; Banning Cotton.

I find that the "key attraction" is that the site offers so much. It offers more than a site that is only focused on one thing. Everybody can find soemthnig they like here. If you try to turn it into a site for one purpose like you said for game coders, 3d modelers ect., I would not come here anymore since I don't know anything about that. You would lose some members. I don't think that being focused on one thing will get the site more members at all.

Offline Archeh

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Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #4 on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 12:53:25 PM »
Banning cotton won't solve anything. Wait, what am I saying?; there's nothing to solve. We have no problems here, but there's always room to improve. And Killaman is right. I come here not because there's a certain attraction, but because it's HeadShot and frankly because I'll support any of Nate's projects. But if everything he's done with HeadShot over-what? the last 4 or so years already?- is just thrown away to become another modding site, or anything really, I would have no reason to return because that's not HeadShot.

So, umm, I think we should do the opposite of what Dann said.
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Offline Spanky

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Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #5 on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 15:45:48 PM »
I'll support any of Nate's projects.
It is time to start my trip around the world in a lead balloon project then.

So, umm, I think we should do the opposite of what Dann said.
I didn't read what he posted but I agree. :D
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Offline Dialects

Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #6 on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 18:14:24 PM »
*Dann runs to a corner and swears not to ever post again as tears follow through his sad expression*

The End of Dann's Never Heard Stories.
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George S. Patton

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Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #7 on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 18:34:51 PM »
Ok, here's a real look at your post Dann. I realize that general forums usually fail since they don't have a direction and while Headshot! was pretty much started as a "AA 2.3 Community", it grew along with the interests of the users. It's hard to remain specific when you want to gain the attention of a wider variety of people. There may be a lot of boards here but I only really see 4 points of interest and 2 are kinda in the same ballpark:


When you aim a forum towards a specific category, you can find tons of subcategories and I think that's the majority of why HsC is seemingly so broad. Bottom line is that I've been on many restricting forums where you'd rather leave than bothering to post something and that's not fun. I don't expect this to have thousands of users and be highly active but I do expect it to remain an open, organized place for people to discuss anything without restriction.
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Offline Dialects

Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #8 on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 21:13:21 PM »
None of my ideas (or better said, words of opinion) implied restriction. It was nowhere in my intention to pass that feeling onto others. The way I see it, HsC! is just floating on the vacuum --I don't mean it badly!--; which, as a consequence, may inflict the sense of doubt to newly and/or yet to register users.

"Hm, interesting. What should I post? Oh, I don't know. They all know so much about so many things. I am not sure I know as much, and I don't want to look like a clown. There's this interesting discussion about religion, but no one ever seems to be talking about it anymore? Should I, as a new member, bump it? Oh. I don't think that'd make them think good of me either. I'm really unsure as to what I should post about. Ehm. I'll look into it some other time, I guess."

This is a familiar scenario for new users; even the more when they lack of trust or confidence on themselves/their opinions/their thoughts. It takes a lot of guts to come out of the blank and put your words out there, you know? Especially when you, not after too long from doing so, find yourself defending them with bone and flesh.

My point is; if things have an higher sense of direction, it often helps to smooth out this illusion of being inadequate/incapable. Direction is, in no way, a synonym of restriction and exclusivity. At least that's what I believe. Things are connected in chains. You go from point A to point B. You do something to achieve something else; you provoke something to get something else in return.

In a forum, you post to be replied to, or for others to read. In a friendly community, you often find yourself posting about your own life adventures, which I am sure many of us enjoy reading about (Personally, I always do!). But; ---but we all have a background. We all know each other from way back. New users don't. We need to account for that.

A last words in regards to direction or focus; ---The same way you see no point in being active in a restricted forum, would you see a point in visiting a forum with no point at all? Obviously, HsC! does have a point in its existence. For all I know, presently, it stands for and about the community. However, that aside, what is it that HsC (the forum itself, not its members) has to offer? There needs to be a key somewhere, to open up those pad-lockers that guard people's interest, aye? At least that's how I think forums should do. Be there to more than just chatting. Chatting was a pump in the 90s and everyone wanted to log onto IRC. That's not that case anymore, I'm afraid. Chatting is as much part of our lives nowadays, as pissing is.

Sorry for the long post.
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Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #9 on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 21:30:18 PM »
However, that aside, what is it that HsC (the forum itself, not its members) has to offer? There needs to be a key somewhere, to open up those pad-lockers that guard people's interest, aye?

That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out with threads like this. I guess we no longer do the things that make us unique... No more 2.3, no more mAAp Pack... So what's next? :) My main passion in life is computers and with learning more about them in the past years, I want to help others and share that knowledge, that's why this forum had a lean towards that. Again, that's far from unique since there's approximately a shit load of other forums that are by far more active towards that interest. Maybe we don't have anything unique except for how we go about things. You and I Dann tend to do things that a lot of people do but the way we go about it tends to break a few molds yea? Killaman has a lot of potential and does some fantastic work for posting here and Archi is team captain of SpankyWatch. We all do different things here, not many of us follow in the tight circle we once used to which is ok but our individual topics don't contain as much entertainment to others as they once did. Basically, we need more members who have similar interests but new ideas. I feel like I'm rambling now so I'l end it here.
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Offline BlueBlaster

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Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 00:54:00 AM »
Make one huge post that tells users they are in the house of their mothers. Then they shouldn't feel bad bumping posts. They might as well build a hole in the wall and live on the forums.

I am serious.

Offline Archeh

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Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 17:32:30 PM »
Coming from the guy who wasn't mentioned in Nate's post  ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
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Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #12 on: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 17:37:27 PM »
Well AssBlaster for whatever reason has decided to become absent on the forums as well as AIM (at least when I check the ol' buddy list).

Anyway, Dann suggested I improve the site by updating, getting a decent theme and whatnot. While I want to do this, the current version of SMF is old and the newest version is only a Release Candidate. I don't want to upgrade to SMF 2.0 RC2 and mod it and theme it just to have to make changes for RC3 or the final release. So, I think I'm going to wait until either RC3 or the final release comes out then I'll put some effort into the site. Until then, it'd be nice if new users joined :)
It's like shaving your pubes to make your junk look bigger.
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Offline Dialects

Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #13 on: Friday, February 26, 2010, 09:19:33 AM »
I don't know many people that would want to join forums and communities, unless they are directly and exclusively related with art!  :-\

Back in the time, I would always be very active in the e-world and socialize within a good amount of e-friends.

Things have changed, though. I no longer play AA, join VOIP sessions, or even visit online communities.

HsC!, ConceptArt and CGTalk and C4D Cafe are the only forums I visit now. So I might not be the best guy to bring people over.

Unless we had a project justify artists, modelers and coders to join, somehow.
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George S. Patton


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Re: Need Ideas
« Reply #14 on: Friday, February 26, 2010, 12:38:52 PM »
Unless we had a project justify artists, modelers and coders to join, somehow.

Well, you have Jonny's project, but that's still like two years away.


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