

Author Topic: Punkbuster issues  (Read 196504 times)

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Offline Bart!

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #60 on: Sunday, November 08, 2020, 14:58:22 PM »
Ok, so we haven't found the exact cause yet, but we do know we can play immediately after a reboot.
We're getting somewhere :)

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #61 on: Sunday, November 08, 2020, 15:44:41 PM »
Haha Bart!
Yes, small steps are also bringing us to the target :)

i did check old logfiles from punkbuster now (on aapg with packets loss) and i did see that after the 30th of october i had always packet losses from players. at this time, 2 windows updates have been installed. KB4580364 and KB4580419. it is only a small hope, but i did uninstall both of them. will restart computer tomorrow (because players are online). a little step more :)

btw: i did run a packet loss tool to check my network - no losses at all

Offline Nateoxide

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #62 on: Sunday, November 08, 2020, 23:50:03 PM »
Haha Bart!
Yes, small steps are also bringing us to the target :)

i did check old logfiles from punkbuster now (on aapg with packets loss) and i did see that after the 30th of october i had always packet losses from players. at this time, 2 windows updates have been installed. KB4580364 and KB4580419. it is only a small hope, but i did uninstall both of them. will restart computer tomorrow (because players are online). a little step more :)

btw: i did run a packet loss tool to check my network - no losses at all

Many thanks for putting this time in to try fix this :)  :up: :idea: :idea: :cool:

Offline LuDi_Bipe

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #63 on: Monday, November 09, 2020, 02:59:10 AM »
yesterday had really nice few hours of gameplay without kicks, tried this morning after starting PC... instant kick...

Have any of you guys with PB kick problems running Epic Games launcher, Steam or BattleNet?

I still think it some of apps that runs at windows startup and this 3 are on my startup list now and they might be common among players

Offline Bart!

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #64 on: Monday, November 09, 2020, 03:38:25 AM »
I have steam at startup as well.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #65 on: Monday, November 09, 2020, 06:16:57 AM »
I have steam too, but disabled at startup...

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #66 on: Monday, November 09, 2020, 06:53:33 AM »
after deinstalling windows update:

