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Topics - MothaGoosE

Pages: [1]
Support / Account recovery
« on: Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 09:41:29 AM »
It's been a minute. Several years even. Cool to see you guys are still here, although in terms of my account, I don't remember my credentials or if my account even survived the system change. I'd like to get some help getting up and running again. Cheers!

The Lounge / Ya'll Still Alive, I see
« on: Tuesday, January 12, 2016, 08:40:22 AM »
Nice to see this place still around! What's good? I feel old.

mAAp Project / [mAAp] CS Office
« on: Sunday, January 13, 2013, 17:20:45 PM »
Here's an update on my version of CS Office from Counterstrike: Global Offensive.

Just laying out the basic geometry so far. No real lighting or details and no terrain yet.

Here's the full screenshot album so far:

mAAp Project / Recognize this map?
« on: Monday, January 07, 2013, 05:15:21 AM »
Now that mAAp pack 7.20 has been released thanks to ELiZ's awesomeness, I feel it's time to get started on something new. Here's a sneak peak at my latest pet project. This map should be familiar to some of you.

Here's the full picture album:

mAAp Project / mAAp pack 7.20 Bug Reports
« on: Thursday, December 27, 2012, 19:11:28 PM »
All right, so I'm going through all the maps and will update this thread every time I find something new.

To start off: Petrol

For the record, these maps are awesome. Just a few things that I spotted:

-In one of the bathrooms, the stall doors are floating in the center of each stall.
-In one of the stairwell areas, there appears to be a bsp error
-Additionally, many of your static meshes cause buggy movement
-There is a way to get into a restricted area and shoot at people in the playable area
-The truck that is on fire causes severe fps drop, especially at a distance

(Corresponding Screenshots are here):


-First off, just a small lighting artifact from UnrealEd being gay
-The sunroofs' alignment could be tweaked a bit so that they don't appear to be floating

(Corresponding Screenshots are here):

Pool Day:

-Critical error occurs every time a grenade comes into contact with any water


Screenshots are self-explanatory:

mAAp Project / SF_Contingency
« on: Tuesday, September 11, 2012, 23:10:24 PM »
I'm no longer an active player, but I'd still like to finish this project before I truly go. A few people expressed interest in this map before, so I'm wondering if it is worth it to tie up this loose end.

To any admins "in the know," if I do finish this project, how much time before the next supposed "map update" would I have to complete the project?

Also, I was initially granted permission to include this map to the update by Blueblaster and Spanky, but I'm not sure if that carries over since Assist is under new management.

Either way, if the map is included (which I would prefer) I hope this map could potentially change the way users see the [mAAp] pack. Thanks, everyone.

mAAp Project / Map Testers Wanted
« on: Wednesday, August 01, 2012, 10:44:29 AM »
Hey guys. As some of you may already know, I'm currently working on a 34 slot SF map. Now I feel I have reached the point where I want to make sure that gameplay is balanced before I proceed.

I am looking for no less than 33 players willing to test this map competitively to uncover any flaws with balance as well as someone willing to host the map on their server.

I will post a dropbox link for all who are interested soon.

Here's what I'm looking for from the map:

-Balance - both teams should have equal ability to win - both teams should be able to reach the Charlie building roof at the same time - both teams should be able to reach objective B at very similar times. All three objectives take 15 seconds to capture and are "back and forth" which means that the enemy can capture an objective you've captured.

-No BSP holes (Big black holes that prevent player access) There should not be any, but I'm far from perfect.

-No ways to access areas restricted to players

-Quick to get into the action and not very camper friendly (There should almost always be a way to flank the enemy if you can think quickly)

-Isn't too much of a resource hog (I have more lightmap compressing to do, but the map should be playable to you at whatever settings you usually use).

Things to consider:

This is a very early version and lacks polish. There is no briefing and no viewpoints. There are objects, windows, and other props that haven't been added yet, rooms that are empty, lights in the kitchen that come from nowhere. These are all things that I am aware of and will be addressed later.

The map's current title is SF_Contingency. If you would like more information on the mission, go here:

The Lounge / Amnesia: The Dark Descent
« on: Sunday, July 29, 2012, 22:31:15 PM »
Anyone ever played it? If not, I recommend - it's scary as fuck and good fun.

mAAp Project / Unnamed map WIP
« on: Saturday, July 14, 2012, 06:50:15 AM »
Hey guys, let me start by saying that I've been working with the 2.4.1 editor for nearly as long as Maxbulldog (same computer) I've been working on one map in particular for the past few weeks and I'd like to know what you think of it so far. It's a work in progress, and there is still much to be done, so things are going to look a little bare. That being said, I learned the editor from unreal 2 video tutorials, Max, and posts in this forum. I understand that I still have much to learn, but I'm not here to be a pain and ask questions that have already been asked. I'm usually a quick learner. I'll shut up no and post some screens.

I'll put a video up soon. Also, any devs who would like the current version of the aao file are welcome. I'll provide you with a dropbox link.

As of right now, it is a dual-assault map, taking place in a shipping compound in which 3 objectives having do do with evidence gathering must be taken. US Special Forces are sent into this area to retrieve the evidence before a major hurricane hits the area (Once the time runs out). A team wins by killing the other team or holding all 3 objectives at once. At the moment, the objectives include A computer with shipping logs, a high-security computer in the president's office, and a stash of small arms. US forces must find the evidence necessary to prove that the company was involved in helping to arm a local uprising, so the mission is critical. I'm not sure if it's realistic for Special forces to be doing this, but I think it makes sense.


Honor Claims / Honor Claim
« on: Tuesday, July 03, 2012, 15:27:12 PM »
Hey guys, I started playing Assist at honor 61. I didn't realize it at first, but my previous honor before the Auth servers went down was 72.


I have gained 127,196 points since and am currently honor 69. So that's roughly 406,000 points plus 127,196. I should have roughly 533,196 points (77 honor).

Thanks guys.

Pages: [1]

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