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Messages - -NicK.!

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General Chat / Re: X-fi settings help !
« on: Thursday, January 16, 2014, 13:03:22 PM »
wow man, what im saying is, how can you be an admin if you obviously have no knowledge of how the game works, sure you know the coding in and out but you obviously missed out on some essential parts of AA. Let me work things out for you.
Calling fastswap a glitch, bug or whatever you choose calling it is like saying doubletap W = Run is bugising and unfair because you can actually doubletap w and press your designated run button at the same time to get the weapon animation to bug out and not drop down. Fastswap is there, for everyone to use it, it makes you swap things faster, yes. But nothing is stopping you from using it, adapt mate.

Hotkey binds im with you on, but you probably have a totally diffrent understanding on what hotkeys are, and what "advantage" they give a player. Like when you tried removing scroll=fire for singleshot spamming, you added the time between shots in singlefire mode but "forgot" to do the same on burst, hence you obviously created a problem out of a non excisting one. You empty your clip with with scrollfire, and burstmode like 0.5 seconds faster, which don't make a diffrence at all. Someone being shot by scrollfire would still get owned in normal fireing mode.
Brightness and colorcorretion is totally one of the best things to use in this game, the default colors in this game, which are usually in the colorspectra which I don't see since im multi colorblind, gives OTHERS an unfair advantage over me, i take the liberty to "OMGWTF TWEAK" the shit out of my colorcorrection to adjust the contrasts, lineing and rendering, making it even possible for me to see an enemy which is standing infront of a grey wall (north hallway weapons cache is perfect example, opfor colors on that map and the grey walling makes the enemies invicible for me more or less) Tweaking graphics don't make you see any further, same goes for monitor settings. It makes you see things clearer and removes some of the bad pixel rendering on sertain maps.

And finally, the XFI tweaking. This is absolutley rediculous that you honestly belive that it gives me an unfair advantage. It gives me an advantage, but this is in no way or form unfair, has never been and will never be. Me having a lowkey keyboard, meaning the keys don't stick up as far, but more like a laptop kind of keyboard; will make it possible for me to swap directions, lean and press keys faster then if you would have, say a standard lenovo keyboard. Exactly the same thing, it's up to everyone how they want to have their gear set, it ain't unfair, it's adapting and gaining an edge. We shoot eachother in this game, we compete against eachother on every server we join, you or him. If you wanna sit down and sing kumbaya and make everyone join hands, so be it. It don't make it right though. Soundsettings are the perfect example and the only advice I ever give players struggling with the game, get a better soundcard. AA is built on sound, it has molded the gameplay and will continue doing so.

If you are bad at this game, which no pun intended you are, you obviously don't get this. You have the frustration after being shot, instead of adapting you try changing shit so that it's equal for everyone. Games will never be equal.
This being your opinion, and mine being that with that kind of thoughts, you as admin will ruin the game. We will have to agree to disagree, but you being admin sets you in a higher position to actually manage and influince the community. According to your own intrests.
Lol tweaking graphics settings doesnt make you see any farther? You obviously have never used them on a map like river basin, the difference is like night and day man.

I also like that you are saying struggling players should get a better soundcard, it is basically telling the "hey, waste money to hear unrealistically in this game".

General Chat / Re: X-fi settings help !
« on: Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 18:58:09 PM »
This isn't a professional environment, I don't get paid to be here. I'm here for the fun of it. I handle myself professionally in professional situations.

I wouldn't say a "fraction" of users tweak and glitch, the Assist logs alone tell otherwise and that's just the people that have gotten kicked for cvar checks, there's plenty more that go undetected. I don't play often but when I do there is at least 1 person in the server that I can tell is messing around whether it's fastswap or hotkey binds to empty clips faster. There's many things that I can't see as well like brightness, detail settings, shadow settings, equalizers.

While I could blame the Unreal engine for being so customizable, ultimately it's the users that choose to mess around with these settings so they can play better. It's sad and it ruins the game.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that your opinion is not justified, it's just very annoying to the people the don't tweak and stuff to watch you trash the entire community over and over because of those who do.

General Chat / Re: X-fi settings help !
« on: Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 18:31:03 PM »
If you had read what he's posted in other thread, you'd know the answer to this. He's stated it more than once.
Ya well it isn't the best to have an admin constantly insult all the players of the game based on what a fraction of them do. It's highly unprofessional and pretty ignorant too.

General Chat / Re: X-fi settings help !
« on: Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 15:11:59 PM »
Personally i never liked messing my sound up :/ i do play with audio set almost to max, tho (on some PvP games), and i only use headphones.
Lol ya I was being sarcastic, I guess its hard to tell.

General Chat / Re: X-fi settings help !
« on: Tuesday, January 14, 2014, 13:24:54 PM »
*facepalm* I hate AA players.
We know. Obviously all aa players do this.