[11.09.2020 05:55:42] PB Log File C:\Games\AAPG-SWISS-01\Binaries\Win32\pb\svlogs\00000294.log Opened for PG (w)
[11.09.2020 05:55:42] 1 Power Player loaded from C:\Games\AAPG-SWISS-01\Binaries\Win32\pb\pbpower.dat
[11.09.2020 05:55:42] 1 PB Rcon Filter loaded from C:\Games\AAPG-SWISS-01\Binaries\Win32\pb\pbrcon.dat
[11.09.2020 05:55:42] 0 Map lines loaded from C:\Games\AAPG-SWISS-01\Binaries\Win32\pb\pbsvmaps.cfg
[11.09.2020 05:55:42] No Master Query Sent - DNS has not yet resolved for PG1.EVENBALANCE.COM
[11.09.2020 05:55:44] PunkBuster Server for PG (v1.905 | A1376 C2.341) Enabled
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PunkBuster Server for PG (v1.905 | A1376 C2.341) Enabled
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Task List has been Emptied
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar List (in Memory) has been Emptied
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_CQC = 0 (0=No, 1=Yes)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_NoGuidGrace = 1 (0 to 300)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_Restrictions = 2 (0 to 2)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_DupNameGrace = 1 (0 to 90)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_ChangePeriod = 900 (1 to 999)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_maxsendrate = 8 (1 to 64)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_MinName = 3 (0 to 4)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_EmptyName = 0 (0 to 1)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_ExtChar = 0 (0 to 1)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_GuidRelax = 0 (0 to 7)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_ChangeMax = 50 (1 to 50)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_MaxConDls = 6 (1 to 6)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_Lan = 0 (0 to 1)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_AutoUpdBan = 1 (0 to 1)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_KickLen = 2 (0 to 60)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_CvarFreq = 3 (2 to 10)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_CvarWalk = 2 (0 to 4)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_CvarLogging = 3 (0 to 3)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_md5toolfreq = 50 (10 to 300)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_Sleep = 100 (20 to 1000)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_AutoSs = 0 (0=No, 1=Yes)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_AutoSsFrom = 240 (30 to 300)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_AutoSsTo = 360 (300 to 1500)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_SsFloor = 1 (1 to 999999)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_SsCeiling = 5000 (1 to 999999)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_SsDelay = 10 (0 to 60)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_SsPath =
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_SsHeight = 394 (10 to 4096)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_SsWidth = 790 (10 to 4096)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_SsSrate = 2 (0 to 4)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_SsXpct = 50 (-1 to 100)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_SsYpct = 50 (-1 to 100)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_SsCmd =
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Config File written to C:\Games\AAPG-SWISS-01\Binaries\Win32\pb\pbucon.use
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_USessionLimit = 10 (0 to 16)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 99 say
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 99 say
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 99 say
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 99 say
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 99 say punkbuster kick? fix it here:
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 99 say
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 99 say downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 600 say
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 600 say
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 600 say
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 600 say
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 600 say - this server is restarting -
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PB Scheduled Task Added: 60 600 say - every day at 05:50 CET -
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_PowerMin = 20 (1 to 1000)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_PowerDef = 1 (0 to 10)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] pb_sv_PowerKickLen = 5 (0 to 60)
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.Engine bUseTextureStreaming ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseEngine.ini EXCLUDE "TRUE"
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.DemoRecDriver NetServerMaxTickrate ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 30 30
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.DemoRecDriver LanServerMaxTickrate ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 30 30
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.DemoRecDriver MaxClientRate ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 25000 25000
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: IpDrv.TcpNetDriver NetServerMaxTickrate ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 30 30
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: IpDrv.TcpNetDriver LanServerMaxTickrate ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 35 35
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: IpDrv.TcpNetDriver MaxClientRate ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 15000 15000
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: IpDrv.TcpNetDriver MaxInternetClientRate ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 10000 10000
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.Player ConfiguredInternetSpeed ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 10000 10000
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.PlayerInput MoveForwardSpeed ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 1200 1200
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.PlayerInput MoveStrafeSpeed ../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 1200 1200
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.PlayerInput DoubleClickTime ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 0.25 0.25
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.PlayerInput LookUpScale ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT -250 -250
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.PlayerInput LookRightScale ../../AAPG/Engine/Config/BaseInput.ini OUT 300 300
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: AAGame.AAUIComponent_ScoreNotification ComponentAnchor ../../AAPG/AAGame/Config/DefaultUI.ini EXCLUDE "(BANCHORLEFT=FALSE,BANCHORRIGHT=TRUE,RIGHT=0.0125F,TOP=0.0125F)""
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.Engine bUseTextureStreaming ../../AAGame/Engine/Config/AAEngine.ini EXCLUDE "FALSE"
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.Engine MaxParticleVertexMemory ../../AAGame/Engine/Config/AAEngine.ini OUT 131972 131972
