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Topics - !The_Engineer!

Pages: [1]
Support / AA download fail
« on: Saturday, March 12, 2022, 18:15:17 PM »
I am getting this error when I try to download

"Installation Failed at Step 1. Please check you internet connection the click Download to resume the Download"

Support / Can't login to ASSIST
« on: Saturday, April 18, 2020, 15:05:03 PM »
Odd, yesterday I was paying fine and today I try and log in and it gives me a error Timeout waiting for reply from authorisation system, Please try again later"

Is there an issue with the Auth system?

General Chat / Funny PM I got today.
« on: Friday, February 28, 2014, 19:19:55 PM »
LOL, These are the types of people running servers these days. I get a PM on here today after not logging in here for a few days and this is what it says. Had a hard time understanding WTF he was trying to say to begin with but I think I got the basics.

Summary: You play too good and all the members of our clan don't like that and therefore we are going to ban you from our servers.

You say you wanted to see if I have changed by game play??? You mean you wanted to see if I would let your clan-mates kill me so they can feel better about themselves???

OK Vanoke, Whatever floats your boat. It's your servers and you are entitled to do that but if you do that to any and all players that may play better than you or your mates then you'll never get any better. But I must say that this server ban is a very childish thing to do and I know your not a child.

Suit yourself man.

Hi Engineer you know the past and way clan PUF banned you.
We did led you play on servers to see if  ther are changes in gameplay.
but i think you understand were i go to, old members and new members were  not realy happy when com into our server including me! becose you are to good. we don t know how ! you will say sound.
and if thats so, sound is killing our and ad the end your game.
To gif the players on our server a good time so that they will stay,  we
voted agan, and that result in that you will banned agan if you com to our server.
sorry to bring you this bad news, hope you understand.
It was agan a clan decision.
best regards

Oh, and to add to this,

LOL, I don't like Ganja but I wouldn't ban him from my server.  :P

mAAp Project / mAAp Ice
« on: Monday, January 07, 2013, 19:21:55 PM »
Played with Possessed a few rounds and I am still getting used to the changes.

The added wind noise while not bad per say it does seem a bit off. I kinda think that it should be more directional, perhaps it should be coming from the cave rather than all around and perhaps vary in intensity, perhaps similar to that of border. Just some ideas. Again, not something that isn't acceptable, just wondering if it couldn't be made to better fit the scenery, like the sparks coming from the electrical lines.

Not sure the purpose of the cave???

The added trees now makes what used to be a very heavily assault favored game now more evenly matched, perhaps even to some degree tilted slightly to the defense side (probably where it should be)

And, now that you cannot hide in the ice many of the assault advantages are pretty much gone.

The new ice "slip" when stopping is interesting and a nice addition. It surely does match with the terrain. +1

In checking out the map I almost immediately noticed a bug up on new rock/ledge on the right side of the map. You can see through it. If you lay down you cannot tell where the rock ends so you end up shooting the rock even though you think you are looking at a target. I would guess it can't be too difficult to fix.

Here is a screenshot

All in all I am glad to see the map more even weighted. Hope people give it a try.  Thanks for the hard work and effort. +++

General Chat / AUTH server down
« on: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 11:35:10 AM »
Who turned out the lights?

mAAp Project / River Village
« on: Friday, May 25, 2012, 17:12:34 PM »
Any chance of getting River Village added/converted to run on 2.5?

General Chat / Restarting Assist server on system reboot automaticlly
« on: Thursday, May 10, 2012, 19:48:02 PM »
Is there a way to have Assist restart the server after a unforeseen reboot. As is I have it in the Window startup but I still have to hit the start server button.

Thanks in advance.

Honor Claims / HONOR CLAIMS:
« on: Thursday, February 09, 2012, 21:23:18 PM »
!The_Engineer! -

Last I remember I had a 84 or 85 or so honor but the attached SS only shows 80 :(
I guess I will have to live with 80 honor

Pages: [1]

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