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Offline SamDaMan

Re: ERROR: Timeout while waiting for reply from authorization system
« Reply #15 on: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 01:50:17 AM »
Real life is more important then this game, if people here can't understand that , then fuck them we dont need them here

I for one appreciate all that assist has done to keep this game alive

I for one am disabled atm so that real life is pretty small most of the time.  Have some humility in the face of a crowd of people who badly want to, and you badly need them to, play the game. Wouldn't a successful community like we used to have overwhelm all the complaints and thanks anyhow? How about offering us a way to help besides just donating? I know a little about coding, what do you need?

Offline Alex

Re: ERROR: Timeout while waiting for reply from authorization system
« Reply #16 on: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 02:09:58 AM »
I for one am disabled atm so that real life is pretty small most of the time.  Have some humility in the face of a crowd of people who badly want to, and you badly need them to, play the game. Wouldn't a successful community like we used to have overwhelm all the complaints and thanks anyhow? How about offering us a way to help besides just donating? I know a little about coding, what do you need?
This isn't a situation of needing help from the community or anything, although someone else who could code would be a huge benefit. Eliz is currently the only one coding for the game.
We truly appreciate everyone that plays this game and keeps it alive. All I'm trying to say is WHY we're sometimes slow to relay info and take action and why all the quick criticism is unfair.
We don't get paid to deal with ANY of this. It's all out of our love for the game and people still treat us like they're owed a perfectly flawless and smooth game, which has never happened and never will happen. It's part of the reason the original creator of Assist, JonnyM, left twice. Some people (obviously not everyone) have this weird sense of entitlement to something that is provided to them for free.

Also, I'd like to point out that by saying "real life is more important" wickid was referring to the AAO25 staff having to deal with real life issues as well as AAO25. He wasn't talking about the community at all.

Offline SamDaMan

Re: ERROR: Timeout while waiting for reply from authorization system
« Reply #17 on: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 06:09:38 AM »
I am humbled by the miscommunication, appreciate all you do (especially Eliz I am aware), and apologize again.  If you read my frst post my main question is why cant anyone tell us atleast that its not a problem with our network, lol.j AND YES I am sure we would all rather time spent on fixing not talkng to us so, i double agree. Also, I would like ask again what knd of codng help you need??????? I may be able, and have offered to help. and as always

\thanks for all your hard work.



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