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.Engine MaxParticleResize ../../AAGame/Engine/Config/AAEngine.ini EXCLUDE "0""
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.PlayerInput MoveForwardSpeed ../../AAGame/Engine/Config/AAInput.ini OUT 1200 1200
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.PlayerInput MoveStrafeSpeed ../../AAGame/Engine/Config/AAInput.ini OUT 1200 1200
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.PlayerInput DoubleClickTime ../../AAGame/Engine/Config/AAInput.ini OUT 0.25 0.25
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.PlayerInput LookRightScale ../../AAGame/Engine/Config/AAInput.ini OUT 300 300
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Cvar Check Added: Engine.PlayerInput LookUpScale ../../AAGame/Engine/Config/AAInput.ini OUT -250 -250
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Unable to Add Cvar Check - Invalid Specification: "AApb_sv_cvar "AAGame.AAUIComponent_ScoreNotification ComponentAnchor ../../AAGame/Engine/Config/AAUI.ini" EXCLUDE (bAnchorLeft=false,bAnchorRight=true,Right=0.0125f,Top=0.0125f)"
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Attempting to resolve
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] Resolved to []
[11.09.2020 05:55:47] PunkBuster Server for PG (v1.905 | A1376 C2.341) Enabled
[11.09.2020 05:55:48] Game Version [319295]
[11.09.2020 05:55:49] Received Download File: pbns.dat
[11.09.2020 09:56:48] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #12) say - this server is restarting -
[11.09.2020 09:56:48] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #13) say - every day at 05:50 CET -
[11.09.2020 09:57:41] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #1) say
[11.09.2020 09:57:41] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #2) say
[11.09.2020 09:57:42] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #3) say
[11.09.2020 09:57:42] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #4) say
[11.09.2020 09:57:42] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #5) say punkbuster kick? fix it here:
[11.09.2020 09:57:42] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #6) say
[11.09.2020 09:57:42] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #7) say downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
[11.09.2020 09:57:56] New Connection (slot #1) [?] "-=[DISF]=-Yankee" (seq 2051091)
[11.09.2020 09:57:56] Player GUID Computed 00000000000000076561198010825698(VALID) (slot #1) -=[DISF]=-Yankee
[11.09.2020 09:57:56] Master Query Sent to (MASTER1.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[11.09.2020 09:57:56] Ignored 1 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 09:57:58] Received Master Security Information
[11.09.2020 09:58:06] Lost Connection (slot #1) 00000000000000076561198010825698(VALID) -=[DISF]=-Yankee
[11.09.2020 09:59:20] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #1) say
[11.09.2020 09:59:20] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #2) say
[11.09.2020 09:59:21] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #3) say
[11.09.2020 09:59:21] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #4) say
[11.09.2020 09:59:21] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #5) say punkbuster kick? fix it here:
[11.09.2020 09:59:21] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #6) say
[11.09.2020 09:59:21] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #7) say downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
[11.09.2020 10:17:56] Master Query Sent to (MASTER2.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[11.09.2020 10:17:57] Ignored 45 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 10:17:58] Received Master Security Information
[11.09.2020 10:26:04] New Connection (slot #1) [?] "-=[DISF]=-Yankee" (seq 5455227)
[11.09.2020 10:26:04] Player GUID Computed 00000000000000076561198010825698(VALID) (slot #1) -=[DISF]=-Yankee
[11.09.2020 10:26:04] Ignored 15 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 10:26:15] Ignored 40 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 10:26:42] Lost Connection (slot #1) 00000000000000076561198010825698(VALID) -=[DISF]=-Yankee
[11.09.2020 10:37:56] Master Query Sent to (MASTER3.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[11.09.2020 10:37:57] Ignored 1 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 10:37:58] Received Master Security Information
[11.09.2020 10:57:56] Master Query Sent to (PG1.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[11.09.2020 10:57:57] Ignored 14 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 10:57:58] Received Master Security Information
[11.09.2020 11:02:35] New Connection (slot #1) [?] "-=[DISF]=-Yankee" (seq 4019680)
[11.09.2020 11:02:35] Player GUID Computed 00000000000000076561198010825698(VALID) (slot #1) -=[DISF]=-Yankee
[11.09.2020 11:02:35] Ignored 15 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 11:02:45] Lost Connection (slot #1) 00000000000000076561198010825698(VALID) -=[DISF]=-Yankee
[11.09.2020 11:17:56] Master Query Sent to (MASTER1.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[11.09.2020 11:17:57] Ignored 40 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 11:17:58] Received Master Security Information
[11.09.2020 11:37:56] Master Query Sent to (MASTER2.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[11.09.2020 11:37:57] Ignored 15 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 11:37:58] Received Master Security Information
[11.09.2020 11:46:30] New Connection (slot #1) [?] "-=[DISF]=-Yankee" (seq 5244535)
[11.09.2020 11:46:30] Player GUID Computed 00000000000000076561198010825698(VALID) (slot #1) -=[DISF]=-Yankee
[11.09.2020 11:46:31] Ignored 15 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 11:46:35] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #1) say
[11.09.2020 11:46:35] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #2) say
[11.09.2020 11:46:36] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #3) say
[11.09.2020 11:46:36] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #4) say
[11.09.2020 11:46:36] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #5) say punkbuster kick? fix it here:
[11.09.2020 11:46:36] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #6) say
[11.09.2020 11:46:36] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #7) say downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
[11.09.2020 11:46:41] Lost Connection (slot #1) 00000000000000076561198010825698(VALID) -=[DISF]=-Yankee
[11.09.2020 11:57:57] Master Query Sent to (MASTER3.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[11.09.2020 11:57:57] Ignored 40 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 12:17:57] Master Query Sent to (PG1.EVENBALANCE.COM)
[11.09.2020 12:17:57] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #3) say
[11.09.2020 12:17:57] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #4) say
[11.09.2020 12:17:57] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #5) say punkbuster kick? fix it here:
[11.09.2020 12:17:57] Ignored 15 Bad Packets
[11.09.2020 12:17:57] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #6) say
[11.09.2020 12:17:57] Running PB Scheduled Task (slot #7) say downloads/pbsvc/pbsvc.exe
[11.09.2020 12:17:58] Received Master Security Information

