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Messages - HellB0Y

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5

Just to inform you, that Chavez is banned for at least 2 weeks from full assist for ghosting with 2nd acc
What he did was use a laptop or something at the pc next to him. I confirmed it was played from the same IP. He then either moved with his own account or the other, ghosting for one of them. Usually he used his 2nd acc as a free kill to ensure that he can then ghost for his 1st account.

To verify, I joined a few games to really see if this was happening.

His 2nd account was:

Both accounts are now banned. As you see in the match history of work force, it is also already quite suspicious how one always dies a lot and exactly those sessions he has a very high fragrate.

I consider this case closed. He didn't use any 3d party programs, but doing this in general is sad, doing it on this small playerbase is pathetic.

As the tracker UI only displays the 10 most recent player names for any given profile I figured I would point out that upon inspecting the full name history list (which can be viewed via Chrome dev tools, the 10 most recent is client side for UI purposes) it does appear that the player in the original video on TomGunny's team was the same account.

Support / Re: Name banned on server?
« on: Friday, March 15, 2024, 13:35:49 PM »
Got name banned for 3 minutes without reason?

This can happen from time to time through no fault of your own. Sometimes a server administrator will notice quickly and remove the ban, but otherwise you should be good to go as soon as it expires.

Support / Re: America's army installation folder
« on: Monday, March 04, 2024, 18:05:13 PM »
it doesn't work becouse i need to be offline into a server and once i load the offline map i can't move or do anything, that sucks wish there was a way to practise offline

Give yourself a weapon (class r, etc) when you load into a map offline and you should be able to move about.

General Chat / Re: HOSPITAL
« on: Friday, February 02, 2024, 08:46:03 AM »
So this is the reason why people stopped playing Hospital on Assist?
I have been wondering for a while why such a popular map is not played anymore.
I didn't realize that there was changes in weaponry and thought that this community just doesn't like it anymore.

I really miss playing Hospital like back in the old days. Is there something we can (or devs want to) do about this?
#ICareALittle :) Thanks

This post got me curious as my impression was that Hospital was one of the more popular maps to this day. I ran some numbers and it would appear that SF Hospital is the second most popular map played across all tracked servers (which is pretty much all of them, anyway) only surpassed by Pipeline SF (which checks out).

Top 4 time played (As of 02/02/2024 since April 2023)
SF Pipeline: 2362 hours played
SF Hospital: 1901 hours played
Urban Assault: 1326 hours played
SF CSAR: 958 hours played

Anyhow my opinion is that it is preferable to prioritize taking out one individual with a projectile weapon vs everyone that has a C class, but at the end of the day I'll play Hospital with or without 203's so it doesn't matter much to me.

From what I gather the change happened nearly a decade ago, my question would be even if the vast majority of remaining players were in favor of the return of 203s (remains to be seen) is there anyone left with the know how to make that change?.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: AATracker's "Load More Matches" function
« on: Saturday, January 20, 2024, 16:34:54 PM »
I may be wrong, but a it may be couple of thousand matches in the global sense, not in the sense of one user.

PS: Just speculation. But a way to do it when trying to limit scaling.

Yup, this is correct. Two thousand most recent matches across all tracked servers are retained. A users match history will reflect their activity within those 2000 matches.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: AATracker's "Load More Matches" function
« on: Saturday, January 20, 2024, 11:25:29 AM »

This isn't really Assist related thing but I wanted to give a little feedback/shout out to the AATracker dev for making our experience a bit more pleasant once again :cool:

I was going to write some day and ask if there is any way to see exact stats from older matches than those in one's Recent Matches list. I'm very fond of one special match of Pipeline I played a while ago and sadly I didn't remember to take a screenshot of the stats page of that match in time. It was lost from my Recent Matches list.

I just went to check on AATracker page if there is anyone playing and surprisingly there was a button called "Load More Matches" on my personal stats page. I could bring up all my matches since the Tracker has been tracking my rounds! Nice!

Are all those specific match statistics kept indefinitely in the database or are they somehow summed up (after some time or some number of matches) to keep the database size in control?

Both Assist and AATracker are beautiful things! Thank you devs! Please, keep up the good work :style:


Thank you for the kind words. I finally managed to get around to allowing more match history to be loaded last night so it is awesome to see someone noticing, appreciating and providing feedback so soon. I really appreciate it!.

Unfortunately in this case you're correct that match statistics aren't held indefinitely. Specifically, the most recent 2000 matches are kept with the oldest falling off when a new one has started. This typically means a match will remain in a player / servers history for 1 - 2 months depending on how active the game is. I may look at increasing this number if possible, perhaps to 4000, if I am able.

I also agree with you about Assist. I'm very glad we can play this game in 2024. See you in-game!.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Official map only servers needed
« on: Thursday, January 18, 2024, 11:09:54 AM »
The original AA experience died since the start of assist... they decide now.

What would remain of the original AA experience if not for Assist? Grainy 360p YouTube videos with no ability to actually play the game?.

Custom maps existed when the army ran the game, as did the ability for server owners / admins to swap to them. Seems to me the most notable difference is accessibility seeing as several custom maps ship with the game so players have the option to stay or leave (as opposed to not being able to load in at all) should the server switch to a custom map.

