

Author Topic: Ban for ServerMOD using?  (Read 19854 times)

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Offline Darkjello769

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #75 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 10:20:08 AM »

Experienced players are playing on the modded servers because thats the only servers that have people playing in them 95% of the time. Im talking about USA region. Ive tried to join my server and just wait there for someone to join but no one wants to play against 1 person and/or wait for more people to join.

Also, its much easier for noobs to get kills when they shoot an rpg/gp rather than skill with actually shooting a bullet. They can kill experienced players cause it takes no skill obv. Or how about people just throwing inc grenades into main doorways over and over and over. Get real. Its boring and its only fun for a bit. Then its lame

Offline Yahoo

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Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #76 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 10:52:38 AM »
If the game was played the way it should be we wouldn't being discussing about what is or is not easy... Like i said before:

The game it's meant to be played with the weapons provided by the maps

I do play sometimes modded servers cause i haven't got other option, that is why we should be discussing baning the mods, not tracking them or not... Just my 2 cents!

Offline Ganja

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #77 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 11:25:19 AM »
Yahoo, basically it means that majority of players want modded servers, cauz fewer players play regular. And you want regular so you say let's ban the others. Kinda hardcore mentality

Offline B@lestra^

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #78 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 11:34:32 AM »
Yahoo, basically it means that majority of players want modded servers, cauz fewer players play regular. And you want regular so you say let's ban the others. Kinda hardcore mentality

Again wrong argumentation. There is no proove that the majority of players wants to play on moded servers. It's the majority of servers who has been setup like this. That was the first mistake in allwoing to setup moded servers. If you stop tracking these, these servers can exist parallely and don't harm the integrity of game/stat/core of AA2.
« Last Edit: Monday, December 31, 2012, 11:51:31 AM by B@lestra^ »

Offline Yahoo

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Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #79 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 11:39:07 AM »
I don't know what do you mean by majority, cause most of the players don't even come to forum and by this thread you are the only one defending mods... anyway this is a pointless discussion, i'm not going to change my mind as you don't go change yours, i gave my opinion just to let admins know if they make a decision based on community advice...

B@lestra^, the integrity of the game is compromised everytime that a mod server exist, it's not about tracking them, the game is and should be more important then tracker... a few months ago i said tracker should be shuted down, back then was because abusing stats now it's about servers... shuting down tracker would save admins headaches and we wouldn't be having this type of conversations...
« Last Edit: Monday, December 31, 2012, 11:49:21 AM by Yahoo »

Offline Ganja

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #80 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 11:42:19 AM »
I know there is no point on arguiing here, thats why I do it. It's funny to see people's reaction.
I have to admit Balestra is the funniest. Talking crap about modded servers, lol, 1 hour ago he's playing on normal bridge, but then good players join and Balestra leaves and go to sf bridge and camps in tower shooting 203 at people.
Next time you talk about BOOM BOOM AA shit modded server blabla imma laugh to death.

And btw there are enough non modded servers, dont say it's the servers fault. Players join Servers, Servers dont force players to play there

Offline B@lestra^

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #81 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 11:54:14 AM »
I know there is no point on arguiing here, thats why I do it. It's funny to see people's reaction.
I have to admit Balestra is the funniest. Talking crap about modded servers, lol, 1 hour ago he's playing on normal bridge, but then good players join and Balestra leaves and go to sf bridge and camps in tower shooting 203 at people.
Next time you talk about BOOM BOOM AA shit modded server blabla imma laugh to death.

And btw there are enough non modded servers, dont say it's the servers fault. Players join Servers, Servers dont force players to play there

Stop talking bs. I played Assault all the time and then left, bc there were too few players. Then i switched to other server bc there were more, then again the player amount droped and i left. I prefer playing on full or neraly full servers, thats why sometimes players are (with aa25) forced to play on moded servers.


Tracking has always been a part of AA2, so why should we stop it? What should be stopped is the moded servers, especially too crazy moded servers with low gravity, dmg-counter, bazillions of Gs, 203, rockets etc. These servers may exist, people could join them for fun, but these servers should imo not be tracked, like it was meant to be.

