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Messages - Crusader

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General Chat / Re: server settings for instant auth
« on: Sunday, March 04, 2012, 11:05:55 AM »
Well, i am using the clean installation from aa (so not the assist) i have pb enabled an am running a public server. but i have to wait 5 minutes everytime for authorization to fail and let me in

General Chat / server settings for instant auth
« on: Sunday, March 04, 2012, 10:41:09 AM »
Hey guys, i am just using my own normal aa server to test some software. How do you instantly connect to the server? what are the settings you use? i need to wait 5 minutes evvery time

General Chat / Re: New idea for better hacking security
« on: Saturday, March 03, 2012, 12:07:48 PM »
I think its possible but currently i wouldn;t know how.

General Chat / Re: New idea for better hacking security
« on: Saturday, March 03, 2012, 07:47:51 AM »
i was trying (for education purposes) to set a new hwid by sniffing the udp queries and replacing it with a new hwid. Need to refresh my reverse enginering to fully understnand some things so i thought i will just ask the things i didn;t understand.

i made a program which dos sniff the udp info but was just wondering what the 4the value of the playerlogin request is. is it a encryption hash for the hwid? because it remains constant. i already tried comparing it with hashed ips and hwids but no luck yet. finding what it is.

program:  (don't worry it dosn't replace the hwid. i would never release something like that)

   -{DG}-_Crusade //username
   ***** //Pass
   WX6icxH2h85syZ4ZqrlDMOMKmVCA //hwid
   7Cp45KSd0MDsJh6DL+BnbpNLSJ4=   <--- what is this? a hash of the hwid ?? or the ip?
   -{DG}-_Crusade                 //username
   084                            //honor
   42975                          //next honor
   813789                         //aaoid
   5t5Wt}m}Ff                     //token

General Chat / Re: New idea for better hacking security
« on: Thursday, March 01, 2012, 04:29:02 AM »
I have analized all the packages saved by assist and i don;t see it. Did i miss the norecoil check? which .u file is it in. also another thing. All these modules can be destroyed using the destroy function by the bot making all software useless. you should add a no destroy varialble to the default properties of the package.

General Chat / Re: New idea for better hacking security
« on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 11:26:56 AM »
yep thats what i meant. nice you guys already implemented it.

General Chat / Re: Question for your own server
« on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 11:23:08 AM »
thanks for the information. my ip is

General Chat / New idea for better hacking security
« on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 11:22:06 AM »
an idea i had before i quited for the hackhunter was having a client sided package checking for interactions. This will totally destroy all posibilities to load a Uscript bot since these make extra internaction.

You basicly call interactionmaster and itterate trough all the interactions. This will give a list of all the interactions. Then you check if there is deviation from the interaction. I will try to write to code tonight

General Chat / Question for your own server
« on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 11:07:58 AM »
I would like to run my own test server for testing software using assist. I might get some bans on my own server. Do own server bans also result in bans? Is it possible to disable streaming?


Introductions / Re: Crusader
« on: Wednesday, February 29, 2012, 03:58:01 AM »
Haha crunkie in jail, that sucks for him :P

I am not gona release any new hacks. any noobs who are cought with the current hack deserve it because if you use it correclty you can use it undetected

I desided not to make any undetected public hacks with SS cleaner for this game since you guys put so mutch effort in it. Would be a shame to see 2.5 die.

Introductions / Re: Crusader
« on: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 18:24:00 PM »
Well i heared some guys screaming when we logged the passwords of accounts with a mod. this is bassicly the same.

The software looks nice. To bad you didn;t release the interresting parts of the source code, but smart ;)

i think the hwid is changable if you really want. It alsosucks you use ip the for authentication which is not listed as a domain name. Wanted to use a simple host file edit to see what happens if i send my own response "playerloginok -{DG}-_Crusade 0101000813789V eZh#w~w1O" but already noticed you randomized the return. now i can;t test if my own return would have worked and accepted my fake login. will try it later when i have some more time.

Introductions / Re: Crusader
« on: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 17:13:35 PM »
thats is true. if you want to use a really good methode you need ot use blowfish or reigein but i just give a simple example for them to inprove security allot.

Introductions / Re: Crusader
« on: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 17:06:04 PM »

some feedback on the assist program. i wouldn;t send the password unencrypted from the user to the server. its better to encrypt a password before sending.

Introductions / Re: Crusader
« on: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 16:41:57 PM »
I have never heared of it. so propably it wasn;t me ;)

Introductions / Re: Crusader
« on: Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 16:19:19 PM »
The platform compatibility is really nice. i will give it a try!

@spanky. Nice, What do you think af my new computer:

any surgestions for a video card?
some poeple recommend the EVGA GeForce GTX 560 Ti FPB

I have also been working on a few companies. 2 i won't mention here since 1 is a hacking site and the other one a hentai. I also have 1 called where you can search for rooms on google maps and 1 is called there poeple can created there own survival bag

Pages: 1 [2] 3

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