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Offline Alex

Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #15 on: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 14:18:41 PM »

This did not effect his job performance, and was not done in the companies name. Some back stabbing **** has used this against him.

I am not a sheep, I will say what I want.

I am not a shepherd, I let other say what they want.
Well unfortunately you don't run the world. A business in the U.S. can fire you for practically any reason. There are some discrimination laws, but this case doesn't fall under that.
As a CEO he is the face of his company. Anything he does or says reflects on his company, whether it is done in his free time or not. He says/does something stupid and makes the company look bad, so they want to get rid of him. It happens all the time. The only reason it's a big deal now is because it has to do with gay marriage (which the media loves to talk about).
The point is, if your employment is dependent one someone else, keep your ignorant viewpoints to yourself.

Offline SASF-DarkShooter

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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #16 on: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 16:03:56 PM »

At 49 years old, I think that as you get older you understand why there is an age of consent. You might think or know at 15 what you want, but it changes as you get older. You also have to think about this, when do your parents stop taking responsibility for your actions.

"The age of concent" has nothing to do with you agreeing to have sex or not. It is the age that the society you live in says it is legal to have sex. Rape ( a crime I consider worse than murder ) or pedophilia ( which I think is worse than rape ) should be punished very hard.

I am not an American, I am English. We let people drive at 17, when we think they are sensible enough, guess why I think 17 is a good age for sex now.


You bring up quite an interesting point. ''In the society you live in.''
It really does all come down to the society you live in. When I try to apply that to my country (The Netherlands) the age of consent is 16. However, in comparison with e.g. The USA 16 year olds over here are in a different stage of their life, how weird that might sound. The average age of people going to college/university here is 17 I believe, so that also means a big deal of 16 year olds are living the college life. In whatever way you might look at it a part of the college/university life is  exploring yourself, also sexually. Another thing is that the legal age for alcohol and clubbing used to be 16 (alcohol age is now 18, not for too long though probably).  What comes with going out for some people, also sex. The fact that the Netherlands used to be, and still is rather revolutionary with alike subjects also helps I suppose.
The age of consent will always be a difficult subject though. There's a difference between a 15 y/o having intercourse with a 17 y/o, and a 13 y/o having sex with a 22 y/o.

About the CEO getting fired is something I can understand, however I can also understand the criticism that it's getting.

Mozilla Firefox is a huge brand and company, in the world we live in now tolerance towards homosexuals and the LGBT community is growing and it's getting more accepted whether you like it or not.

If we look at this graph (it's data from 2010 so not too accurate) you can see that FF is (or atleast used to be) more popular in Europe than in the USA. Homosexuality is also widely more accepted in Europe than the USA a.f.s.i.k , so with the CEO staying whilst his views regarding gay marriage being public they could've lost more users than with him staying.

For myself I think gay (LGBT) rights should be equal everywhere anyway, but my opinion doesn't really matter.

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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #17 on: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 16:35:03 PM »
Yes, it is highly dependent on culture and the society you one lives in.

However, it's not as straight forward as that.

For example, where I live (Estonia), the age of consent is 14, but the average age of people going to college is actually 19. So the same principles do not always work.
Don't get me wrong, you're probably right to some extent, DarkShooter, but it's not such a simple subject.

The age of consent will always be a difficult subject though. There's a difference between a 15 y/o having intercourse with a 17 y/o, and a 13 y/o having sex with a 22 y/o.
Of course there's a difference there, there's a far greater gap in years in those.

What I would argue is that there's a difference between a 16 y/o and a 14 y/o having intercourse vs a 25 (or more) y/o and 16 (or less) y/o having intercourse, which is (apparently) perfectly legal here in Estonia.

I don't really know where I'm trying to go with this, but I guess I'm trying to say that it's more complicated than any of us could probably think of and different countries have gone different ways in addressing the same problem. The reasons are probably often historical (for example, for Estonia getting out of Soviet occupation meant we wanted to change a lot of the laws just because we wanted them to differ from our former oppressor).

And DarkShooter, don't say your opinion doesn't matter. It always matters, be it part of the majority or minority.
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Offline SASF-DarkShooter

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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #18 on: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 16:40:49 PM »
I'm aware it doesn't only depend on that, but it is a (big) part of it.

For me the age of consent is a law but not necessarely a guideline. It all comes down to the individual if they are sexually active or not. If somebody feels ready to do so, and is properly informed and educated I think it's okay for them to have sex. In my opinion sex education should be done by the parents, and not by schools by the way. At least, mainly done by parents and the part about STD's is something for sex ed class. Of course I'm talking about the age 14/15+, as I don't believe the true desire for sex is in the mind for teenagers younger than that.

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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #19 on: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 17:04:06 PM »
Here in Brazil 'legal' age is 18 (if ANY  MINOR that commits a CRIME, doesn't matter what kind of crime, can only be "arrested" for 3 years and then will be released without anything is his historic), Consensual sex is allowed with 14yo +, otherwise 'is Rape'.
I don't see a reason for 'Homos' to have any speacial right or law to favor them, as in the first place they are Humans and Citizens, we know that most of Countries contituitions covers our rights very well (I think the same about Racial quota, we are all equal). And I didn't even mentionated religious beliefs :P .

If you look straight into the Gayzism, Feminism, Communist/Socialist cause, you will see how bad it is and how many holes to other crimes (like Pedo) their pseudo-laws are opening.

sry for the typos and language mistakes.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 17:08:46 PM by Possessed »
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
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Offline CS-ACI-

Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #20 on: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 19:55:39 PM »
What's all the fuss about? Being gay or pedo doesn't make a person bad. It's just a matter of taste.

