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Messages - [SWISS]Merlin

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 187
AA Support / Re: PB Restrictions error
« on: Sunday, April 11, 2021, 11:49:40 AM »
Vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung!

So this sounds like the solution what [F.U.N]Cpt is telling us. Let's try to make the confirmation about it.
Can someone install Windows 10 with all patches on a new disk (or on a deleted old one), download and install 25assist - without any manual updates of Punkbuster?

Would be great to hear if that works for all.
Many thanks to [F.U.N]Cpt for sharing this with us.

AA Support / Re: PB Restrictions error
« on: Tuesday, April 06, 2021, 14:09:05 PM »
That's actually a good one Killa, does everybody with this problem have the game installed on SSD?

I did install 25assist about 5 years on a SSD and it worked. For some reason i did made a new installation of my windows10 from scratch and - after this i had the problems with pb kicks. there could be many reasons for this and i did try a lot to fix it, but nothing works really. for sure it could also be the 25assist installation with something missing or outdated.

[F.U.N]Cpt, could you please delete 25assist and reinstall it again? would be great to hear if that still will work on your side. thanks!

AA Support / Re: PB Restrictions error
« on: Tuesday, April 06, 2021, 13:51:16 PM »
another try to solve it:

ok, let's try to get some sence about that issue.
would be great to have some answers about the questions below from 10-20 players with and without this punkbuster kick problem.

Section A with NO problems at all - no punkbuster kicks:
A1. what version of windows and/or mac operating system do you use?
A2. when did you install 25assist (date)?
A3. what kind of firewall do you use?
A4. at which provider are you connected to?
A5. do you automaticaly or manualy start other programs before you start 25assist?
A6. since when do you play 25assist?
A7. which antivirus program do you use?

Section B with PROBLEMS and punkbuster kicks:
B1. what version of windows and/or mac operating system do you use?
B2. when did you install 25assist (date)?
B3. what kind of firewall do you use?
B4. at which provider are you connected to?
B5. do you automaticaly or manualy start other programs before you start 25assist?
B6. since when do you play 25assist?
B7. which antivirus program do you use?

AA Support / Re: PB Restrictions error
« on: Tuesday, April 06, 2021, 13:50:24 PM »
Danke für die Hilfe, doch leider habe ich auch dies ausprobiert und - es funktioniert nicht. Vielleicht hast Du noch andere Ideen?

Support / Re: PunkBuster Problem : REWARD 500$
« on: Sunday, April 04, 2021, 19:32:33 PM »
i would never ever take a reward for a solution for this game. the only way to solve this problem i did try, but had no support.
read the topic about pb issues - and maybe - some players will give answer about the hardware and software they use to play - important: from players that get kicked and from players that get not kicked while playing the game.

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Tuesday, March 09, 2021, 12:33:44 PM »
as i can see, there is no help to get this problem fixed. i wish you all luck, not to many kicks and a good game.
i am out, bye

AA Support / Re: [KICK] PB Restriction: PnkBstrB.exe heartbeats stopped
« on: Tuesday, March 09, 2021, 12:32:07 PM »
just did try it again, did run manualy all steps but - no luck.
i did also delete all related files, nothing, no luck.
as well as running the pb files in windows 7 mode, with and without admin rights, nothing.
all firewalls, routersettings, antivirus progs disabled, nothing. still kicks.

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Sunday, March 07, 2021, 18:42:55 PM »
thank you Tom

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Sunday, March 07, 2021, 08:17:50 AM »
wow, this sounds really fantastic!
congrats about that, hope it still works tomorrow.

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Saturday, March 06, 2021, 20:57:50 PM »
would be very very nice, i hope that for you and all the players. but i am almost sure that you will have the problem next day again. let us know about that.

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Saturday, March 06, 2021, 11:00:27 AM »
ok, let's try to get some sence about that issue.
would be great to have some answers about the questions below from 10-20 players with and without this punkbuster kick problem.

Section A with NO problems at all - no punkbuster kicks:
A1. what version of windows and/or mac operating system do you use?
A2. when did you install 25assist (date)?
A3. what kind of firewall do you use?
A4. at which provider are you connected to?
A5. do you automaticaly or manualy start other programs before you start 25assist?
A6. since when do you play 25assist?
A7. which antivirus program do you use?

Section B with PROBLEMS and punkbuster kicks:
B1. what version of windows and/or mac operating system do you use?
B2. when did you install 25assist (date)?
B3. what kind of firewall do you use?
B4. at which provider are you connected to?
B5. do you automaticaly or manualy start other programs before you start 25assist?
B6. since when do you play 25assist?
B7. which antivirus program do you use?

this all looks good so far, except the missing server.exe. this is realy strange, but as i remember, there was a server.exe update around 2015. i did check one of my old installations. try to copy the missing server.exe from here and put it into your system folder:

i guess this should work.

AA Support / Re: Problem with loging in
« on: Monday, February 08, 2021, 12:49:46 PM »
some special characters in user names are not allowed i guess. try without { }

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Monday, February 08, 2021, 12:44:33 PM »
then start 25assist. you will get kicked. then you have to reboot your computer and - after you reboot your computer, still get kicked ?

it looks a bit strange to me the thing with serverx.
make a "startserver.bat" file in the folder of server0. then insert the manual starting part

start /MIN /HIGH "AA2_Server1" C:\Server\AAO2.5_Server\Server0\System\server.exe GLOBAL AA3_Airfield

then start the server with running the startserver.bat

what happend then?

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 187

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