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Topics - soupcakes

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Games & Programming / GTA V
« on: Thursday, July 23, 2015, 19:34:07 PM »
hihihi, long time no see for a bit aao community!!...i still <3 archeh and i like to believe my leaving aaos brough archeh and killaman closer than ever and you both hug and cry from time to time about me.. .anyways enough bout my wet dreams, i just got four letters to say guys... GTAV. Its the absolute shit. You have all the normal DM's, TDMS, Races, VS mission (objs basically) and captures... they are all great, but on top of that theres dog fights with fighter jets, tank wars, bunch of crazy helis with all kinds of guns and shit for 4 ppl to other game modes like cyclists try to outrun/out manuever semis and reach a destination whil semis just try to crush poor lil bikers, also have seige mentality which is like 4ppl with just close range shotguns and unlimited lives vs 1 guy with full aresonal of weapons like machine guns, shotguns, grenades, rpgs ect but only has 1 life and has to survive till clock runs out.... its pretty damn epic all around. And when you feel like doing nothing, its just free roam in the city, kill ppl, make friends, put bountys on ppl heads and collect $ or rob stores for extra cash mess with police..... can even golf or play tennis... not to mention shit load of vehicles. From high end super cars to monster trucks to dune buggies to boats. its great guys. Tellin ya, and i wouldnt lie.... well to most of you...sooo update pc's if ya have to and come hang out with me. :style:

That is all!

Honor Claims / spliff
« on: Friday, January 25, 2013, 06:17:44 AM »

Bug Reports / urban se
« on: Monday, December 31, 2012, 05:56:51 AM »
can you remove night vision from urban assault se? makes the sand/fog pretty pointless.

The Lounge / Anonymous
« on: Tuesday, April 03, 2012, 06:12:38 AM »
The idea of Anonymous is an interesting concept. It's just made up of regular people like you and me, and it could be anyone and everyone who choses to call themself anonymous. "Anonymous is a decentralized network of individuals focused on promoting access to information, free speech, and transparency".

However, they use illegal measures to hack into websites, steal information and send it to wiki leaks or other uncensored media. They pretty much hack into everything, fbi website, national security, police departments, fox news, cnn, fbi phone calls ect ect, theres no limit and no real way to stop the attacks. And for this, anyone associated with Anonymous can be labeled a terrorist, which now thanks to National security act, means that those who are labeled a terrorist dont even have a right to court.

Another interesting thing is, they claim they will expose all the corruption of the Government by Dec 21 2012. Basically are against laws such as the patriot act, national defense act, sopa and ACTA.

And in other countries that have censorship internet, they make it so people can talk freely about their country and government and give them ways around the censorship.

So the question is, are they terrorists because of the unconventional/illegal methods they go about ending corruption?

Or are they patriots for standing up for our rights against unconstitutional laws?

I personally, think they fall somewhere in between. I think some of the sites they hack are pointless and just so minor in the whole scheme of corruption, and i certainly dont agree with everything they do...but i do agree with some...i mean Sure, I think its good people are trying to make a change and restore our rights and ending the corruption is a great idea in itself.... But the government has already made claims like "The group of Anonymous is strong enough to shut down the whole power grid"... Now Anonymous denies that they can do that and also say that they wouldnt want to, millions are on life support, they wouldnt want to end their lives ect ect.

Anyways, hypothetical, say something would the power grid goes out, or the internet shuts down for a day or cell phones dont work for a day... anything like that, Anonymous would be the first accused.... and the point isnt weather Anonymous  did the attack or if its the government itself that does the attack.... the attack itself would probably be enough to PASS bills like SOPA for 'our protection' so 'this doesnt happen again'.

I think they want to do alot of good for the people, and their message is good but the ways the are going about business could be the very reason more unconstitutional acts are passed.

whats your opinion terrorists or freedom fighters?

General Chat / AFF RAGE QUIT
« on: Sunday, April 01, 2012, 20:29:57 PM »

Im moving to AA3, better graphics and community and i effen suck at it, so nobody can accuse me of cheating. it will be great.


Bug Reports / smoke through glass
« on: Wednesday, March 28, 2012, 04:22:44 AM »
hey, i noticed on MOUT mckenna, I was lower blue and there was a bunch of smoke between bravo n alpha, and when crouched, can see smoke (no glass on bottom half of window) but when i stood up, and looked through glass (top half of window), noticed you cant see smoke grenades, could see crystal clear between alpha and bravo.

not sure if its just mckenna, but might wanna test it on other maps too.


mAAp Project / urban assault se
« on: Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 06:30:28 AM »
This maap is badass... I freaken love the sandstorm effect, forcing most battles to be cqb.... and less gettin shot from across the map. I also like the added buildings.... and just wanted to say thanks for the time put into all this...

love that you put in ranger m4's, and not any sf bs... just awesome map. all in all.