To the Ganja fraction: you still did not answer in any wy to your incoherent argument why moded servers should be tracked. If they play for fun, why must they be tracked? If they harm the game/stat integrity and original idea of AA2, why shall they be tracked?

Try to learn to argue, instead of bringing bs crap after bs crap.
« Last Edit: Monday, December 31, 2012, 11:59:50 AM by B@lestra^ »

Offline Ganja

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #82 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 12:15:51 PM »
Dude learnt o argue, did you seriously tell me that? I mean we're on the internet, arguiing about a killing game, arguiing wether or not players who are playing this video game should have a gun with a scope and a 203 launcher or just a normal gun.

You can go on alone with your arguiing, you take this too seriously.
My opinion is LET IT AS IT IS

Offline [VerteX]$MoNeY$

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #83 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 13:46:21 PM »
B@lestra I think you don't understand really of whats this topic all about, I don't even think you know how oldfag I am and ganja and I know what I'm talking about. People choose where they want to play. We say people will leave especially new players if modded tracking gone. That's the only servers that left playable and I only see sf hospital,urban and bridge that are left with normal where i play the most. I think new thread should be opened to discuss this and give their opinions. This is unexpected discussion started when it should have been locked. Leave as it is and stop arguing newfag. You can protest but don't cry later on that aao25 is dieing.
« Last Edit: Monday, December 31, 2012, 13:48:15 PM by [VerteX]$MoNeY$ »

Offline Alex

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #84 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 14:52:28 PM »
This has gotten out of hand. The purpose of not tracking modded servers is NOT to get people to stop playing them, it is to protect the stats system from abuse. Do people really care about stats that much that they will not play on non-tracked servers? I'd like to think they don't. This shouldn't take any players away from modded servers, it just protects the stats system. After all, what is the point of having a stats system if it is so easily abused?

Offline @xe

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #85 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 17:44:32 PM »
I would like to know how any player that comes to my server is able to increase there stats more than others.

Unless they are getting more points per kill it is not possible, the real truth is server activity from what i see most people play our servers and hospital, explain to me why sf hospital is so popular.

The real aim here is by taking the tracking from our server they are hoping the players will go to the regular weapons servers, well if they wanted to play there they would.

Our server harms no one and the only 2 mods we use are weapon picker and map choice, and that is only on 2 of the 4 servers we run.

I see the for are outnumbered by the against might have to see what i can do about that.

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Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #86 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 17:47:26 PM »
his point is that with non regular guns, (eg rockets and 203's) you have more change to get kills, then points etc etc.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline inverseKID

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #87 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 18:46:17 PM »
Do people really care about stats that much that they will not play on non-tracked servers? I'd like to think they don't.

+1  I guarantee half the people who play on modded servers don't even know how to check their stats, let alone care about them.

Offline Alex

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #88 on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 22:14:29 PM »
I would like to know how any player that comes to my server is able to increase there stats more than others.

Unless they are getting more points per kill it is not possible, the real truth is server activity from what i see most people play our servers and hospital, explain to me why sf hospital is so popular.

The real aim here is by taking the tracking from our server they are hoping the players will go to the regular weapons servers, well if they wanted to play there they would.

Our server harms no one and the only 2 mods we use are weapon picker and map choice, and that is only on 2 of the 4 servers we run.

I see the for are outnumbered by the against might have to see what i can do about that.
This isn't directed at your server or any server in general. It is directed at mods that CAN be used to gain stats in an unrealistic manner. Stop making this seem like it is about your server, it's not. I already said the real aim of my idea, if you want to continue to think everyone is against you, fine, but that's not what's happening. It would be to protect the integrity of the stat system and nothing more. I highly doubt people will stop playing on modded servers just because they're not tracked. After all, people play this game for fun, right?
« Last Edit: Monday, December 31, 2012, 22:16:17 PM by KiLLaMaN »

Offline @xe

Re: Ban for ServerMOD using?
« Reply #89 on: Tuesday, January 01, 2013, 00:15:57 AM »
So looking it from your point of view then the mods we run are fine and if tracking was stopped on modded servers that gained and unfair advantage it would not effect us?

I can't see this happening so i will fight for the right of my clan and others that just run weapon mods to continue to run our servers as we see fit.


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