E.g. Possessed is both, and he is a good admin.
And you have bad taste.

People keep talking about the age difference between partners, what does that have to do with anything.

It is about "consenting" sex partners and when someone is old enough to know what they want. Biggest difference I have had personally is 7 years. So were they 16 and me 23 and is that wrong?

College/University is 17/18 years old here normally so no problem with them exploring.

Everyone is different, some people develop earlier some later. This is part of the reason there is a need for a standard age for consent.


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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #21 on: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 20:46:29 PM »
Good post Steve.
Ignore that 'Torpedo' guy, he is a just an old plague in Assist history.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline Alex

Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #22 on: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 20:55:00 PM »
I don't see a reason for 'Homos' to have any speacial right or law to favor them, as in the first place they are Humans and Citizens,
I'm going to stop you right there. Nobody is requesting laws or special rights for homosexuals. All that's being asked for is equal rights, mostly the right to get married.
I will agree that some of the people in the homosexual community take it to the extreme and make everyone else look bad, but that happens for every group, even heterosexuals.  How are the crappy "reality" shows like "Jersey Shore" which depict heterosexual people being complete fucking idiots any better than some of the people in gay pride parades? It's not. It's probably worse.

I honestly don't care much as it doesn't affect me. I'm not an advocate either way, but going out of your way to be against homosexuals getting married is ridiculous. What's the worst that can happen? Nothing.
If you're super religion and think they'll go to hell then why do you even care?
« Last Edit: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 20:57:18 PM by KiLLaMaN »

Offline CS-ACI-

Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #23 on: Tuesday, April 08, 2014, 23:19:48 PM »

Believe it or not, I am not an "ist" person. I don't see color, sex/orientation, age, disability or religion.

What I am is someone who hates it when someone says "Your only saying/doing that because I am [ red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, black or white / male, female, straight, gay or bi / any age / disabled / what ever religion or not ]"

Things that may change in the law and why.

Age of consent. Because people want it to change.
How people can be married at one time. Because people want it to change.

I am only using those two currently, but there are more. The "people" who want these things to change might be you, they might be me or they could be someone else. I already cover the age of consent.

Number of people allowed to be married. Most "White" cultures agree on two people being married, whilst a lot of "Non-white" cultures like one husband and many wives. There is discrimination a plenty here. First off, I had to use the colors too make a point, but I do know that the same applies the other way around sometimes. But here is the bigger discrimination, 1 husband and many wives! Why not 1 wife and many husbands?


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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #24 on: Wednesday, April 09, 2014, 03:53:28 AM »
So if he was openly racist or neo-nazi, he should still be able to keep his job as a face out for the company? I think not, the subject does matter. especially when it concerns human rights.

Well American was racist and pro nazi. Dont get your point really
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Offline Ares

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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #25 on: Wednesday, April 09, 2014, 10:32:44 AM »
Well American was racist and pro nazi. Dont get your point really
What american? My point was to draw a connecting line between if a public spokesperson for a company was openly supporting nazi parties, or made statements which had racist remarks, he'd get fired really fast. I think the same rule should apply to anyone opposing gay marriage rights. Gay people are human, hence have human rights to marry whomever they wish.

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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #26 on: Wednesday, April 09, 2014, 11:40:43 AM »
So gays want to get married fine, get married.. They want a church wedding, but they dont want to all that comes along with being a member of that church. Christianity does not conform to same sex marrage. So why do they want to force that upon the church. Get married if you like but you cant force you agenda on anothers agenda. Make your own church with you own do what ever you want rules, who stopping them?
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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #27 on: Wednesday, April 09, 2014, 14:25:30 PM »
Your are wrong killa, they do want special benefits/laws, atleast here.
I've no problem with Homos, see, my Internet comes from a guy that is Homo.
I have problems with those extremists dumb cunts who are trying to destroy the institution called Family.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline SASF-DarkShooter

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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #28 on: Wednesday, April 09, 2014, 15:43:12 PM »
I haven't heard about any special laws regarding homosexuality over here, but then again we've got gay marriage and such things for quite a while now.

@No-Nonsense about the church marriage that's something I can understand the church being opposed to. Marriage by law should be available for all genders, marriage by religion is a whole other case imo. I'm not religious at all myself, but if homosexuality is against the beliefs of said church I can understand them not accepting gay marriage. I do think that there's a place for homosexuals in religion. Maybe one day, as religion evolves as well it'll be acceptable.

Offline -Vegeta-

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Re: Stop Mozilla Firefox's Discrimination Against Conservatives
« Reply #29 on: Wednesday, April 09, 2014, 17:11:51 PM »
Religion can does evolve as religion is what ever you want it to be. Christianity has been used and abused for a very long time and look very similar to religion. Most churches today are religious. Christianity is about setting ppl free. Christ never came to condem the world. But the church preaches condemnation to everyone. Thats how it becomes a religion. Its about setting ppl free like Christ did, that is exactly what the Christians are supposed to be doing. Christ cast out demons and healed the sick, that is what the so called church is ment to be doing. Homosexuals are demon possed and need set free, same with rapist pedos sex maniacs etc. its a very simple process. Same with healing the sick simple process.
Words are great possed but the tune is crap. A condeming fear strikes down
Things they cannot understand. An excuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within Lies
Laying your guilt and pain. On people that had no part in the molding of a life
That creates its destruction. Lies. Right before your very eyes
A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny. Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment
Reaching into the minds of those that created. The depression in which they
In which they drowned their flesh and blood. Lies. So easy to blame the
Everlasting fear on a pathetic attempt. To justify the ending of life. Lies
Right before your very eyes. A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny
Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment


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