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Messages - teddy_grizzly_bear

Pages: 1 ... 231 232 [233] 234 235 ... 253
Background Checks / Re: Weird animal...
« on: Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 16:04:20 PM »
I know, that's what you hear, but I would think the enemy hears bullets. I think that because this has happened to me like tens of times and I would guess it has happened to enemies that kill me at least a couple of times as well, but I don't recall hearing click-click-click and dying.

Background Checks / Re: Weird animal...
« on: Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 14:57:10 PM »
When you get a jam, sometimes the bullets keep firing (without sound) indeed, but never infinitely (in my experience at least). For me it always ends up a jam in like 6-9 bullets in without sound.

As for the second bug there again is no sound. It's really irritating when I get that bug because with no sound and no recoil I don't even understand that I'm firing and then whoop all of a sudden I'm out of bullets.

But I don't believe neither of them causes the ratting sound that's talked about in here (well I don't really know about the first bug) as in the first one (I think) the bullets still come out (therefore there should be no "click") and in the second one I believe others just hear your gun fire rounds faster than usual.

Honor Claims / Re: wrong honor 22.1.2013
« on: Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 08:47:42 AM »
You get them when you advance over 100 honor, but I've never seen admins manually give somebody honor that's greater than 100. And I would guess that's because of the reasons I mentioned.

Honor Claims / Re: Honor claim
« on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 15:38:05 PM »

Honor Claims / Re: wrong honor 22.1.2013
« on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 15:37:00 PM »
Why I added the "in all fairness" is because I've seen admins not updating honor to over 100.

And I understand that as well, as it was not possible to get more than 100 before Assist and I bet there was lots of people who would have had enough for 110 honors, but they didn't get it right away so now others shouldn't as well.

Ban Appeals / Re: Appealing my Ban
« on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 15:34:38 PM »
All we know is he claims that he was banned without evidence. No admin has commented so there really isn't any way of saying that there really was no evidence.

Honor Claims / Re: wrong honor 22.1.2013
« on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 14:24:46 PM »
read this:
I can help with that:
Honor: 100
Proof: Points. 2,560,377 Total Score - 263,194 ROE = 2,297,183 (100 honor = 1,850,000)

In all fairness, if we take into account honors till 110 (with each one needing 133,000 points), he'd be liable for honor 103 (which needs 399,000 extra points over 100 honor  and he has 447,183).

Server Support / Re: Pimping up server
« on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 14:19:05 PM »
I'm sorry if I'm mistaken, but it seems to me you'd like to alter your own tickrate? Tickrate really only applies to servers. It basically determines how many times a second the server sends and receives information.
What I guess you could do on your own part is increase FPS, but I'm pretty sure your FPS is already high enough so a couple more would probably not do much (if any) difference.
If you were in fact talking about servers, then it's somewhere in their .ini files, but I really don't know which one, you can try searching in them.

As for net speed
NetSpeed xxxx - Sets netspeed to different setting
But I do believe there are certain minimum and maximum values that this can be set to (according to the CVARs), but I really don't know those values.

Server Support / Re: PBSS
« on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 14:08:57 PM »
For the 1st SS:
Search the forums. There's been numerous thread about pink PBSS.
It's a problem with PunkBuster and Windows 8 compatibility. If you google it, you will find that AA is not the only game this happens to.

For the 2nd, I do believe that's perfectly normal. I believe PB just takes a picture of a random part of your screen (I would guess it's this way because this takes up less resources, causing less noticeable performance problems while taking the shot and takes less bandwidth from the game, leaving the ping and/or packet loss virtually untouched).
I believe most (if not all) PBSS's are in fact a part and of the screen and not the whole. Over time PB takes more shots and if somebody's cheating (and doesn't use some PBSS cleaner or whatever) one of them will show it.

I'm no expert, but this is what I believe to be the truth.

General Chat / Re: Md5 and lens=256
« on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 13:55:49 PM »
nop i didnt talked about getting kicked by md5 issues
Then you're in the wrong thread.

General Chat / Re: Closed Authorization slot - kicks issues
« on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 11:23:20 AM »
I can confirm that this does in fact happen every now and then. Everybody just gets kicked from the server for Authorization Slot closed.

General Chat / Re: Md5 and lens=256
« on: Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 09:25:00 AM »
It might not be, but being kicked for md5 tools is not (and never will be) connected to maps in any way.

News / Re: 25Assist 7.22 released!!
« on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 18:09:56 PM »
is an AA demo recording, put this into Demo folder and then start AA, type:playdemo DEMOname in console.
I'm not sure if the command is rly 'playdemo' xD
I do believe it's 'demoplay DEMOname', but you're on the right track there :)

9. Demo Recording [a9]

Note: Demos record chat going on in the server, your weapon, and your HUD.
DemoRec <filename> - Records the demo
DemoPlay <filename> - Plays back the demo file
StopDemo - Stops the recording

News / Re: 25Assist 7.22 released!!
« on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 16:10:20 PM »

News / Re: 25Assist v7.21 Released!!!
« on: Monday, January 21, 2013, 14:12:49 PM »
The Filenames of the new 7 maps are:
Code: [Select]

Any Client that joins a server running a map the client dont have will download it before joining the server.
Same thing, if a server is started with a map it dont have, it will download the map, then start it.

Only drawback is that when Admin Switching8F12 or admin switch) to a map that the server dont have it will not download it.
Oh, OK. I'm pretty sure in the news post it said Recidence instead of Residence ( hence the confusion).

Pages: 1 ... 231 232 [233] 234 235 ... 253

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