i did send another trouble ticket to
« Last Edit: Monday, November 09, 2020, 06:56:11 AM by [SWISS]Merlin »

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #67 on: Monday, November 09, 2020, 11:21:27 AM »
I did now restore from a backup of 2017 my old folders from aa25 and tried to play -> kick
I did restore both folders from punkbuster -> kick
I did restore the punkbuster exe-files from sysWOW64 -> no kick, looks all good

so maybe some of us have a corrupt punkbuster file, i don't know. but give it a try maybe?

so to all who did try to fix this problem, you can delete the 4 files in system32. copy the 4 files from your sysWOW64 directory to your desktop (as a backup). delete those files in the sysWOW64 folder. then download the 4 files and copy them to the sysWOW64 folder. reboot and try. good luck!

link to download the files:

ps: download file by file, all together is not possible (freeware). maybe you have to register there, don't know.
« Last Edit: Monday, November 09, 2020, 11:54:04 AM by [SWISS]Merlin »

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #68 on: Monday, November 09, 2020, 16:31:25 PM »
and from my proving ground servers, other server owner have the same issue:

I checked on our server with ucon and it also shows the same now, so maybe a down server PB side. Lets wait till tomorrow and she if anything has changed.

Offline Nateoxide

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #69 on: Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 03:26:26 AM »

Copy of my working punkbuster files. if that helps

Apps i have open after clean install of windows 2004 and currently in game no kicks.
Xbox PC APP :up:
Steam  :up:
Spotify :up:
Xtreme Tuner :up:
Discord :up: :up:

Now the weird thing is it has given me the heart beats stopped a couple of times 6 hours after gaming all day on aa2. Restart my pc and problem is fixed.

I don't know what it is but fresh install of 2004 windows 10 and install just AA and i bet you it works.  :censored: :censored: :censored: PB  :down:
« Last Edit: Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 03:34:35 AM by Nateoxide »

Offline AresisurGOD

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Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #70 on: Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 06:19:46 AM »
You dont need download PB file nateoxide. Nateoxide  play all days dont have prob whit PB
you just need follow the notice of game

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #71 on: Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:25:48 AM »
sorry for this message, but my way is still NOT working. get a kick today :(
so then, it must be a problem of (which i guess), or a windows problem. i will wait until evenbalance will give an answer about my trouble ticket (and as you could see, other server owners also do have those bad packets, so they have for sure a problem atm. it looks like aapg can handle this problem, but an older prog like aa2 can not - heartbeat stopped - kick).

if it is not evenbalance, for me then it is windows with its starting sequences. but you know, reboot and all should be good for a moment.

ps: Bart!, i will pm you because of the program we both are running. to see which, to check the differences. ok?
« Last Edit: Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 09:28:53 AM by [SWISS]Merlin »

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #72 on: Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 13:13:40 PM »
we are going closer to solve this problem i guess.

it is not a problem from evenbalance nor from 25assist. it seems to me like the starting sequence of windows and punkbuster A and B process are the cause of the kick (for sure you must have the correct 2 programs like they are listed in the link above for download).

before you start 25assist, look at your taskmanager. you will find the process PnkBstrA.exe, but no PnkBstrB.exe yet. then you start 25assist and, only when selected a server to join, the process PnkBstrB.exe will start and you will see it also as a process next to PnkBstrA.exe.

i did start today assist, joined a server and - get kicked. then i rebooted the computer and - strange, but this will be the reason tha it works after reboot - you will find PnkBstrB.exe as a running process, but no PnkBstrA.exe like it should be. so if you start 25assist again, the PnkBstrA.exe will also starting up and PnkBstrB.exe is already running (because windows 10 is restarting processes automaticaly after a crash and a reboot).

