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Messages - ~=W!CK!D=~

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General Chat / Re: Do we need protected servers or not?
« on: Tuesday, March 27, 2018, 18:44:25 PM »
It's guaranteed if merlin protected servers don't exist any longer ddos will have a fun attacking unprotected servers and people will be complaining by then it's to late cause merlin stated he will not again get involved trying to protect servers any longer

So people that love playing so much reach in your pocket book $ 5 to $10 will not make you broke

If not enjoy not playing no longer simple as that

General Chat / Re: What Happend
« on: Friday, March 02, 2018, 15:05:48 PM »
ronnylayouse  you from usa????

General Chat / Re: Thank you Spanky!
« on: Friday, February 23, 2018, 21:14:33 PM »
Ya was killing me as I thought it was the webserver itself but only found this site to have the distinct issue.

Glad its a thing of the past now :)

Ya was killing me as I thought it was the webserver itself but only found this site to have the distinct issue.

Glad its a thing of the past now :)

Nick you know anything about seo???

General Chat / Re: caught the attackers
« on: Friday, February 23, 2018, 21:11:31 PM »
I don't think you're completely understanding what I am saying. The person who did this was given access to that server. They used their access to use a stress test program on the server. If they were never given access to the server, this wouldn't have been possible.  We're not talking about something like server admin here, we're talking FTP access to the machine the server is running on.

Not only is this not a security risk, it's not even an issue at all. Bottom line, don't give strangers direct access to your server. That's all there is to it.

Killa I dont thibk anyone has direct excess to his direct data. I thought he just rented servers and gave each server owner there own control and own pw to there own server. I can be mistaken
Not sure how merlin set things up. Long as these idiots cant ddos where happy

General Chat / Re: caught the attackers
« on: Thursday, February 22, 2018, 18:30:29 PM »
i just want merlin to explain it a bit better cause if that software does what he says it does to servers then anyone can do this not just you

General Chat / Re: caught the attackers
« on: Thursday, February 22, 2018, 17:41:54 PM »
wait merlin I'm a bit confused , Stress My PC is stress testing software to do a computer stress testing?? by running this software will take down servers, I can't agree on him earning a ban for using that software it's not like what eddie was doing

maybe you can explain it better , just just by him running that software shouldn't be able to take down servers alone??

Server Support / Re: Battletracker service will be shutdown forever soon
« on: Saturday, February 17, 2018, 13:29:34 PM »
Long as the game is playable do we really need a tracker???? Hmm no

Maybe if players really want it done then donate to assist project no one should have to work at this for free

Time is money

Server Support / Re: Another problem but we almost there! Pic's inside
« on: Thursday, February 08, 2018, 19:20:47 PM »
Dude get a refund on what you paid for your server
Get a protected server through Merlin and be done with it, he sets it all up for you and ready to go, very simple to maintain after that

I'm ,sure $$ 20.00 a month won't break your pocket

Miscellaneous / Re: What you think of Trump just curious
« on: Friday, January 26, 2018, 10:20:41 AM »
Well you're now 0-2 on your post. l I am older than 23 and your post is so ignorant is hurts to read. Congrats.

wooo hooo off by 1 year, how's my post so ignorant?????
why cause I'm a strong trump supporter and i love every thing he's doing?? specially trying to get rid of the illegal immigrants and making are borders better

Miscellaneous / Re: What you think of Trump just curious
« on: Thursday, January 25, 2018, 23:39:48 PM »
What kind of bullshit question is that? It affects my life. How old do you even think I am and why should that change anything?

No older then 23, at 23 I wasn't worried about no dam politics that's for sure, getting laid and school was more important!!!!!

Enjoy your youth let the old timers stress out on politics , you youngsters don't have a clue
And stop being so God dam uptight

Miscellaneous / Re: What you think of Trump just curious
« on: Thursday, January 25, 2018, 22:13:45 PM »
The piece of shit just said he won't ever visit the UK, one of our biggest allies, unless protests are banned. I feel like that right there says it all. He's a not just a terrible president, but a terrible human being as well. He doesn't care about freedom, just his own personal wealth.

At your young age why do you care to get involved with politics??? 

Miscellaneous / Re: What you think of Trump just curious
« on: Thursday, January 25, 2018, 10:00:04 AM »
no need to think about him, he will soon be gone  :cool:

Never he will get another 4 years =-}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
least he is doing something

Server Support / Re: Battletracker service will be shutdown forever soon
« on: Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 23:15:55 PM »
We don't need tracker only need a system that allows players to login in assist.......

Again Merlin, poss, killa, teddy,  thanks for all your time you've put into this game to keep it alive long as it's been

General Chat / Re: idk where to post this but okay About clans with fake names.
« on: Sunday, January 14, 2018, 10:13:57 AM »
Well he is still using the tag and now the new one    -wAa'dufY+

He's not the leader of Waa i am and 2 more and we don't want him inside of it.

then why you let him play on your servers??

Server Support / Re: Battletracker service will be shutdown forever soon
« on: Sunday, January 14, 2018, 10:00:45 AM »
Guess no more Nooblet frag rate players will not be
Be playing Any longer !!!! Good riddens

Tracker not needed for a 13 year old game

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 104

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