

Author Topic: "Exception of class OutOFBoundsException was not handled..." - Any ideas?  (Read 14357 times)

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Offline Underhill

"Exception of class OutOFBoundsException was not handled..." - Any ideas?
« on: Saturday, February 06, 2021, 11:45:20 AM »
Hello guys,

after 10 years ago hardcore-plaing AAO I saw you guys have build a possibility to play on the good old 2.5-Version.

First thank you very much for this great work!
 :up: :style: :up:

Now I would like to host a 2.5 Server on my virtual MS 2016 Server-Edition.
Has somebody experience to host the aa25-Assist-Server on a virtual MS 2016Server-Edition?

I did setup my Router & Firewall to allow all UDP-Packets incoming over port 1716 and 1717 to the virtual machine. Outgoing UDP-Packets ar allowed over Port 20046, 20047 & 27900.

I downloaded the aao25 Assist Server Manager, extracted the file and start it with administration's access. Unfortunaly after I am clicking something in the Assist Server Manager I get always this message and the Assist Server Manager dies:

Any ideas what is the problem?

Offline Underhill

Re: "Exception of class OutOFBoundsException was not handled..." - Any ideas?
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, February 06, 2021, 14:44:07 PM »
thank you, that was my fault.

After I created a new server an press "start Server" there should open a Windows PopUp. But this won't work.
Where can I find the log-file from the server? There is no *.log-File in my AA=2.5_Server-Directory. Where is the standard directory of the AAO-Server?

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: "Exception of class OutOFBoundsException was not handled..." - Any ideas?
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, February 06, 2021, 14:58:21 PM »
the server manager will start the serverprocess in the background. if you want a dos box, then start it manualy.
don't remember where it will be installed, but search here:

Offline Underhill

Re: "Exception of class OutOFBoundsException was not handled..." - Any ideas?
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, February 07, 2021, 03:29:01 AM »
Thank you for your patience with me.
In the past 12 hours I've read the entire Support-Forum.
But I still can't get the server to work.

Please some following basic questions:

1. Has the Assist ArmyOpsClient also be installed on the server or did the AssistServerManager.exe loads the necessary game data by clicking on "Create new Server"?

2. By clicking in the AssistServerManage.exe "Start Server" nothing happened. There is no more Task or Service in Taskmanager and there is also no .log-file anywhere, neither in AssistServerManager directory or subfolders like "Server0" nor in AppData (local, roaming nor LocalLow). The only way to get a log-file from start-routine is to manually start the "Server0" by executing the "serverx.exe" in the direcory "C:\Server\AAO2.5_Server\Server0\System". Then I get a .log-file (serverx.log). The following logs have been written in this file:

Code: [Select]
02/07/21 08:03:40 Init: AGP Version: 3339.2.5.0
02/07/21 08:03:40 Init: Character set: Unicode
02/07/21 08:03:40 Init: Base directory: C:\Server\AAO2.5_Server\Server0\System\
02/07/21 08:03:40 Init: Ini:ArmyOps.ini   UserIni:User.ini
02/07/21 08:03:40 Init: Build label:  Build AmericasArmy_Build_[2004-06-01_02.01.01]
02/07/21 08:03:40 Init: Object subsystem initialized
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: =======================================
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log:          America's Army Server         
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: =======================================
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log:
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: Usage:
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: server <servertype> <mapname> [log=<logfilename>] [ini=<inifilename>]
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log:
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: Parameters:
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: servertype lan, global, lantournament, tournament
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: mapname (must use .aao map file extension)
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: log= (optional, defaults to ArmyOps.log)
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: ini= (optional, defaults to ArmyOps.ini)
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: logfilename (must use .log map file extension)
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: inifilename (must use .ini map file extension)
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log:
02/07/21 08:03:41 Exit: Preparing to exit.
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: Purging garbage
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: Unbound to Andromeda.dll
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: Unbound to Core.dll
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: Unbound to Engine.dll
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: Garbage: objects: 446->0; refs: 0
02/07/21 08:03:41 Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
02/07/21 08:03:41 Exit: Exiting.
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: FileManager: Reading 0 GByte 0 MByte 220 KByte 610 Bytes from HD took 0.000000 seconds (0.000000 reading, 0.000000 seeking).
02/07/21 08:03:41 Log: FileManager: 0.605000 seconds spent with misc. duties
02/07/21 08:03:41 Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
02/07/21 08:03:41 Uninitialized: Allocation checking disabled
02/07/21 08:03:41 Uninitialized: Log file closed, 02/07/21 08:03:41

As you can see the server tried to start and perhaps the server prepare to exit. However?

3. It seems like I have some problems with Port-Forwarding or Firewall-Rules. Despite the fact that the ports are open:

Router (Fritzbox 7490, NAT Loopback always acivated by default) with static puplic IP-Adress and following Port-Rules:

There is no chance to configure UDP or TCP in FritzOS (hopefully both formats are enabled).

Windows-Firewall on the Microsoft 2016 Server is configured with manually Port-Configuration and Microsoft automatically Port-Configuration by allowing an .exe to create his own port-forwarding. Anyway, the following ports on the server 192...13 are open and ready:

If I start a Port-Scan like from
on my puplic static IP-Adress on some of the ArmyOps-Ports I get a "Port closed". Maybe the problem could be that the server/service didn't start what is necessary to get a "Port open". If I start the Teamspeak-Server which is also installed on this Server an do a Port-Scan on the Teamspeak-Ports I get a "Port open" from this website.

4. How can I get this server in the ServerBrowser (Deploy) from 25Assist.exe (if I get this server ever running)?

Do you have any ideas what can I do to get this server running and make it public?
 :( :shock: :cry: :banned:

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: "Exception of class OutOFBoundsException was not handled..." - Any ideas?
« Reply #5 on: Monday, February 08, 2021, 12:42:17 PM »
it looks a bit strange to me the thing with serverx.
make a "startserver.bat" file in the folder of server0. then insert the manual starting part

start /MIN /HIGH "AA2_Server1" C:\Server\AAO2.5_Server\Server0\System\server.exe GLOBAL AA3_Airfield

then start the server with running the startserver.bat

what happend then?

Offline Underhill

Re: "Exception of class OutOFBoundsException was not handled..." - Any ideas?
« Reply #6 on: Sunday, February 14, 2021, 10:49:16 AM »
Sorry for the delay.
The batch-file cannot start the server, because there is no server.exe-file in the Server0- or Server1-directory:

Now I deinstalled everything from AAO25 on the server and installed a fresh version of Assist Server Manager 8.19.1 on the server. The installation-file comes from on Downloads-> Microsoft Server-Manager which publish this link:

After this I extracted the "AssistServberManager"-Archive and opened AssistServerManager.exe as Administrator.
Now the Assist Manager starts and I clicked "Create new server":

The Assist Installer creats a new sub-folder calls "Server0" and starts downloading the game-files in sub-folder "Server0".
And as you can see after a fresh installation and "create a new server" there is no "server.exe"-file in the "System"-directory of "Server0". There is only a "serverx.exe" in the "System"-directory:

So, hmm...
Why there is no "server.exe"?

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: "Exception of class OutOFBoundsException was not handled..." - Any ideas?
« Reply #7 on: Sunday, February 14, 2021, 12:20:25 PM »
this all looks good so far, except the missing server.exe. this is realy strange, but as i remember, there was a server.exe update around 2015. i did check one of my old installations. try to copy the missing server.exe from here and put it into your system folder:

i guess this should work.


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