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Messages - ishootfriendlies

Pages: 1 [2]
Background Checks / Re: Watch List
« on: Sunday, June 24, 2012, 21:18:15 PM »
I just played with "sk8rboi" on Hosp.

He's shady to say the least. he was doing bad -- some people started to talk shit and next thing you know he found the VIP - and killed any player in his way for the next 3 rounds.

People started to call him out for cheating -- he left.

That was exactly what I experienced.  All of a sudden he was superman, and with a pistol.

Background Checks / Re: Watch List
« on: Sunday, June 24, 2012, 15:16:21 PM »
Here is one:


Playing on hospital with him, he picks sniper assault and rushes through parking.  Watched him do this about 6 times.  He uses pistol when he gets there, and shoots faster with pistol than ar shoots.  Watched him kill four people at once on two separate rounds.  Def was there with 2 sf, ar, rpk and he killed them all with the pistol.  Twice.

Oh yeah, he is a 10 honor who just started today.  His account number is 818470

General Chat / Re: Am i about to be screwed?
« on: Thursday, June 21, 2012, 21:51:24 PM »
It happened again!  This time I took screenshots.

First I got this:

Then I tried to log in again and got the "you have been caught" message.  I said ok and tried to log in again and got this:

Look at the violation log.  Same freakin one.  What is the deal?

General Chat / Re: Am i about to be screwed?
« on: Sunday, May 27, 2012, 14:09:05 PM »

clean player, except maybe he's friendly flashed me a few too many times

Ha!   Be honest, you probably deserved it...

General Chat / Re: Am i about to be screwed?
« on: Saturday, May 26, 2012, 08:27:01 AM »
Sounds incredibly strange. Your session log history matches your description. Except the last line is odd because the log begins at 04:43:36 but the logout happened at 04:59.

This was the 4:09 events, that is when the PB log shows a violation
3:57 JOIN- -- 04:09 JOIN- -- 04:09 LOGOUT
04:09 JOIN- -- 04:12 LOGOUT

I don't know about the other logouts or how that works.  In some places in the log, it show three or four logouts in a row separates by 15-20 minute intervals, with no login.  I have no idea how any of that works.

General Chat / Re: Am i about to be screwed?
« on: Saturday, May 26, 2012, 00:45:31 AM »
I have never seen this kick before and that is not the typical anti-poke kick. We'll have to wait until someone more knowledgeable sees this.

After I got the message I clicked on the deploy tab and clicked "join game" and it said "you must be logged in".  I have never logged out, so maybe I was logged out?  I don' know.  Then I closed and opened and I was logged in when I reopened.

General Chat / Am i about to be screwed?
« on: Saturday, May 26, 2012, 00:26:54 AM »
I was playing a couple minutes ago, and when I tried to login I got a message that said something like:
"You have been banned for antipoke.  You are being reported."  I was not ingame, just switching from Weapons Cache to Bridge.

Then it went away and I was able to login and play, after closing AA.  I am not sure what antipoke is, but am I banned?  Why would it say that and then just go away?

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