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Messages - Dav3

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General Chat / Re: Kid admins are chumps - {=A.A.S.=}
« on: Monday, November 04, 2013, 19:57:43 PM »
FIRST OF ALL we not making crap up you always come in our server or other servers talk a lot of crap then you try to fill your server up & being disrespectful that is why you got banned!!

Lies, go get the chat logs. You and "dagod" were both calling us hackers and talking non stop smack.

How is it a rage quit when I have been playing for a large amount of time? Go check my past sessions at ANY time. they are always over 20 min. If I have stuff to do im going to leave the server not sit there idle.

I never reconnect for FR. I play the game because I enjoy it.

Server Support / Re: -SkRizzl3.^a
« on: Monday, November 04, 2013, 19:54:11 PM »
The reason he told everyone to go to a different server IS because you guys are a bunch of little kids banning people who are better than you.

For example US - his clan mates. And others.

You all do the same thing as the M clan as well muting people then continuing to talk smash to them.

Start calling people hackers, banning people and muting them. Then he says go to a diff server because you just booted all the people he is playing with and your surprised? LOL

General Chat / Re: Kid admins are chumps - {=A.A.S.=}
« on: Monday, November 04, 2013, 19:42:10 PM »
Your server is clearly run on some cheap computer or bad net connection.

I suggest resetting the server because EVERYONE in there has a high ping and packetloss -  and u just mute then start to talk shit while im muted.

And its not just me you classy guys have done this to.

Should not be a tool like that let alone when someone makes suggestions to improve ur server.

Generally people join ur server cause you guys are in there and its one of the only or few North American servers.

Your a punk and a tool. What kind of chump mutes someone then talks shit to act all tough? The answer is lowlifes like you. And again, im not the only one u have done this to. "power" has gone to your head and MANY have said the same since you have become an "admin".

General Chat / Re: Kid admins are chumps - {=A.A.S.=}
« on: Monday, November 04, 2013, 19:28:15 PM »
Granted even your lovely addition to the admin team Rapture does the same thing.

Power going his head and same with his wifey.

Anyone suggest changing map, saying the server is laggy ( old slow home comp running on poor internet connection with packetloss ). Saying anything they dont agree with they will mute or ban you.

Then while your muted they start talking mad sh1t.


To you |M| guys as well. Man up.

General Chat / Kid admins are chumps - {=A.A.S.=}
« on: Monday, November 04, 2013, 19:25:56 PM »
Tear them up they call you a hacker.

They start talking sh1t making things up.

You back urself up and they start muting people and banning. Get a life kids. Power going to your heads because you have no authority in real life.

Get some balls and play like men.

General Chat / Re: Another tker with multiple accounts - SGT:Jo$eph22 same as Kill4fun
« on: Monday, November 04, 2013, 19:23:09 PM »
dav you start a lot of shit with your mouth , you have absolutely no respect for nobody, you think you the Man , get on the plane,bus,or train and move to Chicago, NYC,Miami,Houston,LA ,Philly, Or the certain parts of the south ,and run your mouth like you do in chat.  so yeah he tk you and who ever but you talk extra cash shit

Your a chump.

General Chat / Re: Another tker with multiple accounts - SGT:Jo$eph22 same as Kill4fun
« on: Sunday, November 03, 2013, 17:48:57 PM »
LOL hes that nightmike too. makes sense non stop noob action

General Chat / Another tker with multiple accounts - SGT:Jo$eph22 same as Kill4fun
« on: Saturday, November 02, 2013, 21:02:33 PM »
SGT:Jo$eph22 being the nub tker he is, came back on his other acc to continue tking

General Chat / -coby++ and Outlaw++ are same people his tk account apparently
« on: Wednesday, October 30, 2013, 19:40:17 PM »
Coby messes with a door, I call him an idiot. ( team hampering, blocking doors ect ) He tks me.

I tk back.

He comes back with this noob account and starts following me and tking me. Not the 1st time ive seen this wanker pull this sh1t.

Obvious. Unless it just so happens to be a good friend or something. He just had both accounts on the HH server, check ip address.

News / Re: Change in policy concerning AutoHotKey
« on: Saturday, October 26, 2013, 21:57:00 PM »
Forum account to be clear I will still be playing but not partaking in any forum shenanigans.

News / Re: Change in policy concerning AutoHotKey
« on: Saturday, October 26, 2013, 21:56:16 PM »
As usual the issue at hand goes above your heads.

Im tired of explaining things to people who clearly lack logical thought processes and abilities.

I will no longer burden this forum with my common sense and hope for improvement.

Please delete my account and all my past posts

PLEASE do make decisions based on the majority.

BUT fucking present issues at hand with all information needed to make a god damn decision.

Make a fuckin process for matters at hand to be put to a vote, and then present that fucking vote with IMPORTANT and NEEDED information for people to actually be able to make an accurate decision not just some bullshit.

AND the fucking poll has been EDITED!!!!

There are now two options not 3 LOL

How does this poll accurately represent ANYTHING?!?!?! It does not give any needed info to make an educated selection. AND it has been edited.

It does not accurately represent anything.

I am ABSOLUTELY in agreement for making decisions based on the MAJORITY. BUT the MAJORITY can not vote on things when they have 0 information.

For the record, im fairly tech savy and didnt even vote on that poll because of its extreme flaws.

So based on this poll:

Eliz made the decision to listen to the "majority" and make it a permanent ban for using it.

Ok, now lets examine a few of the serious flaws in what just happened:

1.) W!ck!d - the guy who STARTED the poll didnt even know its abilities. HE STATED HIMSELF:

"as i was told what it does

With the push of one button a whole clip are emptied in a second.
Could also be made to simulat"

MEANING - he doesnt even know what it can do! How can he even make a proper educated selection on the outcome of people using it if he doesnt EVEN FUCKING KNOW HIMSELF what it does?!?!

2.) NO ONE ELSE who voted even knows what it does so how the fuck can you make decisions based on some retarded poll that doesnt give ANY important information to make a fucking educated guess?

I am blown away at the ridiculous shit going on. Its all on a whim and nothing is thought through nor based on actual knowledge or FACTS.

Among all the other issues with this community and game we are now going to make extremely important changes to "policies" based on stupid community run polls where people are not given VITAL information to make important informed decisions?

Truly fucking insane. Give your fucking heads a shake.

News / Re: Change in policy concerning AutoHotKey
« on: Saturday, October 26, 2013, 21:05:02 PM »
That "poll" was extremely poorly put together. It did not have all required information to make an educated selection.

And Im fairly tech savy and didnt even vote because all the info wasnt there to make a proper selection.

You cant ask questions like that and not give all the info. AND CERTAINLY dont make decisions off them.

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