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Messages - Placid-

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Miscellaneous / Re: [Aapg] game crashing at start up
« on: Friday, May 06, 2016, 16:07:21 PM »
I guess it will take a while till i get used to this game. Much more recoil than AA2. Besides that, is there a possibility to get a scope, simular or identical to the SF weapons in AA2. The only scopes i've seen on automatic weapons are small red dots, which don't zoom. Hell, getting owned bigtime lol

Miscellaneous / Re: [Aapg] game crashing at start up
« on: Thursday, May 05, 2016, 17:58:44 PM »
Can´t find a map called ´Overload´. Only map with an O is `Outerhospital´ or something like that, atleast not online. However, i can play the map overload offline (open FLO_overload_c4)

Miscellaneous / Re: [Aapg] game crashing at start up
« on: Thursday, May 05, 2016, 16:38:00 PM »
The 2.4Gb Patch is out today, try again.

Downloading right now, will try it out.

// Thanks for the heads up. It works :) :style:

General Chat / Re: DDOSING
« on: Thursday, May 05, 2016, 15:45:45 PM »
No, it's just the lack of basic logic in your accusations.

Instinct will do as well :)

General Chat / Re: DDOSING
« on: Thursday, May 05, 2016, 15:37:31 PM »
Geez, dat logic. If the attacks stop, you will say it was me, cause "topic is online". If the won't stop, you will also say it was me. Whatever happens, you will keep blaming me, it's so simple.

This might be true, but this way of thinking is caused by yourself. Its your very own product. If you behaved, none of this shit happened.

You are comparing reconnecting to a server with DDOS? Wake up dude.
All i know its done for the very same reason, to fk the server / game /ppl up.

General Chat / Re: DDOSING
« on: Thursday, May 05, 2016, 15:21:42 PM »
describing the blatant trojan thingy you included in assist. Yes it is true, you took SS of players without their knowledge (even when they were out of game and doing private things), you could read all their files, you could remove files, format drives, etc

Not sure if this is true, but when it is, to whoever is accountable for it, GO FUCK YOURSELF

About me coming back to the forums to say shit and troll: yes, that's true 100%, I did it many times. That's the only real "crime" I did here in recent times.

Alright pit, stop it then. As you can see, your trolling it causing more and more drama. The shit is keeps hitting the fan. Everyone is looking for more dirt. People want peace, and you are not doing anything to make it.

About, "dosing the auth". I'm sorry, but the fact that you don't like somebody is not enough to accuse him of anything you like. I won't argue all the provided "proofs" again, I already did it. But there is one new blatant lie that you said: "he done it before". Dare to explain why you claim that I ddosed auth before? I already shown one case when Eliz accused me in the past, but immediately changed his mind.

It looks like, when reading all the comments, you might have the knowledge to do this. The attacks also stopped since this topic is online. The way you behave in general makes me believe you are trully capable of doing this. Why? Since you also kept reconnecting to the server, trying to fuck the chat / server up. "If i cant play, noone can play" suits you perfect.

I played perfectly legit since like 8 months now.

Just cut the crap. Swallow your pride. Dont feel the need to harras people, stop trolling, quit whining, and you'll be fine.

General Chat / Re: DDOSING
« on: Thursday, May 05, 2016, 09:19:47 AM »
Alright. I guess everything is said now. To speak in Sergio's words; cancer is curred. Time to move on. Looking forward to future, no more pit related drama. :lock:

General Chat / Re: DDOSING
« on: Monday, May 02, 2016, 14:51:43 PM »
the first part was maybe from pit (dont see the address), but this had no impact, i repeat no impact at all to the auth server.

If this is true, than it should be enough for a ban. Cuz an attempt is in (severe) crimes punishable as well. Succeeding only aggravates the penalty.

Drama & Spam / Re: I cheated but don't want to be banned.
« on: Monday, May 02, 2016, 14:41:55 PM »
Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, wtf happened lol.

Anyway. Like i've said 100 times before. Pit is/can be a dick sometimes. He needs to stop this shit and if he feels the need to respond to someone, he needs to swallow is pride. Imo he shouldnt be banned for cheating he did years ago. A little bit late and besides that, people change.
He does deserve a ban when he trully did ddossed the auth server or what ever masterserver there is online. If he did not, he can play. Ofcourse, he finally needs to shut the hell up, since this is ongoing for months.
Im deadtired to read awfull muslim related shit or repeating insults in the server. (including the shit towards myself, only cuz i asked to stop personal attacks, eventhough i thought we were cool)The admins can give an ultimatum. He now knows its possible to remove him from the game, so im sure an ultimatum will work..

So, is there anyone who can verify this ddos thing?

Miscellaneous / Re: [Aapg] game crashing at start up
« on: Saturday, April 30, 2016, 13:03:18 PM »
P.s. just as a routine question, but...does any other game run flawlessly? And especially Unreal 3 engine based games, if you play any other than aapg?

I only play AA2 and Warface. Not sure what kind of game Warface is, but it runs without any problems

Miscellaneous / Re: [Aapg] game crashing at start up
« on: Saturday, April 30, 2016, 12:35:12 PM »
I've lowered all settings, including resolution. Sometimes, when it doesnt crash immedaitely, i can play a round or two, but then it crashes.

@ merlin, i dont know what you mean with cloud files. Where can i switch this off ?

Its really odd, since i could play the beta version.

Miscellaneous / Re: [Aapg] game crashing at start up
« on: Friday, April 29, 2016, 18:23:06 PM »
if it keeps crashing after you have used bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072, try to play another Map, try the Training too. For me still crash on some maps.

Yea, unfortunately it keeps crashing, eventhough when i tried this it ran for more than 1 minute.

Miscellaneous / Re: [Aapg] game crashing at start up
« on: Friday, April 29, 2016, 18:22:11 PM »
Alright, uploaded several logs. To me they seem different, since afew logs have more text than the others.

log 1

log 2

log 3

log 4

Miscellaneous / Re: [Aapg] game crashing at start up
« on: Friday, April 29, 2016, 17:57:57 PM »
I cleared the temporary files, it ran for 30 seconds and then crashed.

Ive got a fairly old computer, 5 years old.
intel e8500
gforce 560 ti
4 gb ram
windows 7 32 bit

I tried:
- reinstalling the game
- rolling back videocard driver to 2014
- low game settings
- clearing game cache
- deleting temporarly files
- i tried: "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072" - no idea what it means.

edit, ive tried aapg when it was still beta. It ran without crashes back then.

Miscellaneous / Re: [Aapg] game crashing at start up
« on: Friday, April 29, 2016, 17:31:55 PM »
I was talking about your OS temporary files.

I dont have a clue what you mean lol. Where can i find these files?

no errors, besides two files. PB seemed to be missing. But the game still crashes.

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