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Messages - teddy_grizzly_bear

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 253
Honor Claims / Re: Honor Claim - Devast8r
« on: Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 04:20:21 AM »
Unfortunately I can't just take your word for it.

Best advise I can offer is this one:
You could try wayback machine, for instance. If you're in a toplist:
You may find it easier to find yourself at a different date (I'm fairly certain inactive accounts don't show up in the toplist) or something. Good luck!

Support / Re: How do i make a steamroller server
« on: Friday, June 09, 2023, 09:01:36 AM »
Sorry, this project is older than docker. And thus, unfortunately there is no dockerised deployment.

With that said, you're more than welcome to develop one.

Failing that, I'd refer to either the wiki or ask members who run their own server.

News / Re: [BETA] Gaining honor and honor claims
« on: Monday, June 05, 2023, 17:12:18 PM »
We're excited to announce that your name changes will now also automatically carry over to AATracker.
So if/when you change your username through the links above, your name on will also change accordingly.

News / Re: [BETA] Gaining honor and honor claims
« on: Saturday, June 03, 2023, 17:53:53 PM »
Just an FYI, we've now implemented a system where honor should automatically update every day.

The only reason I bring it up is that if you feel like you've got more than enough points to advance, but your honor is the same over multiple days, please let us know. This is still in somewhat of a beta phase.

Honor Claims / Re: Honor Claim
« on: Friday, June 02, 2023, 10:31:23 AM »
You can check out this post of mine:
You could try wayback machine, for instance. If you're in a toplist:
You may find it easier to find yourself at a different date (I'm fairly certain inactive accounts don't show up in the toplist) or something. Good luck!
Other than that, I don't really know what to tell you, I'm afraid. The US Army dropped support for this game over a decade ago. And Battlatercker also died almost 4 years ago.

Honor Claims / Re: Honor Claim
« on: Tuesday, May 30, 2023, 04:36:42 AM »
Unfortunately, the forum profile you have posted has nothing to do with your own personal account.
It is identical to every user on this website. It's a remnant of an attempt to make tracking honor/stats possible and visible through the website. The data you're seeing is that of a specific player, but not you.

Honor Claims / Re: Honor Claim - barbar
« on: Friday, May 26, 2023, 04:42:59 AM »
how did you find this? i could only prove my honor with xfire to level 80 which was half what i actually had :(
You could try wayback machine, for instance. If you're in a toplist:
You may find it easier to find yourself at a different date (I'm fairly certain inactive accounts don't show up in the toplist) or something. Good luck!

News / Gaining honor and honor claims
« on: Monday, May 15, 2023, 23:31:47 PM »
Hello all,

I know we're generally pretty quiet in here, but we've got some exciting news to share!

Thanks to the great work of HellB0Y by releasing, we are now able to keep track of everyone's honor again.

The process is still in its early stages and somewhat manual at this time, but we've rolled through the first round of honor updates. This includes score that AATracker has tracked since the 12th of April.
The update included 66 players honors being updated. A total of 252 honor points gained with a total of 551405 points, so far.

The preliminary plan is to run through the update cycle every week or so manually. Until we're satisfied with the stability. After that, we may be able to schedule it more frequently, but we've not set up any specific plans as of yet.

As per the title, this also means that we'll be accepting honor claims again. As was the case before, we'd need to see some kind of proof of you having said honor at an earlier date.

Just so it's clear, this has now been running for a while with very little supervision. So our system is live and seems to be working.

General Chat / Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« on: Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 03:00:32 AM »
Hey Teddy, thank you for the feedback!.

To address the points you brought up:

1. As of today, no. Will there be? Yes, likely this week actually, as I've had this on my mind since development began. It is a difficult issue to solve as there is (currently) no way to verify that someone is who they say they are. I am not an expert by any means either, I've worked in software with organizations that handle large amounts of PII however I wasn't involved in compliance, just implementation!. Nothing is stored apart from display name. No IP addresses, emails, there is no way to even determine the Assist auth account the display name is tied to, so is this considered PII?. I could see how someone could argue both cases. GDPR aside, I think it is important to have the ability to opt out so regardless of what the answer is, the ability to opt out will be here very shortly. (It will be a manual process for the time being, unfortunately. Although I will see if I can conjure up an idea to automate the process).

2. Yes, there is currently a stored "frozen" honor value for each player. Basically, the first time a player is seen, the honor level reported by the server is what will be stored. This will be the starting point used to calculate virtual honor. If the server reports a different honor level, the stored value won't be updated. For example, if I have 30 honor, the virtual honor on the aatracker website will always be calculated from that starting point, regardless if my honor was bumped to 31 in Assist.

