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Messages - BlueBlaster

Pages: 1 ... 147 148 [149] 150
Hardware/Software / Re: Post Your Setup!
« on: Sunday, December 06, 2009, 02:29:49 AM »
Hahaha, yea I believe the mobo is an ASUS Salamander or so. The ram i can live with on occasion, depends on how hard Im working on audio production. The external is awesome, it came with the USB, but I've got a e-sata-to-sata connector on it. So fast =D

The Lounge / Demon
« on: Sunday, December 06, 2009, 02:26:08 AM »
I remember there was some bitch who did the graphics for the website, then she disappeared. I finished them, she comes back instantly and starts bitching about how that's stealing work or something.

Kid0nCraK: Maybe if you gave her a cookie she'd come back.

Great fun!

The Lounge / Re: Thanks
« on: Sunday, December 06, 2009, 02:23:00 AM »

Hardware/Software / Re: Post Your Setup!
« on: Sunday, December 06, 2009, 02:13:04 AM »
CPU - AMD Athlon64 3800+ 2.4ghz
GPU - Nvidia GeForce Ti 4800 128MB with ziptie mods
PSU - Ultra 400W
RAM - 1x512MB (Probably runs at 333mhz)
Sound - SoundBlaster Live! Value
HD - 1x200GB Seagate & 1x1TB External Fantom GreenDrive (which is a Western Digital)
OS - Windows XP Professional Corporate SP2 & Debian 5.0 "Lenny"

So as you can see, the computer itself was manufactured in 2003, but the GPU is from about 2002 and the sound card is from 1998. Games runs great, audio processes quickly and accurately, but the RAM makes me wanna cry.

Front -
Whole Side -
Inside shot -
Beastly GPU on top with ziptie mods and sound card under -
External HD -
Back -
Beastly $2 headphones -
The Desktop -

Clans, Matches & Scrims / Re: [FTW] Recruiting!
« on: Sunday, December 06, 2009, 01:24:06 AM »
Hahahahahaha! Way to start off!

Miscellaneous / Re: Anyone into kayaking?
« on: Sunday, December 06, 2009, 01:23:11 AM »
wtf???? They messed up something big time  . . . . .

Miscellaneous / Re: Craigslist Laughs
« on: Sunday, December 06, 2009, 01:22:12 AM »

The Lounge / Re: Thanks
« on: Sunday, December 06, 2009, 01:19:12 AM »
No u

The Lounge / Re: Thanks
« on: Saturday, December 05, 2009, 19:05:01 PM »
Hahaha, Dann would be more than happy to do it instead.

The Lounge / Re: Thanks
« on: Saturday, December 05, 2009, 19:01:08 PM »
Your black.

EDIT: I saw that edit :)

The Lounge / Re: Thanks
« on: Saturday, December 05, 2009, 18:57:00 PM »
I smited your internetz btw.

The Lounge / Xfire - Now polished with shit!
« on: Saturday, December 05, 2009, 18:38:42 PM »
So I installed xfire not too long ago. It looks like it got dropped on its head off a high cliff. Almost no one is on, friends of friends is a small list which is ridiculous, and it still looks the same exactly. I thought that after 2 years of not using it would make it godly . . . . . The company that makes it must not be motivated at all. O well, at least no one hax'd mai accountz =)

Games & Programming / Re: Ubuntu 9.10 rapes Win XP
« on: Saturday, December 05, 2009, 18:30:20 PM »
That's because the more you use your computer the more files are stored. Every time you do something, like visit internet sites, windows puts the files in a temp folder. These files that are stored build up and slows the computer down. A simple program can clean those files out and have your computer running at high speed again.

Eh, then again a lot of programs are non-standard and put things where they shouldn't go. No cleaning program is going to be able to find it then, sorry. Thats a downside of Windows, being anyone can develop for it and that it leads to crappy coding and slow downs.

However, ccleaner is the only program Ive seen thats really uptight about cleaning since its smart enough to go look through areas that certain programs use.

I disagree. If it was true, there would be evidence of it since XP has been out a while and there's people that like to decompile and whatnot. If you took 2 identical computers and installed XP on it at the same time, left 1 running for a year straight and used the other for the same time, you would find VAST differences. People customize. People install programs that autostart. A lot of programs automatically start when they really have no need to, OpenOffice comes to mind with their quick launch bs. Java checks for updates upon startup. 3rd party (Nvidia, Logitech, i.e. not Microsoft) drivers are larger and often come with programs that also autostart. Not to mention the user probably loads files such as music, movies, internet cache. You can't tell me that Ubuntu doesn't do this as well. It takes time to load programs on ANY OS.

Spanky is pretty much right about the autostart stuff. A lot of programs are picky and install services and other garbage that starts up with the computer. Believe me a lot of users don't know anything beyond the Startup folder in the start menu. Theres TONS more than just that stuff that's starting. When you start customizing Windows, you find out all this stuff.

O btw, heres something fun to do. Change the default documents & settings folder to something else. Then look at how much garbage has accumulated in the documents & settings folder that originally didn't exsist from shitty coded programs.

Games & Programming / Re: Ubuntu 9.10 rapes Win XP
« on: Saturday, December 05, 2009, 17:38:10 PM »
Another anomaly I find with windows is that its fast when you do a fresh install but the longer you use it for the slower it gets, Like your windows could boot in 20 seconds when you first install it and then a year later its taking like 2 minutes, The does not happen on other operating systems, I reckon Microsoft deigned it this way you people go out and buy new computers.

I find that statement to be true. :)

Games & Programming / Re: Need for Speed Shift
« on: Saturday, December 05, 2009, 17:36:30 PM »
Like when you had to actually go out and buy the cartridge for your "control deck" as they used to call it.

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