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Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« on: Friday, March 13, 2020, 08:36:56 AM »
So how's everyone doing on that front?

They declared a state of emergency here in Estonia. They've shut down all schools, no public gatherings are allowed.

I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands, it would seem...
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

"Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true." Bertrand Russell

Offline Koden

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Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #1 on: Friday, March 13, 2020, 08:50:13 AM »
Imho most countries should be prepared to declare a nearly complete quarantine. Most cases show little to no symptoms, and that is specifically what enabled a widespread outbreak of the virus. Presenting no symptom makes for a perfect candidate for anybody to carry the virus and further spread it.
The main issue is that the heaviest risk and consequence of the virus is interstitial pneumonia, which isn't exactly easy to cure and requires artificial respirators in order for the patient to properly breath, also some buildup of fluids in both lungs might cause further issues.

Needless to say, patient carrying said pneumonia need to get taken and treated in intensive care, and provided that every country has enough intensive care rooms, it might not necessarily have enough respirators for each and every single person at the peak of the outbreak.

So, yeah, it's fundamental to avoid further spreading the outbreak.
« Last Edit: Friday, March 13, 2020, 08:53:29 AM by Koden »

Offline voras

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Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #2 on: Friday, March 13, 2020, 13:39:54 PM »
Same in Lithuania teddy lol... 2 weeks with my childs in the house.. all closing....  :banned: we get today 3 new corona virus ppl.. we have 6 now... but I am awesome how dumb is ppl.... they get corona in north Italy hills... they was warned about dont go to Italy  :rtfm:.... but for they is more important go scate ....   

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Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #3 on: Friday, March 13, 2020, 13:42:22 PM »
Maybe god make corona bcz he want see all of us playing aa2. Haha . Eliz where are you.? Where is my free kill on right cat.... and bananas hill...

Offline General_alkos

Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #4 on: Friday, March 13, 2020, 13:55:24 PM »
in Croatia also closed schools and colleges for two weeks.
32 patients have been confirmed to date,but I think there will now be more and more patients in Croatia.
all the best from Robert

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Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #5 on: Friday, March 13, 2020, 16:37:54 PM »
Thx the fucking idiots media blowing this out of proportion,  so fucking what you have a fucking virus, more people died with the flu then this bullshit

If you have then you have it big fucking deal, u die from it then guess what it was your time to go

Fucking pathetic people

Offline General_alkos

Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #6 on: Friday, March 13, 2020, 17:17:53 PM »
haha i agree wick but corona comes from you, you wanted to fuck China!!

since i closed the grandma server we have no normal server to play!
« Last Edit: Friday, March 13, 2020, 17:36:25 PM by General_alkos »

Offline General_alkos

Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #7 on: Friday, March 13, 2020, 18:23:12 PM »
and koden..
italy made the most mistakes in the eu regarding the corona virus!!
your statesmen are as corrupt and incompetent as they are in my country..unfortunately...

Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #8 on: Saturday, March 14, 2020, 04:29:43 AM »
Thx the fucking idiots media blowing this out of proportion,  so fucking what you have a fucking virus, more people died with the flu then this bullshit

If you have then you have it big fucking deal, u die from it then guess what it was your time to go

Fucking pathetic people
There is a lot of misinformation and panic causing.

And while it's true that more have died from the flu this year (lets say roughly 65 000 globally) than the novel coronavirus (less than 6000 last I checked), there is a stark difference between the statistics.

The flu has been spreading all over the world for decades. Many people get it (estimates of 240 million to 1.6 billion yearly), but the death rate is less than 0.1% (seasonally different). This is a well known virus/disease and doctors know how to deal with it.

The novel coronavirus, however, hasn't spread everywhere yet. It's far more deadly on average, with  death rates of 3.7% (globally). the death rate is lower in most developed countries, but still higher than that of influenza.
This is a novel virus/disease. Doctors don't yet know exactly how to deal with it. Hell, people are not event entirely sure of all its spread mechanics.

A lot of the risk is in the unknown.

and koden..
italy made the most mistakes in the eu regarding the corona virus!!
your statesmen are as corrupt and incompetent as they are in my country..unfortunately...
Italy was the first European country that was hit this hard. Most likely other countries would have had similar situations if they were the first to get hit. All the major decisions in Europe have been made after the virus has already reached Europe.
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

"Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true." Bertrand Russell

Offline General_alkos

Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #9 on: Saturday, March 14, 2020, 08:36:37 AM »
If the focus of corona virus in Italy,Would a normal person allow a ferry from Ancona to Split three days ago?..
Tonight increase the number of infected from 32 to 37.
people are not normal, panic has started and everyone is buying what is needed and unnecessary..

I'll go fishing on the Danube until the situation calms down:):)

Offline Koden

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Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #10 on: Saturday, March 14, 2020, 13:56:34 PM »
and koden..
italy made the most mistakes in the eu regarding the corona virus!!
your statesmen are as corrupt and incompetent as they are in my country..unfortunately...

There are many assumptions being made, this virus doesn't behave like the usual flu virus would, at first it might not necessarily appear much different in comparison to the usual flu, but it ends up being much more aggressive once it settles (and that might take a rather substantial amount of time, between 2 and 7 days in most cases, before showing any symptomps). Also, Italy (as South Korea did) extensively tested its population for the virus (up to several thousand tests a day), while many other countries did not. Therefore you're likely to see a pattern of higher peaks - or heavy respiratory issues-related cases-  throught Europe as a whole, as soon as more people get tested, or even admitted to the hospital or medical screening.

The basic is: its hard to detect before symptoms are noticeable - there's still not a practical way to test people with tampons against the virus over a million scale - once you get hit HARD you will need intensive care and likely artificial ventilation because of the specific nature and consequences of the virus, which doesn't have a specific antiviral product developed yet.