The prospect of that is very cool! I think the one thing that most players seem to miss is the ability to gain honor in game, and if it was able to come back, even in a very simple form, people would appreciate that!. I haven't given automation much thought in that sense, however it should be doable. Currently, Virtual Honor is calculated server side and provided to the client when rendering the page. Automation would likely be easier if it was stored, and potentially more performant as the # of players and score grows, but again something to look into!.
I would personally not consider this PII. But again, not an expert. But like you said, some might argue that it is. So better safe than sorry. So it's great you've thought about it!

As for the honor, that's why I brought it up. People like to be able to progress. And as of now, that's not really possible.
And the way you've described would cover the vast majority of our use case even if we were to update honor on our side to show a difference in game as well since you'd just use the original first-join-honor.
However, there's the matter of honor claims. We've abandoned it for now since there was no way to gain honor anyway. But if honor gain became possible again, we might want to allow honor claims based on evidence again. But that would require somewhat manual intervention on your side. Though this could probably be done manually due to the small number of players and a smaller number still trying to claim honor.

I'll shoot you a PM as well to see if we can work something out.

General Chat / Re: help me pls active freind acc
« on: Wednesday, May 10, 2023, 02:42:41 AM »
Okay then i don't know what to tell you but it just doesn't work. When i try to sign onto the client it says to go to that other site to set up a 25Assist account, when i go to that it says my account already exists.....
You can only have one account per email address.
So if you're creating another account, you'll need to use another email address.

AA Support / Re: I guys! Help with lo-in
« on: Tuesday, May 09, 2023, 04:26:18 AM »
Hi guys! It's been a while since I played last time.. I need help because I can't login in the assist.. The system is telling me that the password is wrong. I changed it and It still telling me that is wrong with my username: Neme.

Can anyone help me? Thanks so much! :) :)
Let's make sure we're talking about the same thing.
Remember, a 25Assist account is separate from an forum account.

So when you say you changed your password, was that for the forum account or the 25Assist account?
The database says your details were last changed in October, so it doesn't look like you changed your 25Assist account password.

There used to be a known issue with passwords (though we think we fixed that); and I checked that your account wasn't affected by it.

General Chat / Re: help me pls active freind acc
« on: Tuesday, May 09, 2023, 04:22:29 AM »
I cannot login to the client, try to register it says email and username already exists, is the account on this site not linked to the client?
No. The client uses a completely different account system.

You only need a 25Assist account (Assist Account at top of this page) to play on 25Assist.
You can additionally register an forum account if you wish.

General Chat / Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« on: Tuesday, May 09, 2023, 04:18:23 AM »
This seems like great work!

In this day and age, I would have a few queries though:
1) Is there a way for people to opt out of being tracked? I'm not a lawyer nor an expert, but this seems like it would be be required by GDPR and other similar laws. In fact I'm not fully sure if opting people in by default is legal in the same respect. Hopefully you have (or at least can) do your own research. This may not be an issue with a small player base, but it can only take one user who feels their rights have been violated to take down your hard work.
2) How does virtual honor handle changes on the 25Assist side? I.e we can (though we don't at this time) edit honor on our side. Do you have a stored "frozen" honor value stored for each account or do you just rely on what you see on the server?

The reason for the last bit was that with this development, we may be able to actually update honor for people.
While I don't know of an automated way to do this right now, there probably would be one.
But until that, we may be able to do this semi-manually by:
a) Keeping track of users who've gained 1 (or more) honor points
b) Updating their honor to the proper value e.g every week

This is obviously not an ideal system, but given the small number of community members, it might be doable.

Support / Re: Cant log in
« on: Tuesday, April 18, 2023, 05:19:11 AM »
Quoting from the PM so that stays public in case there's other people with the same issue.

what should I do I still cannot log in and cannot post in Sitrep no longer. Should I uninstall AA025 and reinstall. Im loosing hope here and like the game alot but if it cannot be solved I will just have to quit for good. Please help.
Reinstalling can always be a good trouble shooting step. So you're more than welcome to try that.

Failing that, you'd be better off providing more details of your setup/situation:
What OS are you using (e.g Windows/Linux/MacOS version)?
Are you using a VPN? If so, please try without it.
What prevents you from logging in exactly? Is there an error message? What does it look like? When does it appear, exactly?

Support / Re: Cant log in
« on: Monday, April 17, 2023, 04:21:50 AM »
Teddy Im having issues login. It states Im not logged in although I can post in Sitrep. When I try to get into the game I get this error message. IP address you are currently using is different from the IP address you use to login, please restart and log in. Here is my IP <>. If you can help I would greatly appreciate it.
That usually means you're using a VPN that is routing auth traffic differently compared to in game traffic.
If you're not using a VPN, this may simply be caused by a dynamic IP. In this case, logging back in should fix it.

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