General Chat / Re: Admin Abuse
« on: Thursday, January 09, 2014, 21:35:59 PM »
It's their server, they can ban whoever they want on it.

General Chat / Re: Random Spawn Points?
« on: Monday, January 06, 2014, 12:47:04 PM »
I am not denying that random spawns and dynamic maps would be great, I am merely stating that I think the whole idea is too ambitious for what this game actually is. The only reason this game still has the players it does is because they want to come back and play the good old AA that they are used to. I think it would be great if it could work, but i feel it will backfire and people will leave.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal {=A.A.S.=} America's Army Soldiers
« on: Monday, January 06, 2014, 01:44:17 AM »
Man this forum is in need of some serious moderating.....

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal {=A.A.S.=} America's Army Soldiers
« on: Monday, January 06, 2014, 00:33:28 AM »
I will explain better the things I saw when I was playing, moments before getting banned.
1. Purple bars starting from the ground crossing the map
2. Red "lakes" on the ground
3. Little brown squares

I play call of duty too, and sometimes I see the brown squares. I'm going to reinstall my graphics driver anyway, and man I insist, I don't hack, it is unfair to just go and ban without giving even a minute to talk about it.

Corrupter do you even have a ss of my screen?
Sounds like your GPU is definitely displaying what they call "artifacts". I would easily see if you can get the company to replace it if updating your drivers doesn't work.

General Chat / Re: Random Spawn Points?
« on: Sunday, January 05, 2014, 21:19:08 PM »
I think you are missing the point of this game, this is not an (Ares) game this is a Team (Ares) game, the main purpose will always be the objectives that's why people protect Vip's, cover prime obj etc etc, most of the maps are completely balanced, if you decided to randomise spawns you are just contribute to make assault/defense harder, and this will express not only in matches as it will in pubbing playing. Take the Hospital exemple the, B slot (turned into C) in Ambush is a huge advantage, you can quicky make the spam which have influence in all the game play, that's just a small change imagine if you decide to change spawns what it will do, and i'm telling this as a former competitive player and now as a mere pubber. Having sad that, please make your decision wisely, most of the maps are completely balanced lets keep them this way.
Exactly, I don't even see how you can do random spawns in 90% of the current maps without making it unfair.

General Chat / Re: Random Spawn Points?
« on: Sunday, January 05, 2014, 18:52:18 PM »
The point is you shouldn't have to spam, camp, tweak, glitch, hear people across the map, time your movements to a stop watch, learn every inch of the map by playing it offline or any other crap like that just to be able to play with people who do the same thing. This game is incredibly difficult to start playing if you're a new player. I've effectively lost all of my skill by not playing regularly and for me, I watch others in-game and really wonder how much time they have to piss away to play like that.

Despite sounding like it, adding random spawns isn't a personal vendetta against those who have owned me in-game. I just like creating content for this game and I'm trying to get a feel from the community what would be most enjoyed and appreciated, that's all.
While it is true that it is a very hard game to start playing, saying that people need to play all the time to be good is just not true. I have played this game in waves, taking a break for as much as 6 months at a time and then I come back and at no time do I feel like I suck a lot more since I didn't play. Naturally there is a tiny loss of skill and stuff but to act like people spend all their time playing just because they are good is just wrong. It seems you are taking the COD approach to FPS thinking. You want to suppress the skill gap (btw i dont count tweaking. glitching, and that stuff as skill) so that high skilled players dont have as much of an advantage over low skilled players but that is just how it goes. The only problem now is that there are not enough players the even out the skill levels and that's why it is such an issue.

I am all for adding content that makes the game better and more enjoyable, I just think editing old maps as much as that will backfire pretty badly.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal {=A.A.S.=} America's Army Soldiers
« on: Saturday, January 04, 2014, 00:31:28 AM »
Guessing artifacts could be wrong though.
It could very well be a gpu artifact since he said it starts out fine and after a while they show up. Although if he had artifacts showing up on AA he would easily have them showing up in other games.

Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal {=A.A.S.=} America's Army Soldiers
« on: Friday, January 03, 2014, 22:58:23 PM »
The thing is, I don't know why players keep making this type of servers full. If admins are so banhappytriggering, baning without proof, out of rage or get to emotional and abuse their powers, players should boycott their server, as simple as that. Another example of this ill administration is the ATAS server.

Maybe when they start to see their server empty, they'll have time to rethink about their actions.
Because its a US server, if they get 3 clan mates on their server then their server is already like the second most populated US server at night. There are very few server options so you go where there are people.

General Chat / Re: Random Spawn Points?
« on: Friday, January 03, 2014, 22:56:04 PM »
I feel the majority of people will not like you changing the spawns in the old maps. It may sound like a good idea in practice, but if not done perfectly it could backfire big time.

Hardware/Software / Re: Post Your Desk!
« on: Friday, January 03, 2014, 21:19:43 PM »

That image is all over the internet, I highly doubt it is your desk.

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