Finally, the game released 22 years ago now (or thereabouts?). It's no surprise that returning players would want to play the maps they are most familiar with. Conversely, it comes as no surprise that some players who have stuck around may prefer some variety. Rather than advocating for the removal of choice, I would suggest taking initiative and trying to seed one of the many empty servers on a 'classic' map or firing up a server where you can control the map choice. (If memory serves you have a Pipeline exclusive server, anyhow).

As for poorly performing, I mean.. it's 2024 and the game runs well (arguably too well) on modern hardware. Most maps will perform fine on integrated graphics which can't be said for most 3d games of today.

General Chat / Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« on: Wednesday, December 27, 2023, 11:16:59 AM »
If you don't mind, I'd love to re-invent the website style. That is if you trust me with your site. I understand if you do not.

That could be cool!. The frontend code is a bit of a mess to say the least and I've been slowly starting to clean it up a touch haha send me a message on Discord and we'll chat?.

General Chat / Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« on: Friday, December 22, 2023, 23:55:03 PM »
It's been a moment since I've provided any updates, however more has changed than I am able to quickly summarize here (I've neglected the forums in favor of posting quick updates to the Discord server).

The first, and most notable of which, is a significant UI overhaul. I still do not claim to be a web designer to any extent, however it was time to dedicate some time towards making the presentation of stats more palatable.

Secondly, alias history is live. (Very much inspired by Steam's implementation of the same feature).

Each server on the servers page now displays 10 most recent matches on that server

And finally, the homepage has been made a touch more lively by including the 5 most recent matches across ALL tracked servers, as well as a server list preview (sorted by player count descending when applicable). A new background service to reduce the wait time when querying servers has made this possible. There are still some kinks to work out, however I will note this change is specific to the website itself. The tracking application has a vastly more forgiving retry policy / timeout threshold so a "far away" tracked server appearing offline does not indicate that it is not being tracked.(I do hope to address this in the near future).
It's also snowing to help drum up the holiday spirit.

A few other small changes (made some time ago) likely not noted elsewhere in this thread:
- If you want to add your server to the list of tracked servers, you can do so via the Servers page.
- Each server displays a flag corresponding with the country it is hosted in.

Happy Holidays everyone!.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: servers
« on: Friday, September 08, 2023, 21:13:31 PM »
2. There is no additional cost associated with running a server. I.e back in the official days you had pay the US Amry for "honor", which meant you didn't really want to run an empty server. Though many competition-specific servers were just ran without honor.

Touching on this point, I recall the price of an honor server being far too much for my younger self to afford, so I've taken a trip to the Wayback Machine to see what it would have cost to rent an honor server / purchase honor for an AA server around 2007.

These prices are pretty crazy even by todays standards. So in addition to the point that Teddy made, with modern hardware you are able to run, in some cases, multiple servers on a single machine for a fraction of the price it would have cost in the past (perhaps 1/10th or less).

As for the main point of this thread, I've noticed what you're describing generally happens if some players don't like the map that is being played, or the ping of the populated server isn't ideal for them. It's fairly rare, but I can't imagine consolidating the server list would really change that. Aside from that, you would have to restrict who has the ability to spin up a server, and I personally think it is cool that America's Army allows anyone to do so which is becoming less and less common in modern games unfortunately.

Wow, thank you for sharing!. I had always wanted to pick up this game when I was young, but was never able to find it. Information was also a touch scarce so I had no idea there was multiplayer, that the maps were (mostly) the same, and that a lot of the same models / textures / sounds were used. The videos are really cool to see what I missed out on!.

General Chat / Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« on: Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 15:19:51 PM »
when does a server start tracking your session? 2 vs 2? 4 vs 4?
I played 2 hours straight and I got 3 sessions. ( not to many people joined at that time)

At the moment, a session is created / stats are tracked as soon as 3 players are in a server. If a server falls below 3 players within 3 minutes of the session being created, the session will not display on the website however the stats accumulated during those 3 minutes will still be added to your profile.

General Chat / Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« on: Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 22:02:51 PM »
The first iteration of match history is live.

Each profile now includes a recent matches section (provided you have played recently). This lists the 10 most recent matches you were tracked in game. Clicking on the match title will bring you to an overview of every player who was connected (long enough to be tracked) during said match, as well as a break down of their score and the duration of the match.

This is super early but has been working as expected under normal circumstances, so should you notice any weirdness please bear with me!.

General Chat / Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« on: Friday, May 26, 2023, 23:58:17 PM »

General Chat / Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« on: Friday, May 26, 2023, 22:47:32 PM »
A very basic implementation of map specific leaderboards has been implemented!.

Clicking the underlined map name on a profile will now redirect you to the leader board specific for that map. Clicking elsewhere will continue to expand your map specific stats.

More cool stuff is in the works, including match history (very early stages currently but it is coming along well). The Assist Staff badge has been made more distinctive and I've done a fair amount of work on the tracking service itself. It is not only multithreaded but also fully asynchronous to ensure it remains performant with all of the servers we currently have online!.

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