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Messages - Bart!

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Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal [ unjustified ]
« on: Wednesday, July 03, 2013, 07:29:40 AM »
I saw him playing multiple times and did not think there was anything odd, but that's my opinion.

General Chat / Re: AA is currently pathetic
« on: Wednesday, July 03, 2013, 07:27:23 AM »

1. Remove mods. Jonny's got a great plan on doing this, that's all I will say for now. He can comment more if he likes.
Totally agree. This is the main reason AA is going to die: NO new player will come at this game except for maybe 1 or 2 people. The old players will NOT come back if they only see a modfest, many of them left within a few days due to this, they might've stayed if it wasn't all modded.
2. Fix map glitches. They need to be reported and a real discussion needs to take place on the best way to fix them.
This is a no-brainer of course. Has to be done.
3. Modify core 2.5 maps.
I do not agree, because the maps were actually balanced because of the weapon slots and the fixed amounts of ar's and g's. You could easily dodge a spamshot. But with the mods you get 6 spamshots against you at the same time. There's the main problem. With only 4 g's you'll have to be more careful not to waste all of them. When the mod's are gone the spamming problem will be mostly gone as well.
4. Streamline Assist.
This is never bad to do in my opinion.

General Chat / Re: Fuynny story related with new Cup
« on: Wednesday, July 03, 2013, 07:18:29 AM »
haha mr smart admin
u ban me coz i told you yes i have hax?
ban Jappa , Ban Kari , Ban , Ban Mortiferus
keep banning , and i will keep unbanning
And why do you think they cheat? Because I think you do not have the experience to see who is cheating and who's just better.

Server Support / Re: mods on servers
« on: Monday, July 01, 2013, 05:07:18 AM »
Lol Kritlz, if you know what Merlin does for work for the aa2.5 assist, for the clan or for AA. you would keep your big mouth shut. Come on men, what do you do for the community? You donated? You helping? Bringing up suggestions? No, you only shout with your big mouth and putting on the fire.
I know he does a lot of work, and I applaud him for that. I do however think the random weapons are a bad thing for the game. Since I do not think this game will attract a lot of new players anymore, only the old ones looking to play this game again they once loved so much. And I can tell you most of them do not like the mods on nearly all populated servers and will quit again, and you will not see anymore unless someone else tells them to come back since it has changed.

And no, they will not wait in an empty server for people to join. They did so in the old times when a server could be crowded in just 5 minutes, but that is not the case at this moment, but now they will not have the patience for it because they just want to play this game occasionally, they do not have the same amount of time available which they had 5 years ago.

Background Checks / Re: He definitely has no recoil
« on: Sunday, June 30, 2013, 19:00:58 PM »
he has this special mouse with triple click, and he think its legit.
I can't understand how they can not understand it is an unfair advantage...

General Chat / Re: aao cup
« on: Sunday, June 30, 2013, 18:59:05 PM »
Sure thing. Just thought I'd throw the idea out there. Lotta people try to make their own site and get people to register and join and that's not how to bring a community together :)
QFT, it's better to keep it as much as possible on here as long as the community is not big, it's better for the activity. Otherwise you might get several bad-visited sites.

Server Support / Re: mods on servers
« on: Saturday, June 29, 2013, 12:03:29 PM »
Why are people so blind! Using mods on this game destroys its very essence, It takes away what is special about it and if it doesn't have that special something anymore then why play it? It was supposed to be a attempt at a realistic battle simulation and that is why people loved it! People do not come to AA for a fast paced arcade game. People who want mods do not care about this game and the people who have taken it on themselves to preserve this game should do more to stop it. when will people open their eyes and listen to come to realise the damage they are doing.
Totally agree.

