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Messages - WraShadow

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Media & Art / Re: Behancé gallery
« on: Monday, February 06, 2017, 17:47:29 PM »
I was asked to create a fast A3 picture, before leaving, for kids to paint over, and I was really excited. Here's the end result  :) #forthekids

Server Support / Re: Servers showing as European
« on: Friday, January 27, 2017, 10:49:35 AM »
Im guessing its -=NAM=-North American Militia (while color) with (Republic of) Singapore flag. Although with the ping, it is definitely American - or at least, not European.

Lookip up IP, it gives both Singapore (here, for instance: and USA (here, for instance:

Probably need to update geoiptables.

Good to hear, Tru. Will be looking forward to it :)

Server Support / Re: Servers showing as European
« on: Thursday, January 26, 2017, 12:19:00 PM »
That really depends on your host provider. If its based in europe, the server will, most likely, be european. You need to ask on your provider if he can provide vps in america. Chances are that it wont and you need to find one who does.

btw, is NAM getting back on its feet? I miss that clan. Good fights back in the day.

General Chat / Re: Harassment!!!
« on: Saturday, January 14, 2017, 15:35:48 PM »
.I've hardly ever seen anyone complaining about her.
C@rmy? OMFG I hate her with all my guts! She's always camping on the defense side, not moving like a dead body. Then she comes to me and tk's on purpose and starts to t-bag! She's such a horrible person! (Got your blood pumping? I'm just kidding... xD)

None of it is an issue. Assist admins wont do nothing about it, then I agree its up to us, server admins to do so.

There's no point comparing situations. Each is wrong and feels bad in it own right and the people involved should ask server admins to do something about it. I'm open to it. I'm not saying I will take action right away. But will surely try to connect people before resorting to extreme measures.

Carmy, if you're getting harassed again,on my server or otherwise, post screenshots and if they're the same people, I will ban immediately. Keepin mind if I see its mutual discord,Iwillnot interfere for a while.

General Chat / Re: Harassment!!!
« on: Friday, January 13, 2017, 14:07:32 PM »
C@rmy, yes, I do talk to him in my native language. He asked me not to tell you his identity so the two of you wouldn't fight again but of course, it was obvious who he was. I even told him youd understand because of your ties to the Italian language.

[Mia], I am not sure I understood the sentence about "understanding", but I think you're saying I read the situation alright, right? If not, please tell me where I failed so I can take a step back and understand better.

Bart!, I never agree on the mute option. In theory, it's a good option to have but in reality it's just fuel for tks. Most people dont have the mental sturdiness to behave when being limited by admins and go on rampage. On my server, you get booted once. Banned the time after that, probably forever.

Also, mute is bad because it affects everyone. If a player cant report, he gets tk'd and that is justice, however the person whom accidentally does the tk'ing will get ROE, and maybe a kick because of that. Mute does NOT work.

Media & Art / Re: Behancé gallery
« on: Friday, January 13, 2017, 11:25:10 AM »
Funny I asked my son to draw a hand last week :)
You're funneh. xD If you're not trying to be funny and that's true, then his is probably much better ^_^

When I was younger I was drowning a lot and now I feel so sorry I stop with it, photoshop 'killed it'.
That's the thing. I used to feel like I could do it as a child. Then I went to higher education and creativity died as well as my time. So I totally stopped for about 8 years.

Can I ask you if you could do a scratch for me? Woman with a rifle? I could pay for it, not problem at all!
Sure, once I have some times. Canyou give me a description of what the woman shouldlook like?

ronski, ahahah, I was thinking the same thing as I was reading :P

Everyone, I will try to improve my handsketching. If I find the time. Usually, when I have free time I just read a book or play so its hard to find time for everything. Still, is nice to get support. Thank you.

General Chat / Re: Harassment!!!
« on: Friday, January 13, 2017, 11:13:02 AM »
Since people called out my name, here I am.

Carmy, I wont claim to understand what it is to feel insulted, mad, or sad, because it is impossible for me to feel it. However, I can understand that sometimes trash-talk can go too far and become something else.

That said, I will not just ban a person like that. First, because everyone deserves a second chance. Secondly, because I cant just ban 4 people for talking shit. Next thing I know, everyone gets banned. In addition to that, they will find you on other servers anyway.

Now, coming back full-circle, I will talk to them and give them a warning. If it comes to pass again, ban I will.

Just to finish this post off, I'd like to clarify some things:
You are just as guilty as TheChildren. Once we were all on We Are Aimers (the original) and everything was fine, when the round finished you were both going at each other, and insulting just as hard. When I'm on he seems nice to you most of the time even if you talk poorly to him. What I see is a small feud with no insults. Still, he will be warned.
IamNR1 is a trashtalker of the highest level and I think he's funny for that. Even though I dont want to ban him, I will if it comes to it. So be assured, nothing is personal. I'll ban as I see fit and according to my sense of justice.

As I see, if it really is general, Assist admins should just cut the roots off. Either that or you need to just ignore. I was bullied as a kid a kid and had to grow thick skin. Once again, if it comes to that, I will ban them.

Also, I added a warning to the welcoming messages, so everyone is warned.

Media & Art / Re: Behancé gallery
« on: Thursday, January 12, 2017, 10:39:10 AM »
I'm trying to recover the project files for some of the good ones but the external hard drive got damaged and I'm having troubles.I'll do it anyway, even if it's just the render. I'll let you know once I upload a few more :)

Thanks for the support!  :oops:

btw, this is how sloppy my hand-sketching is, and why I avoid it at allcosts  :D

Bug Reports / Re: Sitrep error(Screenshot)
« on: Thursday, January 12, 2017, 10:36:51 AM »
Just the once. It should be easy to fix. I dont know what caused the problem. Maybe the buffer got stock on 2 concurrent i/o access?

Bug Reports / Sitrep error(Screenshot)
« on: Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 19:57:37 PM »
Not really sure this is the right place but here it goes:

Media & Art / Re: Behancé gallery
« on: Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 19:54:26 PM »
Explains why you're so bad at this game. Joking !
Well, you say you're joking but I'm bad xD Just not considering the others :P

If you want to get more in-depth information or screenshots of the work, I can provide :)

Media & Art / Re: Behancé gallery
« on: Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 13:58:50 PM »
Oh yes :P I know some people who can do that. Not me xD I dont use mouse for over 3 years :)

General Chat / Re: EAC presentation on Cheats in Multiplayer games
« on: Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 13:57:50 PM »
Good talk. There's always the conflict between server side or client side and the latency. As time progresses, most of the problems will be solved by decent band connection. Still, a good talkon different types of problems/snags one can encounter

Support / Re: Borderless fs can't be disabled
« on: Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 13:54:50 PM »
You can update it without reformatting?
Update and upgrade you can... I was thinking of formatting and installing win7... no point in formatting and installing the same thing lol unless you're a noob user with crap all over, which Im definitively not.

Support / Re: Borderless fs can't be disabled
« on: Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 16:15:05 PM »
some ppl says Win 10 Anniversary Update fixed fullscreen problems.
One can only hope. I've been putting off formatting my PC and lose my legit win10 version because of it, even though I love windows10 for everything else.

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