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Topics - [CZBGR]Lytton

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AA Support / is this a glitch?
« on: Monday, January 04, 2016, 19:33:03 PM »
I've just been experiencing a sound bug after I exit the game (while playing a server). I'd just simply exit the match, and the ambient sound is continuously on loop. even after exiting AAO25, the sound is still there. I've checked the processes, and neither shows up. I've played AA for years, so I know how it goes, especially with AA2. but somehow, this time it's different.

now, as far as turning the sound on/off from my system, I've tried it. what I have is not the most conventional of methods when using it, but it's the only way that works. what I have to do is while I'm waiting on the team selection screen, I just simply unplug, and replug back in my sound device (what I use is a USB connection that has multiple inputs/outputs) to be able to get sound from the game. no problem. I know that sounds weird, because I don't have to do this to any other game, but it's a minor workaround. anyway, since getting this new glitch, I've tried unplugging it again and reconnecting, but the phantom audio is still there. would it be possible someone messed with the sound files recently? the only way I can get rid of it is to restart my entire machine. it still comes back every time I play 2.5. which means restarting it, or just stay on mute if I don't listen to anything else.

Assist Support / can't enter a server
« on: Sunday, July 26, 2015, 21:24:45 PM »

problem resolved.

General Chat / a question, if you please....
« on: Sunday, March 31, 2013, 16:16:33 PM »
so, I just downloaded AA25 Assist, and thought, pretty rad, eh? then I realized a bit of a problem.

I'm used to 2.8.5, and unfortunately, I'm not one of those old timers that started off with 2.5. I actually started off on 2.6, before I realized there was 2.7, then 2.8...and all the way to 2.8.5. so, my question is:

since I have a user.ini, and prefer not to confuse myself by trying to start from scratch, could I use the relevant commo commands where the keybinds start in the User.INI (would rather use a text editor anyway)? I'm just hoping that this wouldn't mess up, or cause a mismatch, because I know some of the features from 2.8.5, may not have existed, or relevant to 2.5. generally, I don't remember what 2.6 was exactly like, let alone 2.5, but I imagine the experience is similar.

anyway, that's all I have for now. peace brah.

oh, also: how do i fix the sound device issue I'm having? it seems to accept a device I've already disabled, which is enabled as soon as I plug in a headphone, even though it's plugged in to my primary one? I can only fix it by unplugging it to plug in tot he one it was looking for, then unplug it to plug it back in to my primary one. kind of annoying.

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