Background Checks / Re: cheater
« on: Friday, June 28, 2013, 11:36:48 AM »

General Chat / Re: Seriously WTF?
« on: Tuesday, June 25, 2013, 17:29:12 PM »
Then tell me why I see so many "Oldschools" on that map  :P
because of easy frags ;)

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban jabba/bolek
« on: Tuesday, May 28, 2013, 06:56:05 AM »
maybe i am  a noob , yes! but at least i am having fun with that , i dont cry when i loose and buy a hack like u and jabba and other mortiferus. noob hackers
good job sergio for keep the game clean
I think they should ban you for this post only.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban jabba/bolek
« on: Sunday, May 26, 2013, 08:14:52 AM »
I can still play ;)

As far as I know Jabba used to be clean. However since I haven't been much active lately I cannot say wether he used AHK. I can tell he's a good player without it though :P

General Chat / Re: Assist moving to 2.8.5?
« on: Wednesday, May 15, 2013, 02:02:35 AM »
Well who is gonna miss the maap pack anyway? Maybe just Poolday. But the rest is not being played at all. Oldtown, River Village, Floodgate, Refinery are already in the 2.8.5.
Poolday was recreated from a user-created map which was in 285 already.

Ban Appeals / Re: banned dynasty!
« on: Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 04:23:39 AM »
do you know the difference between a cheater and a cheater?
the other is his brother :)
:D :D :D

Ban Appeals / Re: BAN Appeal
« on: Sunday, May 12, 2013, 19:01:43 PM »
blabla  included Treble Click function(replace one click with 3 clicks without a delay)..its made for games, and its legal for is one more lesson which you admins and other "pro" players here doesn't know...
It is legal because you get something to get a deliberate advantage over others because it is something you can't do yourself.

I like the logic of that.

General Chat / Re: AntiPoke Update
« on: Sunday, May 12, 2013, 12:14:10 PM »
Sorry it's such an inconvenience when we try to add cool and unique content to an old game in order to keep it alive and interesting.

Health (along with bleeding) is already shown in the HUD... You should probably pay more attention in-game instead of focusing on listening for footsteps. I don't give a shit about competitive matches. The people that are into that are idiots. Taking a free, old, fun game and making it all serious... stupid. AA will stay unique since nobody here will change the gamplay dynamics like running speed, fire rate, weapon damage, animation times. All the stuff that REALLY makes AA unique. Plus, I believe Possessed already made it a true/false thing so you can easily disable it if you want.
Saying that all I do in game is listening to footsteps is very narrow-minded, and you should know that, you appear to be that kind of person who thinks he knows exactly what's going on, and I agree, you do know a lot, but you obviously don't know everything. Which isn't bad. As I do not know everything either. But I will never talk like that to others. There are many factors influencing what makes a player good, what makes a player competitive. There are many players who have sound, hear everything, but they can not think tactical and they do not know what to do, neither do they know the aspect of covering each other, distracting others, wasting time for others in order to take objectives and a lot more than that. It's playing the game in a different style with a different mindset, which appears to be too serious, but it is another kind of fun.

Same with real lfie sports, people are being competitive there as well, wasting a lot of time, but they still find it worth it for some reason.

That being said, it all depends on the mentality of the people. I like it a lot because you actually play together with the team, communicate and you can depend on the others while playing. I don't like games like CoD because it's just free for all or run and gun and respawn.

Furthermore about the health: I don't want it to be an own choice to disable it, and clearly you have no clue at all what I meant.

I was not talking about if competitive players are idiots or not (in fact i disagree because competitive gaming usually makes a game a lot more popular, examples are in cs:go, but I don't need to explain it here).

The main problem is that people now know exactly at what moment they will TURN yellow, TURN red or become death, instead of being yellow while bleeding (but for how much? 34 or 65%), or being red with 1% or 33%. These are in fact major differences which will influence what people do.

For example in matches:

I'm red: I take obj quick or I take cover so they are uncertain and won't push

now: I'm red and I will bleed out but I got just enough time to take obj, so I will keep taking it no matter if an enemy gets really close
or: I'm red and I can see I will bleed out soon so I will waste all my nades on random spots and rush as hard as I can.

The last decision will only be made if you are certain to bleed out. With this new feature you will be certain of this if the medic isn't close.

The uncertainty about that is pretty much gone, which actually made the game a bit more challenging. THAT is why I don't like it. I don't mind if I can disable it, I want it to be gone like it used to be.

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