It does not matter who you're gonna transfer the virus to, even if you're not hit hard at all, you might get your mother, your father, your relatives, elderly or weaker people suffer a worser pain because of a potential contagion you may contribute to spread.
« Last Edit: Saturday, March 14, 2020, 14:05:18 PM by Koden »

Offline General_alkos

Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #11 on: Saturday, March 14, 2020, 17:44:45 PM »
here's how the scientist explains why there was such a great contagion in Italy (Ivan Đikić)

A guest on the Croatian Radio Interview of the Week program, scientist Ivan Djikic, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, explained why so many people became infected in Italy in the short span, why there were so many casualties, and why it was not a viable scenario in Croatia.

Is it too late with prevention, but is the beginning underestimated? How did we get Italy to be one of the most infected countries in the world now?

- It's all about the knowledge. When one knows what happened in China, where the virus appeared on the market in Wuhan. People brought the virus to the market and infected other people, and one exponential, uncontrolled epidemic erupted from the market. And only then did China's health system realize the danger and respond, he explained. He stressed, however, that initially the virus was thought to have appeared on the market, to find out that it had appeared much earlier, in the surrounding towns around the city.

- You fight the enemy, and you don't know where it is. It happened in China. Then, by rigorous measures, they were able to make something that many admired. They were able to stop the danger in their territory. In Italy, the virus was brought from China. And he was brought, not with one zero patient, but about a dozen or even a hundred. Italy did not know about them because no one was doing the right epidemiological analysis of people working in China, Djikic explained Italy's problem.

- The disease will spread, we know we can't stop it. There are no borders or weapons. We can only get an immune response, the so-called by natural cleavage of the public, destroy the further spread of the virus and the virus will naturally disappear, he said.

Offline Koden

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Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #12 on: Sunday, March 15, 2020, 05:23:41 AM »
here's how the scientist explains why there was such a great contagion in Italy (Ivan Đikić)

A guest on the Croatian Radio Interview of the Week program, scientist Ivan Djikic, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, explained why so many people became infected in Italy in the short span, why there were so many casualties, and why it was not a viable scenario in Croatia.

Is it too late with prevention, but is the beginning underestimated? How did we get Italy to be one of the most infected countries in the world now?

- It's all about the knowledge. When one knows what happened in China, where the virus appeared on the market in Wuhan. People brought the virus to the market and infected other people, and one exponential, uncontrolled epidemic erupted from the market. And only then did China's health system realize the danger and respond, he explained. He stressed, however, that initially the virus was thought to have appeared on the market, to find out that it had appeared much earlier, in the surrounding towns around the city.

- You fight the enemy, and you don't know where it is. It happened in China. Then, by rigorous measures, they were able to make something that many admired. They were able to stop the danger in their territory. In Italy, the virus was brought from China. And he was brought, not with one zero patient, but about a dozen or even a hundred. Italy did not know about them because no one was doing the right epidemiological analysis of people working in China, Djikic explained Italy's problem.

- The disease will spread, we know we can't stop it. There are no borders or weapons. We can only get an immune response, the so-called by natural cleavage of the public, destroy the further spread of the virus and the virus will naturally disappear, he said.

I'll just say it again, you can NOT massively test entire countries properly in a short amount of time, besides the virus was reported as an epidemic only in January, when several people already got back from China to each and every respective country by a few days or a week already (before it became a severe issue in China). Whether or not they contracted the infection, they could've had all the time to further spread it before enough patients got admitted to medical screening and there was an amount of cases high enough to make proper tests and statistics. That is also why quarantine was declared so late, or rather, it was recognized as the proper measure for a disease that you can't actually take control of in any amount of time that could prevent further spread.

If you're willing to understand why it went by so "stealth", check and compare it against other strongly impacting and severe epidemics from recent times. Ebola and Zika had much more noticeable symptoms, with a rather high death rate. Covid19 does not, or at least it surely kills people, but it affects many many more.
« Last Edit: Sunday, March 15, 2020, 05:35:10 AM by Koden »

Offline General_alkos

Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #13 on: Sunday, March 15, 2020, 07:46:39 AM »
I'll just say it again, you can NOT massively test entire countries properly in a short amount of time

not half of Italy was in China, that critical persons could not be tested initially,that those who are potentially critical, whether traveling on a critical country or any other basis, could not be tested at corona virus.
I do not blame Italy Coden!as I said in some of the posts, incompetent people rule our countries!
I hope all of this will be over soon!!

Offline Koden

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Re: The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« Reply #14 on: Sunday, March 15, 2020, 09:45:58 AM »
I'll just say it again, you can NOT massively test entire countries properly in a short amount of time

not half of Italy was in China, that critical persons could not be tested initially,that those who are potentially critical, whether traveling on a critical country or any other basis, could not be tested at corona virus.
I do not blame Italy Coden!as I said in some of the posts, incompetent people rule our countries!
I hope all of this will be over soon!!
It's likely that those people from Europe that were travelling to China got back to Europe before the virus actually became an emergency. Therefore they had quite some time to spread the virus before WHO/OMS could actually tell its potential. As a matter of fact, back in late January Italy took back home (and quarantined) 56 italian citizens, of which only 1 was diagnosed as carrying covid19 (he soon recovered and was declared as "healed").
The main case which is supposed to have contributed greatly to spreading the virus is a 38 years old guy that met with another guy that got back from China on January 21st, literally the day before Wuhan got into quarantine and chinese authorities applied a different regime to the area. The 38 year old guy had to be taken to intensive care and artificial breathing, the guy who is theorically supposed to be the original "virus carrier" instead only had a bit of fever several days earlier, not much at all, and was also tested negative against the virus when they tracked the issues down back to him.


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