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Topics - teddy_grizzly_bear

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News / Help diagnosing issues receiving emails upon password reset for 25Assist account
« on: Thursday, February 08, 2024, 04:44:59 AM »
We need your help figuring out whether or why we may still be experiencing issues with 25Assist account password reset emails.
So if everyone could please go through the steps and fill in the following form, that would be extremely helpful:

If you have access to multiple different accounts for multiple different emails, it won't hurt responding multiple times.

This is the same link / form I distributed on discord yesterday. So no need to do it again if you've already done so.

News / [UP AGAIN] Auth servers down (25.10.2023)
« on: Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 12:38:44 PM »
Hello all,

As of right now the authentication servers are down.
This is due to unscheduled / emergency maintenance at the data center.

This (somewhat oviously) means that no games can be played through 25Assist for the time being.

There is no ETA as to when this gets fixed (and it doesn't directly depend on us). But we're hopeful it'll be back up later today.

Auth servers were back up again later the same day.

News / Gaining honor and honor claims
« on: Monday, May 15, 2023, 23:31:47 PM »
Hello all,

I know we're generally pretty quiet in here, but we've got some exciting news to share!

Thanks to the great work of HellB0Y by releasing, we are now able to keep track of everyone's honor again.

The process is still in its early stages and somewhat manual at this time, but we've rolled through the first round of honor updates. This includes score that AATracker has tracked since the 12th of April.
The update included 66 players honors being updated. A total of 252 honor points gained with a total of 551405 points, so far.

The preliminary plan is to run through the update cycle every week or so manually. Until we're satisfied with the stability. After that, we may be able to schedule it more frequently, but we've not set up any specific plans as of yet.

As per the title, this also means that we'll be accepting honor claims again. As was the case before, we'd need to see some kind of proof of you having said honor at an earlier date.

Just so it's clear, this has now been running for a while with very little supervision. So our system is live and seems to be working.

News / Updated multiple account policy
« on: Sunday, January 31, 2021, 02:22:20 AM »

As many of you know, our policy for years now has been to not activate a new account on a computer that already has one (or more) accounts active on it.
The reason this policy was originally introduced was because it made it easier for us to keep track of and ban cheaters.
However, our community is a lot smaller now, so this is not such a huge problem anymore.

We have come to the conclusion that it is time to change this policy somewhat.
The new policy is as follows.

You can have up to 3 accounts per computer.
  • The idea is to allow several people in the same household to share a computer with different accounts
  • The point of this change is not to allow people to hide behind an anonymous account
    • Clear alt accounts will still be denied
    • People will be allowed to ask for related accounts on these forums (this will be public information)

With that out of the way, anyone who has had their account denied in the past for this can PM me the account information and I can retroactively activate the account if it matches the requirements outline above.

Happy fragging, everyone!

News / We're still here! (plus minor updates regarding website)
« on: Monday, April 06, 2020, 02:49:17 AM »
Hey eveyone!

Just a reminder to all of you that we're still here.

And we've been seeing more activity due to (generally unfortunate) pandemic.

Small updates to the forums:
  • You'll notice there's the "Assist Account" tab on the top of the page now. This is where you get links to
    • Register a new account
    • Change account name
    • Reset account password
  • The above mentioned pages were made to all look alike
    • Previously they were different (some were more basic)
  • MacOS Catalina (and newer) does not support 32bit applications
    • Assist is a 32bit application and thus will not work on newer MacOS versions
      • Extremely unlikely to ever change
    • There's a message about this in the Downloads menu
      • You'll need to hover over either the link or the 'Check OS compatibility' message to see the full explenation

I hope everyone is well!
And happy fragging!

The Lounge / The novel corona virus (COVID-19)
« on: Friday, March 13, 2020, 08:36:56 AM »
So how's everyone doing on that front?

They declared a state of emergency here in Estonia. They've shut down all schools, no public gatherings are allowed.

I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands, it would seem...

News / "Official" Discord
« on: Tuesday, October 16, 2018, 08:56:19 AM »
Hello everyone!

