it doesn't have to be open to anyone 0 players on aa2!
the next time people complain to me about hospital maps, I will chase them into 3 mother's cunts:):)or kick them like you all us players
AA0 2.5 server has password with 8 players urban:):)
and like this there are no players on aa2, nor will there be any more like this...
In total there are 8 players on aa2.
extraction is the worst..people love the classics..pippeline hospital urban weapons cache..csar...and when only a few players..glasshouse..poolday aztek
ofc every1 is leaving or doesnt join... either you are playing the same map (UA/Hospital/Bridge) or not interesting maps (Tunnel/IC/MOUT). Ppl still play this game from time to time to have fun by remembering the good old days
Hey Brahva. My server is indeed mainly a Bridge server, maybe an occasional map change every now or then. No map rotations though. I'm running rhe server mostly for our old clan and our nostalgia, but of course everybody is free to join :)