Assist Support / Solution for the wrong Download-Server selection in 25Assist.exe
« on: Wednesday, July 20, 2022, 07:37:02 AM »
Hello all / Hello admins,
I have tried out an workarround for selecting automatically the "correct" download server, which seems to work. Maybe this will prevent some starting fails of new users...
Methodology of the solution:
1.) Downloaded 25Assist.zip from AAO25.com and extracted it
2.) I created a new folder called "25Assist" next to the 25Assist.exe (root folder).
3.) Within the 25Assist folder I have created a file called "settings.dat".
4.) I have opened the settings.dat with Notepad++/Visual Studio Code and inserted in the line 71 "AAO25.com" (without the quotes!)
5.) Saved the file !
6.) Now I started 25Assist.exe (if the first dialog asks if "25Assist" folder should be used instead of the standard one -> Confirm with Yes)
7.) Accept the terms
8.) Log In !
9.) Now you can Download the game and the Assist should download from AAO25.com. One can verify this buy pressing "Find" instead of "Dowload" and look under Settings.
Providing the solution:
(Can be done by Admins maybe):
Add in the ZIP of 25Assist the folder "25Assist". This folder have to include the "settings.dat" which contains at line 71 "AAO25.com" (without quotes)
Alternative manually solution:
Add an "README.TXT" into the ZIP of 25Assist which contains the information to change the Download-Server to AAO25.com
Warm regards,
I have tried out an workarround for selecting automatically the "correct" download server, which seems to work. Maybe this will prevent some starting fails of new users...
Methodology of the solution:
1.) Downloaded 25Assist.zip from AAO25.com and extracted it
2.) I created a new folder called "25Assist" next to the 25Assist.exe (root folder).
3.) Within the 25Assist folder I have created a file called "settings.dat".
4.) I have opened the settings.dat with Notepad++/Visual Studio Code and inserted in the line 71 "AAO25.com" (without the quotes!)
5.) Saved the file !
6.) Now I started 25Assist.exe (if the first dialog asks if "25Assist" folder should be used instead of the standard one -> Confirm with Yes)
7.) Accept the terms
8.) Log In !
9.) Now you can Download the game and the Assist should download from AAO25.com. One can verify this buy pressing "Find" instead of "Dowload" and look under Settings.
Providing the solution:
(Can be done by Admins maybe):
Add in the ZIP of 25Assist the folder "25Assist". This folder have to include the "settings.dat" which contains at line 71 "AAO25.com" (without quotes)
Alternative manually solution:
Add an "README.TXT" into the ZIP of 25Assist which contains the information to change the Download-Server to AAO25.com
Warm regards,