

Author Topic: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.  (Read 126382 times)

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Offline -Ballistic;

Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« on: Saturday, April 30, 2016, 21:08:48 PM »
Hey there.

[1] I'm having some issues with my Assist client going into a 'not responding' state, so it crashes thus forces a kick for 'Slot_closed'.
[2] My other issue is a message which pops up as I connect to a server which says; 'Critical Error in Function: aFs.Time.Action'.

Now I've tried multiple things to fix my first issue such as;
- Complete re-installation
- Running it in compatibility mode
- Running as Administrator 
- Testing if other programs might be conflicting.
Make sure client is closed.
Delete the 25Assist config file

On windows7:

None of these have worked, and the client seems to go through phases. One minute it will be fine and won't crash for hours and the next time I load it, it will crash continually back to back to back, and so forth.

As for issue [2] I have tried one suggestion which a player made in the shoutbox but can't remember what that was. I have read through the other threads on this and still no fix.

Kind regards,

Offline ronski

Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, May 01, 2016, 03:58:35 AM »
Your issues could be related into each other. Your Assist might stop responding because of your issue [2], it crashes before it sends you the error about it, or if it wont stop responding you might end up to issue [2].

That other guy had same error than you with his bluetooth headset, he didn't get same error when he used another sound source. I suggested you to try using different sound source than your usb soundcard, maybe this is what you already tried. Some one else suggested you to check your video card driver

Offline -Ballistic;

Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, May 01, 2016, 13:40:57 PM »
I believe I checked the right location for the video card drivers, but if you could give let me know what process to take to ensure I did check the right thing, that would be appreciated.

I haven't tried using a different sound source as I have no other, and if I remove the USB soundcard and plug it in via the sound/mic jack the headset doesn't work. I've spent time trying to fix that but it seems it's intended that the headset only works correctly via the USB soundcard. However, I did just unplug the headset and try to load the game but I still had the same 'aFsTime.Action' error message appear.

 Another issue I seem to have is after the Assist client crashes, in my Volume mixer the Americas Army program still appears to open, and ends up like this;

Offline -Ballistic;

Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, May 01, 2016, 19:50:53 PM »
It seems that the Assist likes to crash once I disconnect from a server and close the 'aFsTime.Action' error message. So perhaps you're right Ronski saying that error [2] is causing error [1].

Offline ronski

Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #4 on: Monday, May 02, 2016, 05:53:15 AM »
It seems that the Assist likes to crash once I disconnect from a server and close the 'aFsTime.Action' error message. So perhaps you're right Ronski saying that error [2] is causing error [1].
So you get this aFsTime.Action error message behind the game as a prompt message, your game wont crash immediately when you get it? You see your slot getting closed and when you end up to Assist, you see this error? If so, then your issues really are connected to each other and actually this [2] is your real issue. Assist stops responding after awhile when the prompt message appears showing some error on it, if you wont submit the error at a time, your slot gets closed because Assist and actual game can not communicate with each other because of this prompt message. I had the same with my mac with different error message, I don't remember what it was but it was mac related issue which was repaired in previous client update.

So now you need to take a look what causes your issue [2]. The screenshot of your volume mixer after game has crashed makes me blame your sound system / setup of this. Or that's where I'd start searching for the fix. You said you tried to play with no sounds and you still got the error? You have no other device for sounds so you're not a laptop user? When you unplug your audio device, take a look at your sound setup - what windows is trying to use as a device, or does it recognise that you have no audio devices available. Could your pc's soundcard get conflicted with usb soundcard? Does your usb soundcard have it's own EQ? I can't set up my sound settings from the same mixer I use when I'm wired with the sound/mic jack if Im using usb soundcard. Was your usb sounds system just plug-n-play kind of setup or did you install something to get it work? If so, you can try to uninstall it and try to get sounds working with audio/mic jack, this should work straight away with no installations, unless windows is still trying to use usb as a sound output device. If you were not a laptop user, you might have two or even three places where to plug the jacks, motherboard, own soundcard and perhaps from frontpanel of your computer case as well and which one of these works then is all about your settings.

One more thing you could try to do for troubleshooting and actually before trying stuff above is trying to use different usb port.
« Last Edit: Monday, May 02, 2016, 05:55:41 AM by ronski »

Offline -Ballistic;

Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #5 on: Monday, May 02, 2016, 09:41:00 AM »
Yes, as I connect to a server and it's loading the game, that is when I get the error message. Occasionally the client immediately crashes and I never close the error message as that seems to crash the client 90% of the time. But yes looking at it now error [2] seems to be the cause for error [1].

