« on: Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 06:26:57 AM »
I have been thinking for a while why the maps are limited to certain slot number. This game is old and I think that little change would do good. I dont really see anything negative about putting for example 26 slots in every map. The number of players that play any map should be controlled by server owners/admin, it is pretty easy to change from fly.
For example we play Headquaters Raid in our seke server and the open slots get full. Then players wait in spectator over 15 mins to get to play. I fell bad for them and need to change map for some other that haves more slots. Even that many would like to play HQ in that moment.
My second example is Big Clan Day. In BCD we rotate every map in this game. The event is popular and server/servers are often maxed out. It is difficult to play maps that have 16 slots like Collapsed Tunnell because the slot limition. One of the reason of BCD is to get people know and play diffrent maps they might have never even tested.
I just dont see any bad for big slots. I agree that example CT is good with 16 slots but it would be good to play it in BCD with many slots open. This should bee admins decision. It probaly dont have even that much effect because people dont play that much other than hosp or sf pipe. I would like to know if this is even possible to do and make some discussion about opening small slot maps for bigger audience.