Drama & Spam / We all want new players?
« on: Saturday, August 02, 2014, 11:14:14 AM »
Just wanted to post this, since some admins do not understand what teases newer players away.
A good example is the "roof bug", which only happens if the person in question is on the bugged table itself, otherwise I have always been able to shoot and kill them, indeed they disappear, but you can still shoot them.
New players prone on usual spots, does not mean they intend to bug and if you tell them stop bugusing they don't even know what they do wrong. How can they possibly know it is a bug when they are newer.
Imagine if you are a new player, you have no idea what's going on and suddenly people just start talking to you like that, I do not think this is a good way to act, and just want to use this as an eye opener. Some people don't know about the roof bug, they don't know what they did wrong, be nice to newer players and some might even stay.
This kind of talking will help nobody. Maybe we should add a railing to the roof to stop the roofbug right? Oh wait. Well then don't complain about the roofbug.
A good example is the "roof bug", which only happens if the person in question is on the bugged table itself, otherwise I have always been able to shoot and kill them, indeed they disappear, but you can still shoot them.
New players prone on usual spots, does not mean they intend to bug and if you tell them stop bugusing they don't even know what they do wrong. How can they possibly know it is a bug when they are newer.
08/02/14 17:02:51 ScriptLog: Console Message: [Enemy] =IGC=MI-6^ messaged: sebbi i will report you if you still use the roof buug
08/02/14 17:02:58 ScriptLog: Console Message: [Enemy] =IGC=MI-6^ messaged: sebbi i will report you if you still use the roof bugg
08/02/14 17:03:21 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] AK-74-Slap messaged: let him use it lol
08/02/14 17:03:25 ScriptLog: Console Message: [Enemy] =IGC=MI-6^ messaged: sebbi i will report you if you still use the roof bugg
08/02/14 17:03:27 ScriptLog: Console Message: [Enemy] =IGC=MI-6^ messaged: sebbi i will report you if you still use the roof bugg
08/02/14 17:03:30 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] BS.[BLANK] messaged: as if its a real bug
08/02/14 17:03:30 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] AK-74-Slap messaged: let him use it lol
08/02/14 17:03:50 ScriptLog: Console Message: [Enemy] =IGC=MI-6^ messaged: admins say no bugg use ore ba,n
08/02/14 17:03:55 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] ^afRo.[BLANK] messaged: fail
08/02/14 17:03:57 ScriptLog: Console Message: [Enemy] =IGC=MI-6^ messaged: so i will report
08/02/14 17:04:09 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] sebbi radioed: wayyy?
08/02/14 17:04:36 ScriptLog: Console Message: [Enemy] =IGC=MI-6^ messaged: we pay you play ok
08/02/14 17:04:36 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] BS.[BLANK] messaged: he asked why
08/02/14 17:04:39 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] BS.[BLANK] messaged: he doesnt understand
08/02/14 17:04:43 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] BS.[BLANK] messaged: simply because hes just proning
08/02/14 17:04:52 ScriptLog: Console Message: [Enemy] =IGC=MI-6^ messaged: then he have 2 go play barbie
08/02/14 17:04:59 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] BS.[BLANK] messaged: hes lvl 30
08/02/14 17:05:00 ScriptLog: Console Message: [US Army] BS.[BLANK] messaged: come on
08/02/14 17:05:08 ScriptLog: Console Message: [Enemy] =IGC=MI-6^ messaged: dont care
Imagine if you are a new player, you have no idea what's going on and suddenly people just start talking to you like that, I do not think this is a good way to act, and just want to use this as an eye opener. Some people don't know about the roof bug, they don't know what they did wrong, be nice to newer players and some might even stay.
This kind of talking will help nobody. Maybe we should add a railing to the roof to stop the roofbug right? Oh wait. Well then don't complain about the roofbug.