I know Ronski set up some discord servers a few years ago, but seems like they've not really see much use these past 2 years.

So I decided to give it a new go.
Join here:

Drama & Spam / Troubles with traps
« on: Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 06:38:34 AM »
Õudne! Ülinõme! Ärge mind küll lööge!
Anna õlu üle ülo õe õla!

News / Problems with the authentication server
« on: Sunday, July 10, 2016, 18:25:38 PM »
Right now there's some problems with the auth server and we don't have access to it.

The host said they'd try to get it up and running within a few hours.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

The Lounge / Anyone in Berlin Wednesday night?
« on: Sunday, May 29, 2016, 16:20:40 PM »
Going to drive there starting on Tuesday evening.

Heading to Southwestern Germany (a small town called Kandern) in the long run :)

Just wondering if anyone cool is around :D

The Lounge / Anyone in London this weekend?
« on: Wednesday, March 16, 2016, 11:35:49 AM »
I will be. Giving a concert there on Saturday :)

Anyone's welcome to come !

FB event:
Concert Diary:

Academic Male Choir of Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) invites you to their next concert in London at St James’s Piccadilly Church on 19 March at 7.30pm.

It will be a unique opportunity to listen to one of the greatest male choirs from Northern Europe. The choir will be performing together with one of the most outstanding opera basses, Ain Anger. The works of British, German and Estonian composers, ranging from epic war stories to jovial opera scenes, will be performed.
The soloist Ain Anger has been named as "one of the great Wagner basses of our time" by The Guardian. He has sung over forty roles in the Wiener Staatsoper, Austria.  The current season also includes his debuts at the Royal Opera House as Pimen in Richard Jones’ new production of “Boris Godunov”.
 The choir, conducted by Peeter Perens and Siim Selis, celebrates its 70th birthday with a tour in the UK.
Tickets can be purchased at:
We hope to see you at the concert.
Academic Male Choir Of Tallinn University Of Technology

The Lounge / Happy Birthday Big Sergio!
« on: Thursday, January 21, 2016, 01:29:16 AM »
Happy birthday! :)

News / Happy Holidays everyone!
« on: Wednesday, December 23, 2015, 17:43:24 PM »
It is now the 24th in my time zone :)

Happy holidays to everyone - from the community to the community

Make sure to grab a present from under the tree, everybody! ;)

Credits for the picture go to ronski.

News / Upcoming event - Mapstravaganza
« on: Wednesday, December 02, 2015, 15:03:01 PM »
New weekly event coming soon! (Only for Europeans for now)
It will take you to maps you love now as well as to your future favourites. Every Sunday there will be a different theme with four different maps. Each map will have two sets and certain amount of rounds, after which the map will be changed (map rotation will not be time driven).

The event kickoff is on Sunday 06.12 at 20.00 CET at the official MAPSTRAVAGANZA server, be there or be square!

Contact ronski or just post on the Mapstravaganza subforum if you want to help or have ideas about how to improve the event.

Hardware/Software / Buying/building a PC
« on: Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 10:42:32 AM »

Well I've decided I'm going to buy (or build?) a new PC.

The problem is, I've not been at all up to date with the hardware stuff and wouldn't really even know where to start.

It seems that nowadays, they don't really sell readybuilt PCs (as was the trend the last time I bought one some 10 years ago) and if they do it's usually for an office.

What I want from the computer:
  • some game performance - I play a little, but not too much lately
  • some computing power - I sometimes run stuff that runs for a couple of days on my old laptop (numerical differential equations and the likes) and it is likely I will need to in the future as well
  • multiple monitor capability - helps for a lot of data
  • price around 600€
  • shippable to Estonia

That's pretty much it. I have a 3 TB external hard drive at home so it wouldn't need a huge one (although a 64GB SSD would be a tad small to my taste).

So all in all, any ideas what to look for? How easy would it be to really build one given the parts? I bet there's tons of videos on youtube on this.

Is there something coming out soon that might make older generation stuff's price go down?

If there's any further questions, feel free to ask.

Any advice and help would be appreciated!

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