the conclution for me is that those 2 processes do not start correctly on our computer, why i do not know yet. it could be of using a high end computer which is maybe to fast for our old lady aao, or the process PnkBbstrB.exe should startup in windows7 mode (compatibility mode). this i don't know yet but i will find it, almost promised :) there are many options to the solution - starting options of processes and services.

until then, after a kick, restart computer and you should be fine to play without a kick again

i am using an 8 core intel processor and 32 GB RAM, Nvidia GForce 1070Ti graphic card and SSD disc:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K CPU @ 3.60GHz   3.60 GHz
« Last Edit: Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 13:35:36 PM by [SWISS]Merlin »

Offline Nateoxide

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #73 on: Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 16:39:24 PM »
PC1 Working AA
CPU: i5 10600 turbo 4.4ghz
COOLING: Corsair 100x
RAM: 16GB 3200Mhz Corsair running at 2680Mhz
GPU: Galax RTX 2080 SUPER
PSU: Corsair RM750x
CASE: Thermaltake View 22
MONITOR: Samsung LC27RG50FQEXXY 27inch Curved 240Hz VA
KEYBOARD: Rapoo Mechanical Cherrie Blue Fakes
MOUSE/PAD: Corsair M95PRO/ M700


CPU: Intel Core i5-3470 3.2-3.4GHz
RAM: 12GB DDR3 Corsair Value Select
GPU: ASUS Radeon RX 580 Dual OC 8GB
PSU: CoolerMaster LitePower RGB 650W
CASE: Dell Optiplex 9010
MONITOR:   ViewSonic 24" VX2458 1920x1080 144Hz FreeSync Curved
KEYBOARD: Tt eSPORTS Challenger Duo RGB Mouse Keyboard Combo
MOUSE/PAD: Tt eSPORTS Challenger Duo RGB Mouse Keyboard Combo, Kingston HyperX Pad

You dont need download PB file nateoxide. Nateoxide  play all days dont have prob whit PB
you just need follow the notice of game

You aren't making much sense.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Punkbuster issues
« Reply #74 on: Saturday, November 14, 2020, 10:11:15 AM »
so far, still no answer from but i did some more tests and this is what i have:

- it has nothing to do with the services and it starting sequence like changing to win7 compatibility mode, nor starting services with a delay
- it always kicks when you start the game for the first time a day. then reboot and it works

i did see now something strange. when you look at your sysWOW64 folder and - after a kick - you check the timestamp of the PnkBstrB.exe, you will find the actual date and time on it.
BUT: when you check at C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\AAO\pb\PnkBstrB.exe, you will see also the actual date and time.
I will rename now that 2nd exe-file, because it could be the problem, 2 times starting this file will not be good at all. or it is the opposite and we have to delete the one at sysWOW64 folder.... testing.

But i have to wait - as usual - until tomorrow for this next test, because now i can play without any problem.
And as you could see, some logfiles do show 2 times starting the exe-file.

Can someone without any problem of pb kicks confirm that you have NOT a PnkBstrB.exe in this folder
C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\AAO\pb ?

[11.08.2020 17:50:17] Resolved to [] (0)
[11.08.2020 17:50:17] PunkBuster Client (v2.243 | A0) Enabled
[11.08.2020 17:50:17] Game Version [2.5.0]
[11.08.2020 17:50:18] PB Services socket initialized
[11.08.2020 17:50:18] Connected to Server
[11.08.2020 17:50:20] WARNING: PB Kicks for Name Spamming and Name Stealing and Non-standard Characters and Locked Names on this Server
[11.08.2020 17:50:20] Receiving from PB Server (l v1.793 | A1371 C2.243)
[11.08.2020 17:50:20] Connected to Server
[11.08.2020 17:50:24] PB Server assigned guid = b023e1c66914ef7728cb0dd8e303a85a
[11.08.2020 17:51:03] PnkBstrA successfully loaded PnkBstrB
[11.08.2020 17:51:07] PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully
[11.08.2020 17:51:48] PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully

« Last Edit: Saturday, November 14, 2020, 10:16:51 AM by [SWISS]Merlin »


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