n i dont say this about most things (movies, games ect) but urban assault se is better than the orginial imo.

who created this maap? whoever it is has a twisted sense of humor with that insurgent lookin guy hanging from the rope ;D

anyways, thanks again had an awesome time playing with a bunch of people on spankys server, and thanks spanky for givin me admins (:

The Lounge / Sleep Paralysis
« on: Monday, March 12, 2012, 14:36:00 PM »
So before last night, I've never even heard of sleep paralysis... but after experiencing it, had to look it up.

my story is pretty crazy, i woke up at like 5am to some kind of buzzing noise, loud, real loud.... like buzzing isnt the right word... idk, just a weird like, technology sound or somethin... idk, something only robot ears could hear... and i could only hear it in my left ear anyways, i couldnt lift my head, my arms or legs...or even roll over for that matter, i tried pretty hard... to move anything... and was just stuck...i could hear somebody saying my name 3 or 4x, like not with my ears, but inside my head... and eventually i responded with an angry "WHAT!? THE EFF YOU WANT?"(in my head) and it stopped.... i was pretty terrified at this point, couldnt yell or do anything.... and as soon as that weird noise stopped, i could move and everything was kinda normal, felt super exhausted...could of easily went back to sleep but got up to smoke a cig and a bowl and determine wtf just happened.

well ive looked into it a little, some believe its a spirit of an evil old hag that sits on you and holds you down... or some kind of evil something.

Medical experts say its just when your in a state somewhere between being asleep and awake.

not sure what i lean towards, i just know that its definitely weird and kinda lean towards the medical experts being i didnt actually see an evil being or anything....but the weird calling of my name and shit, idk, was too real.... but the whole experience just seems so, abnormal and bizzare.

any opinions on this sort of thing? any similar experience?

General Chat / When did you first start playing?
« on: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 05:40:53 AM »
what version of aao did you start playing?

alirght, so i tried aao out in v1.5, but i was dial up, and by dial up, i dont even mean 56k...was like 20-something on a good day, when internet first started reachin people in the country...

anyways, pretty sure i got owned or somethin, and quit playin like first, so 1.5 doesnt really count

I started actually playing in v1.7, and by this time i had full 56k, i was tearing it up (when grandma didnt need the phone).... been hooked for long time since..eventually got dsl and played twl n cal, best gaming days ever... but after 2.6 i didnt play as much, and eventually quit for like a year or somethin... came back, 3.0 sucked and 2.8.5 was still somewhat aliveand you know the rest...

n here i am today ;D


General Chat / assist overlay
« on: Saturday, February 25, 2012, 23:16:19 PM »
hey, just had an idea, not sure if its worth anybodys time or not, but here it goes.

what if you made assist an overlay for aa25 that can be a hotkey, or maybe made the ingame deployment button the hotkey to run the overlay over the old server browser.... would allow to join ingame, vs closing and reopening to go to other servers (without typin open xxx.xx.xx.x)

its not a big deal, im happy either way with or without, was just one minor step to bring aao back to where it was imo.

thanks for reading

Bug Reports / lower sensitivity/ no sprint bug
« on: Monday, February 20, 2012, 13:54:35 PM »
After emptying a clip and reloading, sometimes my sensitivity goes way down, and i cant sprint. A quick fix is dropping gun or zooming in again, but i was wondering if theres a chance this bug could be fixed?

The Lounge / Osama bin Ladin
« on: Sunday, February 19, 2012, 05:57:11 AM »
So this debate might upset some... but i thought it was an interesting topic. So if you live in North America, you have probably heard  'we killed Osama Bin Ladin in a raid, and threw his body over-board into the sea'... Well, I found links claiming Osama was dead years before the usa claimed. Apperently a couple cia agents and the friends of osama claim this....

now, when I hear accusations like this, even from CIA agents, I ask myself, if they were lying, why? what would they have to gain from it? far, drawing a blank.

Now I ask myself, what would we have to gain if we really didnt kill Osama, but claimed we did... and all i can think is more support for the war from Americans? Obama kept his promise he made at the beginning of his campaign, maybe help re-election? Closure? like all the lives lost weren't for capital gain and control?

and not going to lie, I had suspicions about the full story when I heard we got him, but just threw him over board. No pics, just our word.


and just another piece of info that kind of backs, that perhaps, it was all staged: Reports of the Osama confession videos of 9/11 being fake


also admit they were planning on making fake video of saddam

my conclusion is: they are/were only trying to sell the war. make people think its the right thing to do.


General Chat / Have to update assist every time I load it up
« on: Wednesday, January 18, 2012, 02:10:41 AM »
Hey, I have a minor problem, I have to update assist EVERY time i Load assist up.... i uninstalled and redownloaded, but still same thing, have to redownload the update every time i open. Is there a solution to this? did i miss somethin simple? thanks for your time.

PS: Appreciate what you guys have done for aao

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