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Messages - Ganja

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 214
Media & Art / Re: Behancé gallery
« on: Thursday, January 12, 2017, 07:46:23 AM »
Well, you say you're joking but I'm bad xD Just not considering the others :P

If you want to get more in-depth information or screenshots of the work, I can provide :)

I'd love to see more exemples of your talent hehe

Media & Art / Re: Behancé gallery
« on: Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 16:17:16 PM »
Oh yes :P I know some people who can do that. Not me xD I dont use mouse for over 3 years :)

Explains why you're so bad at this game. Joking !

Media & Art / Re: Behancé gallery
« on: Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 18:55:25 PM »
Thank you. ^_^ Hopefully, I'll find the time to upload more. I have some requests but is still early and I havent had the time to pick'em up. :)

I use a tablet (that's what they were called before iPad came along) aka designer table, from Wacom, which I use to draw, and everything really. Its a cheap one, Wacom Intuos Manga (CTH-480) which I bought for like 99€, if I recall correctly, and now it's like 70€. Its perfect for 360 no-scope, since you can just slide to the side in absolute coordinates lol I want to buy a professional one to draw on the screen itself but I'm not yet ready to make the commitment for a pass-time, for such high price. :o

Not sure if that's what you meant. I also could use a scanner but I no longer have the grip/tidiness to draw on paper  :oops:

Yes that's exactly what I was asking. I figured it'd be something like that but you confused me. I thought for a second that ou were drawing with your computer mouse haha silly me. Anyway keep them going dude !

Media & Art / Re: Behancé gallery
« on: Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 15:32:29 PM »
They really look great dude !

But, usually, I do some sketch on Manga Studio or Photoshop because I've lost my ability to do it on paper long ago. Then import it on Illustrator or Manga Studio (in high-res).

But don't you draw like in real and it goes on the PC? Not sure how you call that aha

Media & Art / Re: Behancé gallery
« on: Tuesday, January 10, 2017, 03:51:45 AM »
I will upload a ton more, once I have the time/patience to do so.
Checkout my gallery at:

I mostly do these drawings for fun... here's a sneak peek:

I'm interested in knowing how you produce this. It looks cool

Anti-Cheat / Re: Shelby
« on: Saturday, January 07, 2017, 06:22:57 AM »
I mean, I could be wrong

I like this attitude, which most people don't have when accusing someone of cheats/hacks.

Support / Re: i need my acc back
« on: Thursday, December 29, 2016, 14:34:27 PM »
Can't help you any further, sorry

Support / Re: i need my acc back
« on: Thursday, December 29, 2016, 14:19:45 PM »

Login: shadi13 but ingame name: Arizona-V4

Support / Re: i need my acc back
« on: Thursday, December 29, 2016, 14:12:20 PM »
This is your username: shadi13
I believe this is your email (not sure though): [email protected]

Support / Re: i need my acc back
« on: Thursday, December 29, 2016, 14:00:37 PM »
Good luck with that

Nvm just realized it was only a week ban. Sorry for the bad memories and merry christmas  :style:

Drama & Spam / Re: You can ban me , i dont care . Shame on you assist admins ...
« on: Wednesday, December 28, 2016, 18:07:18 PM »
Hey Streetfighter. If this can convince you. "Eddie" aka Rock+ has spend most of his childhood killing his idle 2nd accounts on empty maps to gain better stats. I doubt he'd do that if he was hacking.

General Chat / Re: When OpFor invade your empty server (AKA LEEFFM's AI Mod)
« on: Monday, December 26, 2016, 17:51:18 PM »
Very impressive and neat :)

General Chat / Re: When OpFor invade your empty server (AKA LEEFFM's AI Mod)
« on: Monday, December 26, 2016, 13:35:37 PM »
AI 1 - 0 Spanky :D

General Chat / Re: Merry Christmas
« on: Sunday, December 18, 2016, 05:54:07 AM »
To you too Vanoke !

General Chat / Re: Vegeta never learns
« on: Sunday, December 11, 2016, 12:16:30 PM »
I agree that this has been going on for too long.

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 214

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