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Messages - !The_Engineer!

Pages: 1 2 [3]
mAAp Project / Re: River Village
« on: Friday, May 25, 2012, 17:54:35 PM »
hey guys, I read your conversion thread and figured my time is too important for doing this myself, I mean, me convert a map? yeah right get fucked.
so what I propose is one of you lesser people, one of you pieces of shit do it for me. chop chop now times a wasting.

Anyway, if I had the knowledge and abilities to do such then I would attempt it but I admit it beyond my capabilities.

mAAp Project / River Village
« on: Friday, May 25, 2012, 17:12:34 PM »
Any chance of getting River Village added/converted to run on 2.5?

mAAp Project / Re: maap Ice
« on: Thursday, May 24, 2012, 09:01:42 AM »
True. ICE makes sense but what doesn't is being able to shoot through it without breaking the ice it in some way? I mean are you on top of it, or under it? If under, then how are you able to breathe? Let say you break the ice jump in , you have to come up for air at some point, no? I don't know, perhaps I am taking it too literal. LOL

Perhaps what should be done is if you are in the ice(under it per se) instead of making the normal "shuffle" sound when moving when lying down it makes a "breaking the ice" sound as you move throughout the ice. Not sure if this is possible. This way you can tell if someone is moving in the ice rather than moving on land.

Just a thought.

mAAp Project / Re: maap Ice
« on: Thursday, May 24, 2012, 08:21:15 AM »
Playing this map often I can say the map does have several issues as previously stated. I am wondering if it should have been called "Lake" rather than "Ice". If you think about it, if the lake was frozen how would you be moving under it and still be able to shoot above the ice? Are you poking a hole in the ice and then shooting? LOL

Perhaps something that would have been a little more realistic would be that if it is ice you have to break the ice "get in" and then to be able to shoot through it you have to then break it again in a new spot you move to. Not sure if this is technically possible with the AA2 engine.

I think the map has a great concept but perhaps needs a bit more refining. Wish I had that capability.  :(

Wondering if some type of objective would be a good think or not as well.

General Chat / Re: Restarting Assist server on system reboot automaticlly
« on: Thursday, May 10, 2012, 19:50:09 PM »
Never mind, LOL didn't see the Auto Start on launch checkbox until now

General Chat / Restarting Assist server on system reboot automaticlly
« on: Thursday, May 10, 2012, 19:48:02 PM »
Is there a way to have Assist restart the server after a unforeseen reboot. As is I have it in the Window startup but I still have to hit the start server button.

Thanks in advance.

Honor Claims / HONOR CLAIMS:
« on: Thursday, February 09, 2012, 21:23:18 PM »
!The_Engineer! -

Last I remember I had a 84 or 85 or so honor but the attached SS only shows 80 :(
I guess I will have to live with 80 honor

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