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Topics - JunK

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General Chat / Convert Shotguns from 285 to 25Assist
« on: Thursday, May 23, 2024, 18:46:50 PM »

Im wondering if it’s possible to convert the shotgun from AA 2.8.5 to 25 Assist? And if it’s possible, can it be done? Shotguns will bring something new to 25Assist

*ive been playing some trainings a few weeks ago, the first SF training, before you go for the test you need to talk with some green berets members. On one of table you can see a shotgun. That’s why I’m asking about the shotgun.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Gr JunK

General Chat / possible to change your ingame name
« on: Saturday, February 09, 2019, 11:51:31 AM »
Best AAO25,

after few months or a year, I want to check out again AAO25. I still have an account, but i´ve tryed to change my username, but I can´t, I tryed that through my profile on battletracker

is it possible to change?

Clans, Matches & Scrims / New tournament upcomming
« on: Friday, April 29, 2016, 08:37:20 AM »
Hello Folks,

I was a time offline in aao because of stuff what I needed to fix first.
Today I got my new internet online at home and I will be working on a new website + a new tournament.

Also made a new ''Facebook'' Page for the community and the lovely gamers.

Stay tuned for upcomming updates & news.


Clans, Matches & Scrims / 31/3/2016 Great Final NYC 2016 CUP
« on: Thursday, March 31, 2016, 12:54:59 PM »
Hello AAO Lovers,

I would like to make an annoucement that today on 22;00 CET the great final would be played in our tournament New Year Cup 2016.

This time; the teams going to meet each other on the map Sf Extraction. Teams are; We Ain't No clan vs Poland 1.

It's possible to me, to make a stream for this final; But as you all know; Im working in the Dutch Army, so im through out the week on the military base and the wifi is a good of crap :D

The match will start on 22;00

I will try to stream the best I can, even with that good wifi...
You can find me around; 21;45 - 21;55 live on;

have fun this evening and keep hunting  :cool:

Clans, Matches & Scrims / Aaocups; New tournament
« on: Sunday, March 06, 2016, 18:32:29 PM »
Hello everyone,

As The active teams and players from aaocups allready know, we are comming to the end of NYC 2016 tournament, With 4 teams left and also last 3 matches left, the community will see which team was the best in the tournament.

Now we had a discussion with the admins about the tournament; we found allready some few "bugs" what we should fix before we start the next tournament and I would like to discuss with the community about it.

Im also asking the community of 25Assist to vote what kind of tournament mode should be in our next tournament.

For more information: you can leave a post or PM.

I hope to hear from you all.



Matches & Scrims / Single or dubble elimination
« on: Tuesday, December 22, 2015, 15:40:23 PM »
Hello players,

As mostly people know, there is a tournament starting on the 8th of jan. I would like to know if people want to play dubble or single elimination bracket system.

A single elimination if you lose a mach your team will automaticly  be kicked from the tournament.

While with a dubble elimination you Will dropped down to a "loser  bracket" and Will have a Next try. After 2 losses you will be kicked out

Clans, Matches & Scrims / New Year Cup 2016
« on: Friday, December 18, 2015, 08:46:43 AM »

I want to make a amouncement for the tournament. It would be a small based on sigle elimination to see how active the tournaments would be.

Today its the day that you can register your team for the tournament. Max teams would be 16 teams. Ending date would be the 8th of january.

More information you can find on the website.

- Ronski

Let everybody know about the tournament. Goodluck everyone! Hooah!

Clans, Matches & Scrims / Tournaments/cups/Ladders
« on: Sunday, May 24, 2015, 11:04:31 AM »
Hello players of 25Assist,

Are there still players online and active who would like to play some cups/ladders in our beautifull game America's Army?

Im asking because me and Jelle Mees, have been talking about to make a new community website, for this beautifull game and start to set-up some cups/leagues in this game.
We just want to know, if there are enough people who likes the idea and who would like to play some cups and leagues!!

I hope to hear from you soon Gamers! :style:

The Lounge / [AA3]Shantytown
« on: Thursday, May 01, 2014, 14:42:01 PM »
Hey everyone,

I was scrimming today 3vs3 on the Map [AA3]Shantytown. At the first look of the map it look a very awesome map. It looks like a remake of Urban Assault only in a Favela and raining, but after playing around the map haves a lot of FPS drops.  :cry:

In my opinion if this map could be renovaded to an AA2 with higher FPS it could be a really nice, fast map. What do you guys think about that map?

Anti-Cheat / Tking from .DooM^
« on: Monday, April 14, 2014, 18:00:58 PM »
Hello AAO25 Community,

I just have been playing a few minutes ago on Urban Assault on the server of Enigmatic Warriors. But there was an idiot busy with tking our whole team... That idiot started me to piss me off and that's why I post this.

here some proofs;

Hopefully you guys will do something with this idiot because hes destroying this whole game for our beautifull community. :rtfm: :down:


Hey ppl,

I got a huge problem with the 25assist. Hadn't this problem before but I just want to get fix this. I have a shitty problem with assist.

When I want to login , he's lagging and if I not to join a server, he's always not reacting. Also The pings of the server are with an red X      or the pings are above the 10000. If tryed to join as administrator and if tryed to re-install/re-pair but he doesn't reacted after doing this.

What I need to do now?

Some links and screenshots:

« on: Friday, March 30, 2012, 15:03:37 PM »
Hey AA-Fans!

What i've seen in-game on 2.5 version the U.S Army soldiers is using the old camo, like the woodland and desert camo. Like you all guys know: the U.S army is using right now a new kind of camo called DIGITAL CAMO. Do you guys to vote on the poll? Maybe we can change the camo then in-game.


*EDIT* -Spanky
Quick and dirty, here's what the difference is in real life. Someone else feel free to find in-game images.


General Chat / Idea
« on: Sunday, February 19, 2012, 10:18:05 AM »
hey 25Assist,

I have a Idea, but Im not sure if the idea would work. My idea was to post on the real website of America's Army on there forum, about this amazing 25assist. I think that there are a lot of people watching that website, mostly for news, clans&Recruitment and much more. Maybe we can get more people back to AA2 by posting this on the forum of America's Army.

What do you guys think?


General Chat / develop radar
« on: Friday, January 27, 2012, 07:56:31 AM »
Hey gamers,

i have a question. Is it possible to create/denvelop a radar like in AA2.8.X? So if someone report so you can see on the radar where he is. And if it's possible, could there be also develop an Enemy Spotted button. If you see an enemy, you will spot them with a button so, your team can see the enemy on the radar where the enemy is hiding.

Is that possible to bring back the Radar and enemy spotting back?

mAAp Project / fault in-game report on >> [MaaP] Monkey island's
« on: Saturday, January 14, 2012, 10:50:59 AM »
hey guys,

I've seen the map. It's a nice good map, but the person who made this did something wrong on the F2. As we can see, and you want to choose your class in F2, you see the rank and behind the rank the ICON of the U.S Navy. But the Navy are working on the ships, the U.S marines are clearing the island's and beaches. So could this be fixed please? And if yes, is it also possible for the programmer of the map, to take the ranks of the U.S marines, that would be very nice! Because Marines have other ranks then the Active army.
Could this be please fixed?


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