As mentioned before I've had issues with my headset and it only seems to work via the USB Soundcard. I do have some Logitech speakers however with my SteelSeries Engine 3 program, I can't seem to get them to work. This has only been an issue since I purchased Steel Series Siberian Wars Elite headset, and the speakers worked fine with my previous Steel Series Siberia v1 & v2 headsets. And to confirm I have a desktop computer. I shall try and answer these questions separately so my answers are clear.

-- You said you tried to play with no sounds and you still got the error?
Yes, I unplugged the headset & the USB Soundcard and still got the error message [2].

-- You have no other device for sounds so you're not a laptop user?
Answered above first question.

-- When you unplug your audio device, take a look at your sound setup - what windows is trying to use as a device, or does it recognise that you have no audio devices available.
Recognizes it currently as 'Speakers - SteelSeries SC2 USB Headset' as my 6th option, once unplugged there is 6 options as seen;

-- Could your pc's soundcard get conflicted with usb soundcard?
After answering the above I'd say so? Not really sure.

-- Does your usb soundcard have it's own EQ?
The Steel Series Engine 3 has an EQ. Not sure if that's built into the soundcard?

-- Was your usb sounds system just plug-n-play kind of setup or did you install something to get it work?
It was a bit of a pain to get working. Had to follow certain procedures and if I remember correctly and this is of any help, this is the procedure I believe I followed;'m+having+trouble+with+the+firmware+update+on+my+Siberia+Elite+headset.+How+can+I+fix+it%3F
Even thought this was to fix the firmware update not working, I had to follow this procedure for the Steel Series Engine 3 to recognize the headset.

I have 10 different USB ports, x4 3.0, x6 2.0. I also have 2 separate USB ports on my keyboard. I also have 2 microphone, headset/speaker jacks too, but as mentioned can't get the headset to work using a jack, so had to use USB.

I switched from a USB port 2.0 to 3.0 and still received the error message [2]. Tried to be as clear as possible with all those answers as there's a lot there and easy to miss something.

Appreciate your time spent helping too, so thanks for that.

« Last Edit: Monday, May 02, 2016, 09:44:33 AM by -Ballistic; »

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Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #6 on: Friday, May 06, 2016, 16:03:08 PM »
lol now im getting these stupid ass fucking kicks

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Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #7 on: Friday, May 06, 2016, 17:06:10 PM »
when our server is attacked, everyone is dropped with Slot closed and eventually get this error(os similar mgs, hbtime.action) message on Assist.
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Offline -Ballistic;

Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #8 on: Saturday, May 07, 2016, 12:19:21 PM »
Most of the time mine isn't related to the server attacks, it's a problem on my end.

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Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #9 on: Saturday, May 07, 2016, 17:57:24 PM »
Did you allowed assist on your firewall? Remeber the pm i sent
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
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Offline ronski

Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #10 on: Sunday, May 08, 2016, 02:46:51 AM »
I realised my slot closed kicks are related to my internet connection, which gets interrupted every now and then for some reason and I'm not even using wifi. It could be the cable between router and computer, but since both wifi and wire are causing the same and every device are having the same issue, so it's in router. I need to call provider tomorrow.

Offline -Ballistic;

Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #11 on: Monday, June 13, 2016, 17:17:46 PM »
I've tried everything here, and I've tried to just deal with it and accept that it's broken but now it's really pissing me off. I've been extremely patient and dealt with this for some 8 weeks or so now, and it's now definitely getting the better of me and I don't think I'll continue playing with this issue. It takes me 10 minutes or so to join a server because of constant kicks and having to wait for my account to log out, to log back into Assist.

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Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #12 on: Friday, June 17, 2016, 15:14:01 PM »
Do you play in Fullscreen, windowed or AdvancedFS?
Try each method(Full 1st) and see if some of them fixes your problem.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
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Offline -Ballistic;

Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #13 on: Friday, June 17, 2016, 16:41:37 PM »
Original settings I've been playing on was Advanced FS, and I don't have my AA client maximized when I play as I have a second monitor and do other activities on that monitor. If I put it full screen then I find the game really doesn't like being closed with windows key to do something else.

I changed the video settings from Advanced FS to Fullscreen mode now and the error message has gone, I'm able to use assist client too as well as my other tasks on my other monitor.
Possessed, I love you!!! Seriously thank you that was getting way too annoying lol!  :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

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Re: Slot Closed - Assist 'not responding', & aFsTime.Action issues.
« Reply #14 on: Friday, June 17, 2016, 16:50:00 PM »
Glad it worked, all I had to do was look at the Assist Client code, this function is tied to AdvancedFS and looks for the AA window name ("America's Army"). I'm sorry if it took long for someone to figure it lol, I don't develop the Client, you were lucky I installed the Compiler recently :P.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33


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