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Messages - Placid-

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Drama & Spam / Re: AA id dead and here is why.
« on: Tuesday, January 26, 2016, 14:52:20 PM »
Ever thought about the fact that people just move on? Alot of people move on with their lives, move on to other games or got other priorities. Besides that, AA has no advertisements whatsoever, so its kinda hard to reach a new public. Popular shooters like CoD invest millions in marketing.

Its kinda weird you say its due the public who's playing it. Because in every game you got players who'll like and dislike. This counts for everyone. So no one is ruining it, not even you. Although your presence is (fill in the blank)

General Chat / Re: ragequit how fast gameplay is thise day`s
« on: Sunday, January 17, 2016, 05:32:10 AM »
Shiiiiiiit  :D

When he joins another server he needs to spectate again. More waiting than playing...

Support / Re: moving honor to this account
« on: Sunday, January 10, 2016, 15:29:49 PM »
You can change your soldier name; go settings, profile, settings again, and hit AAO - PlayerName.

Drama & Spam / Re: Ganja
« on: Saturday, January 09, 2016, 17:39:12 PM »
Btw the "I have a life, you don't" excuse is becoming old buddy

Just quoting, because it is true. People just dont seem to get that they are, one way or another, atleast in mind a sort of a geek. Otherwise you wouldnt play a goddamn game which is 14 years old and is runned by 140 people tops, let alone, responding to this forum.

General Chat / Re: The world of depravity that we now find our selves in.
« on: Friday, January 08, 2016, 16:57:21 PM »
Thank you for admitting I'm right on two major subjects. The other minor details (like analysis of my "tone") do not really matter.
When a man is right about an argument, im willing to acknowledge it.

General Chat / Re: The world of depravity that we now find our selves in.
« on: Friday, January 08, 2016, 16:39:16 PM »
Sure, but there is no argument here, I agree with you on this point.

No one said muslims are bad in general. If you have read more carefully what I wrote, you would recognize that I'm talking only about some particular aspects. Like: we shall not flood Europe with non-integrating muslim immigrants. Or: most of the major terrorist attacks are done by radical muslims. Etc. etc., those all are a simple facts, and you can't really argue them, especially not by calling me "racist" and dismissing all of my arguments.

Well, your tone says enough, eventho you might not explicitly said it. Ofcourse, you are right on some points. Like you said,  most major attacks are done by radical muslims. And like i said before, sadly enough it looks like you were right on cologne aswell. But then again, why held a large group ( all immigrants) responsible for the deeds of others.

General Chat / Re: The world of depravity that we now find our selves in.
« on: Friday, January 08, 2016, 16:22:34 PM »
Nah, not attacking. Just showing the facts and your opinion that you dont even want to be in the EU doesnt change that. Your country is sucking more money than any other country, even thou you are not personally responsible for it.
Btw, there are muslims as well, who do not want to be linked to any kind of terrorism or what ever negative shit you got in mind. See what im trying to say ?

(im trying to say that you cannot hold some responsible for the deeds of others)

General Chat / Re: The world of depravity that we now find our selves in.
« on: Friday, January 08, 2016, 16:09:39 PM »
You should have a closer look at some pictures/vids of them. Mostly young and healthy men aged 20+ with no women and children. They don't flee from a war, you don't leave your family behind like that when you are a young man. They come to suck our social money.

You mean they suck up the money, provided by rich countries, just like the way poland does? Poland only contributed 4 billion and recieved more than 16 billion in 2013. Since poland entered the European union, they recieved tens of billions of euro's. Not that i mind, i adjudge it. The polaks have the right to leave their catholic and gypsy roots and become an civilised country, right. On a serious matter, this continously expanding of europe needs to stop and imo it needs to stop at the border of poland.

All im trying to say is, see shit in perspective. Ofcourse, there are problems. People in poland might be afraid that that immigrants will take their jobs. Over here there are people who are also afriad that the polaks will their take job. Yes, these immigrants will cost us a rib or two, but we will a solution for that right. I sincerely hope tho, that these migration will end soon and the refugees who are still in lebanon and turkey, will stay there. Not because of the money, but simply for our well being, since the atmosfere is tense.

ps; not personal,  :poorguy:

General Chat / Re: The world of depravity that we now find our selves in.
« on: Friday, January 08, 2016, 05:22:05 AM »
Well...vegeta is right on this topic. Crying in general doenst help in this world. People can talk what ever they want, as long they dont act, politicians will do what ever they want to do.
I do understand that people are afraid of what is happening. There are problems yes, and i hate to say it, but it looks like sniper was right on what happend in köln, since the police agents confirmed it (immigrants being rapists), but still this doesnt make the whole refugee population criminal. People need to see the problems in perspective.
Most of these people fleet for a save haven, and we as civilised Europe, have to take care for other humans when they are in desperate need.

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